What do you do when you are almost 40 years old and you have accomplished nearly nothing in your life?

What do you do when you are almost 40 years old and you have accomplished nearly nothing in your life?



Join a monstary
Devote yourself to a charitable cause
Disconnect from society and live in the forest

I dunno OP. You failed by modern society's standards, but you still have the option to tell modern society to fuck off and do your own thing. Realize that societal standards dont have to be YOUR standards. Hopes this helps m8, and remember, 99.9% of us wont be remembered for jack, so try not to be so hard on yourself.

Accomplish something.

Go to sweden and shoot some muslims,at least do something for your people before dieing....

do something about it.

You're 40 and don't have kids, that's your problem.

What do you consider an accomplishment?

Why would you care?
You obviously didnt care for 40 years why start now?
Just work a bit, get some money and have hobbies.
Accomplishing anything of worth these days is virtually impossible.

Its all about what you can earn and nothing else. If you dont need much, why care.

Im 30, just a simple worker dude. You would have to define "accomplishment" to me. Having a job and being able to live somewhat comfortable is enough for me.

Repent and give your life to Christ.

You will be more successful than Bill Gates.

You leave nothing behind when you die.

Try new things

Read these two books user, mark my words: How To Win Friends And Influence People, and Think And Grow Rich. Problem solved, have a great life brobro

you don't have to accomplish anything.

just do whatever you want in life

I think this everyday

If I was you I'd start going around visiting places where women dwell and spread my seeds all over the place. This is one way of beating the final boss in life and thus, beating the game.

Do what I did when I hit that problem: Just get daily blowjobs from OP's mother.

Somebody fuck cucked Sweden. They need to get laid because their women are being banged by immigrants and leave Sven to raise mudbabies and get divorce raped.

Like what? I turn 40 in April and it doesn't really seem that I think like this although maybe I'm in denial.


Yeah but none of those people spent their days shitposting

write a book like that guy who wrote "The War of Art" my dude. channel your life experience into something that others can benefit from. tons of young people are desperately seeking mentorship and are unable to find it because so many people think everything has already been said and dont apply themselves to teaching. write a book.

shitpost is your life now

>born in a high developed country
>is a poor lazy asshole


>haven't done shit for 40 years
>be a mentor

just wait for ww3 with us failures


You know nihilism now. Let it set you free. The answer is a new high score.

>brazil is a high developped country

more like monkey infested shithole nigger hell

>Yeah but none of those people spent their days shitposting

that's all jk rowling did, evidently, and sold it as a series of books

First of all that will likely never happen.

Secondly quality not quantity.

there is nothing to accomplish. it's all in your head what you define accomplishment. You're just a average human with feelings nothing more. Life it's just there and it's not meant to accomplish anything.

join the illuminati and rule the world

Well technically life accomplishes evolution whether we want it to or not. One way or another we are part of the evolutionary process and there is literally no escaping it.

You've got another 40 to make up for your fuckup. Stop being a faggot and make yourself great. Or...KYS

Start accomplishing. A man only gets better in age. Stop spending time crying and spend time doing.

define accomplishments OP, because most people in this world go their whole lives without doing anything of note. Just growing up, going to work, raising a family and dying.

Keep being a Democrat. Worked out well so far, right? kek

Tell myself that 40 is the new 30

evolution isn't an accomplishment, it's just a never-ending adaptation to a changing environment. Evolution truly is the greatest meme of the modern era.

Life is not about ticking the right boxes on the societal check list my friend. Keep your mind open and your heart fire burning. Discover nature. Read books. Learn how to cook. Eat healthily. Get fit. Have hobbies. Become a Spiritual Warrior. Keep the inner child alive. Be playful in your creativity and RESIST. RESIST. RESIST.

An accomplishment is simply a result.

technically evolution is just there same with the universe. The universe is not meant to accomplish anything but it's just there because that's how it works.

And that's not true either. Many species haven't evolved for millions of years. However every single member is still part of the ongoing process to reinforce that.

U live in norway, go to sweden, accomplish, through speeches in the streets/halls and homes that we must save the white race from being a minority in their own country, and that immigration solves nothing


What does accomplishment really mean though, in the grand scheme of things?

I used to worry a whole lot about this, because I was choosing to live a life that didn't entail getting married, being rich, being respected, etc. My personal life, as a pastor/theologian is going to largely consist of being called crazy, being poor, remaining celibate and so forth.

Luckily, modern accomplishment doesn't really mean anything. Nor do most expectations. It's about finding your fulfillment and your "destiny" to put it in romantic terms.

There are probably some people that will say "you'll do something great eventually" or such. But that's not necessarily the case. I think every life and path has value in certain ways, but it might very well be that neither you nor I ever "accomplish anything" in our lives. Part of the struggle in life, I feel is shedding that source of expectation, that source of normalcy, and finding what fulfills you. What you believe to be true.

Best of luck to you, user.

Report from no - go zones in Sweden on periscope

>Reading comprehension

Don't you have some exams to cheat on, Ping?


Listen well

If you're considering suicide, put on a show. You don't have to kill someone, but try going on a high speed chase after throwing pig carcasses into a mosque or something
end it by driving into the ocean or into a gas pump.
Cause enough destruction and you'll be on the news for 2 weeks tops, plus whenever people are looking for shit related to norway 2017, strange crime, etc., your wiki page will always have visitors

>If you're considering suicide, put on a show
>your wiki page will always have visitors

This. Its truth. Digits confirmed.

y'all doing it wrong:
go full Breivik on Bilderberg meeting.

Living 40 years is an accomplishment in itself.

If that is not enough, then do something crazy. Start a business. Hitchhike across the continent. Start a pedo ring and subvert national governments.

Just break the bonds, even if you sacrifice everything you have. Especially when what you have is shit to begin with.

i reported a dance club

Go into your garage, turn you car on, and just wait

Only normies accomplish things. Just die peacefully or use your Nordic privilege to your benefit.

Does getting out of bed in order to spare my mother and sister the trauma of my suicide count as a goal?

Get a cute 19 year old boyfriend to fuck

smoke weed and play videogames

that's how he got to where he is today, dipshit

Join the meme war, faggot

>manoj bhargava
>until 30 monk
>disrobed to sell energy drinks
no ;_;

but you can play till you finish a game and learn skills that's a great accomplishment

i havent played any video games since high school but i can tell you that beating a video game never felt like an accomplishment to me. it gave me more of an empty feeling more than anything else.

re-evaluate what life is and what has meaning to you, and do that thing.
an accomplishment for you is not necessarily a general accomplishment in the eyes of the world.

it's most likely a mid-life crisis; if you manage it well i'm betting that you'll be a more balanced and happy person afterwards

.t psychologist user

Keep playing video games?

i was thinking about setting up an appointment to one of you people
how expensive is it though?

Read Benjamin Franklin's autobiography. One of the greatest men who ever lived and he was kind enough to detail his journey to success.

you watch this

Get over yourself your not that special

Wonder how the hell i turned into Michael Moore.
I'm STEM, I'll be fine

start accomplishing something

wtf....really. you need someone to tell you that?

>23 and starting to lose hope

why obsess over what jews think about you

You fight globalism

>why obsess over what jews think about you

This. Do your shit don't fall for muh accomplishment meme.
Women go for that : Travel Educayshun Dogs and partying
All of those women are unhappy.
Just get some money go to South East Asia open business in Thailand get Thai girl and have a family.Stop following kike dreams. We are not equal in money (kike success) but we all can be happy in family (Reasonable people happiness)