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how many of those were caused by niggers or mexicans?

Seems like there isnt a gun problem but a nigger problem

why is the left so keen on pointing out that America is having a massive black crime problem? That's so racist.

Thats nice, but the discussion is about the swedish government covering up rapes to their public. The homicide rate in the US for gun deaths is an unrelated topic. We can discuss that once we have discussed the primary topic.

Dark skinned peoples are the root of both problems so thanks for posting correlating information to the primary topic though.

If you removed non whites it would be 0.33 (I think)


>well it would be OKAY if not for niggers and jews

>having niggers in your country leads to crime

in other news water is wet, blood is thick and the sky is blue

join us tomorrow for more obvious facts, does lynching blacks lead to a drop in crime?

the answer will be painfully obvious

I'm not a raider tho, I'm making fun of dummief00t

If gun control works so well why do it's proponents obfuscate statistics?

Raw numbers like that without context are meaningless. You do realize that, that number includes gang warfare in the States, i.e. dindus shooting each other in Chicago, AND if I'm not mistaken, doesn't include suicides too, which are done by handgun?

You can pick a white, peace-loving area, like Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, Vermont, Maine, and hear about local homicides maybe once or twice in your lives.

You Europeans need to understand, that gun violence is almost entirely concentrated in specific areas, dindu mostly, which can be avoided easily.

>Thunderfoot confirmed Nazi, white supremacist.

>Probably a pedo too.

c'mon media do your job goddamnit

Annual US firearm homicides is about 8,000.
USA has 310-320 million residents.
310,000,000 / 8,000 / 100,000 = 0.3875.
So, the chart is wrong.

Post The grenade one

What does guns have to do with trumps point ?
I'm surprised we're that high, blame drug dealers.

This. The only reason I own a gun is to protect myself from niggers.

Europeans refuse to understand this but their grandchildren will understand perfectly.

>R^2= 0.00062

Someone should tweet him the infographs that factor out the nigs, bringing the US down to the European average.

To be fair, I think that's the case in Sweden as well. Just avoid the no-go zones :)

Yeah fucking this.



>gun homocide rate = homocide rate

gtfo shitskin

Someone should post Grenade stats

If you removed non-whites, the USA would have a population of zero.

>the country with more niggers has more crime

Hahha Drumpfkins BTFO

I love how they move the goalposts all the time when they get btfo. We aren't talking about Americas problems, we have plenty and we know it, we're talking about Swedecucks


>what does homicides have to do with crime?

Why not just homicides, or rapes.

America would be Belgium-tier for crime without niggers

Most of those firearms were from illegal sources if you trace the ID numbers or the ID numbers were filed off. Find me crimes where the Gun's ID number matches the perpetrator committing the crime.

You know they do that to pad stats to make niggers look better right?

That's the point.

now exclude the niggers

The beige peoples of 56istan deserve to be free of nogs.

And when I mean illegal sources, I mean the guns were stolen from somewhere. Not properly registered with the individual using it.

Guns are illegal in Canada

>little countries comparing themselves to a country the size of a continent
>not extrapolating according
>cry and plead and campaign to protect niggers and spics
>they commit almost all violent fucking crime
>turn around and BLAME the white people & conservatives for it

all left-leaning fuckfaces need to go. im starting to think we DO need a war, and to ensure all of these scumbags are drafted and forced on the front lines

Shouldn't Thunderfoot be harrassing Anita Sarkeesian?

Ah yes, the old 'Enlightened European tries to take away America's guns meme'.

So what you're saying is that you don't want people to be able to defend themselves when Muslims gang rape someone? Are you mad that big strong guys like yourself have to behave themselves and can't just strongarm the weak?

Now remove all the gun control states.

Yes and we will tell you it's not white people doing this. Its blacks and foreigners. If it was white people doing it their faces would be all over the news.

It's 3.9 or 12,300 in 2013 while Sweden has a rating on 0.9 or something.

But that chart is wrong, we don't have so many murders by guns.

Wtf we came second?

I've never met anyone here with a gun that wasn't used primarily for hunting/showpiece.

Must be Toronto's fault

Sup Forums BTFO

Shouldn't Mexico be above US the stats?

You do realize what "per 100,000 persons" means?

>atheist kiddy edgelord leader is a leftist apologist

damn...who would have thought?

Still 15 times more likely to be raped by a migrant in Sweden than gun homicided in America. Do the math. Spread it.

No, it would be

100000 (8000/310000000) = 2.58

It's still wrong, it looks like they used total homicides over all, and not just gun deaths.

What about rapes and knife attacks?
Also gun crime in USA are mainly by blacks.


also checked


lets not talk about genetic differences

I imagine Trump is talking about immigrants causing a disproportionate amount of crime and not how many people were killed by guns.

As I said in and , the ones committing the crimes mostly will have stolen it or purchased it on an illicit market.

Yea that's true. But i mean, what about rapes and knife attacks in Sweden. Gun crime alone means fuck all to begin with. OPs stupid infograph only shows gun crime. Also not cited. Therefore worthless.

And now reread your post and look at the US.
The reason why everyone is shaking their heads is because the US handles immigration far worse and has more crime due to immigrants (something which Trump emphasized in his run more than a few times).

I have no idea how they arrived at the number they did, either way.

CJIS is a great resource


for example, chimpcongo. it doesnt have a gun problem. it has a nigger problem

They included deaths from knifes, blunt objects, hands etc.

This picture makes one thing absolutely clear. We need to kill off all of our niggers.

not one of those countries has anywhere near 330mil citizens


oh wow

What those countries have in common to lower that is not gun control, it's little shitskins, pic related, we have gun control too, it's almost impossible for a normal citizen to get a gun.

>British cuck interjects and tries to pursuede a foriegn power to change its laws because "muh feelings"

we need another 1776

>its a "murder rate is down but leftists are going to use gun homicide rates instead" episode

Call him out that on this fucking shit.
Up until now i had any respect for him, but not anymore.

What the fuck happened to Thunderfoot? I mean he's painted himself into a corner going after Feminists and SJWs for years and now he himself is going full SJW cutting though his main support base. For such a "smart" person he's not very smart.


White Americans have the same Homicide rate as Europe

Also Sweden is a fucking joke

Remove niggers and come back.

White homicide rate is 5.5 per 100 thousand

The exact same as Europes

sorry its 2.6 per 100 thousand

>if you protect your wife from her rapist, he wins.

Gee, I wonder why that is


they wont let trump deport non whites.......


>When you choose to focus on gun homicide rate and most homicides in your countries are made with other weapons.

>they never show the entire list
I wonder why...

It's about 12,000 annually. The FBI data is not complete because some states do not submit complete data. Use the CDC, which goes off of ICD10 codes on death certificates. Also, you don't know how to calculate a rate per 100,000 and you should feel bad.


I didn't realize he was an anti-gun cuck. Can't say I'm surprised.


>Being defended by anglobros
I knew you guys actually cared.



>anyone in that picture
kill yourself

most of them are leftists

whos far right, and two on the left?

Now compare violent crimes per 100,000 citizens and not just gun deaths.

Thubderf00ts neck isn't anywhere near the right size in that picture.

Murder rates among whites in US is on EU level
Black murder rates are 15 which is about average african levels
In places like detroit anc chicago its 50 though


can someone make one with white population please? to show negative correlation

Wonder what grenade attacks statistic looks like.

its actually about 11,000