Really think about this question and answer it seriously:
Are 2d lolis redpilled? isn't it the ultimate opposition to slut culture and feminist roasties?
Really think about this question and answer it seriously:
Are 2d lolis redpilled? isn't it the ultimate opposition to slut culture and feminist roasties?
all lolis are redpilled.
Enjoy the ban
Pedophiles belong in graves.
FUCK YES you guys are so close to a genuine defense of pedophilia
>the ultimate redpill is raping a child
2D lolis doesn't mean pedo shit you idiot. lewdness doesn't belong anywhere near lolis.
t. podesta
Loli is short form of Japanese word lolicon, which means pedophile. Loli means, object of desire for pedophiles which is a little girl.
what if the child consents tho?
A child cannot consent.