Are fags degenerate?

Are fags degenerate?

Other urls found in this thread:

>there is only one proper way to live your life
>anybody who doesnt follow my highly specific special snowflake guidelines is a 'degenerate'


>highly specific
Just stop blowing other dudes and shitting on people's faces it isn't a hard concept

Scat fetish is degenerate regardless whether you like men or women.

>what two consenting adults do bothers me

>denying yourself the joy of creating a child with the woman you love and raising it in a healthy, stable family unit
>because you want to feel dirty and have men stick their dicks in your shithole

totally not degenerate

Yeah what's wrong with that? What are you some kind of liberal?

I'VE SEEN MORE WHITE WOMEN EATING SHIT...2 girls one cup just for starters

> t. fag