Why are rural people such ignorant and conservative?

Why are rural people such ignorant and conservative?

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I ask you the same question, just replace rural and conservative with city folk and liberal.

because they r low iq

Hey samurai.

One day you will understand that the knowledge of rural people is superior as it has allowed them to survive for millennia.

yeah you mean why citty people so smart. right?

everyone knows you and that forces you trying not to be a degenerate
in cities you are a no name useless shit, no one cares if you are a pedo or a horse fucker, so it triggers degeneracy

The rural kids that go to university tend to stay in cities where they can find employment, leaving uneducated people in their home town.

Not that being educated and urban makes you enlightened or anything, but you get the idea.

yeah. you meant people like me?

Why are city slag so arrogant and blind?

Think of rural and suburban shitholes as human farms.

The people who live there are made to have shit tons of kids, and those who are born with high IQs, or are genetically exceptional are taken away and moved to the cities.

Those who stay are exterminated, either by the police, random shootings or meth and the cycle continues forever.