Okay, spin aside, Milo is actually 90% destroyed here. He will just be a minor e-celeb now.

>Fired from Breitbart (Just breaking)
>Book deal canceled
>CPAC banned
>All major media companies state they will blacklist him
>Universities all canceled his college tour

Le Ebin Faggot just got hosed. He flew too close to the sun. Political assassins always come out when you start to get too big.

Other urls found in this thread:

Remind my why we ever liked this nigger fucking faggot.

So whats this pedo shit I am hearing?

>No perverts

To be even slightly intellectually consistent, we must buy him a ticket back to britbongistan where he can continue to suck cock in obscurity

Uhh watch his press conference

He's starting his own media website
He's publishing his own book
He's still doing university tours

He's getting a huge amount of funding for all of this

This is actually making him more powerful than ever before

The jews really went full throttle on him
you can say you don't like milo but thats missing the point, the left should be allowed to have hundreds of their news sites lie at once and call someone a pedo
It might be someone you like next time

>He will just be a minor e-celeb now.

He already *is* a minor e-celeb. If you stop 100 people on the street and ask them who Milo is you might find 2 or 3 who have heard of him. It's embarrassing that people are stuck in such an echo chamber that they confuse it for the real world.

He has barely been touched.

Not gonna lie, former Milo fan here, it's fucking hilarious watching him crash in burn. But in all seriousness, we can't let this homo get his hands on the age of consent laws.

>overgrown Hitler Youth gets his career ruined

Oh nooo that sucks

Is he keeping the million dollar book advance?

>Final Plot Twist
>Trump deports him

Bu...bu..but Nazi!!

Yeah just like Sarah Palin when she got hosed.

>So whats this pedo shit I am hearing?
George Takei on the Howard Stern show

so Milo and a little boy are walking into the woods together at night and the little boy says, "I'm scared." so Milo says "you think you're scared? I have to go back alone."

Good, he was nothing more than a useful degenerate.

Sarah Palin is nothing like Milo

>States people who are pubescent should be able to make adult decisions
>Gets called a pedophile

Honestly. If a hot 30 year old chick came up to you when you were 13 and said "Do you want to play with my tits?" and you say no you're a fucking faggot.

He got molested and said it wasn't the worst thing ever.

Media calls him a pedophile.

He is now considered an apostate no differently than if this were a sharia country.

Humanity fuck why?

Wtf I hate Milo and love whatever shitty fucking point you're apparently trying to make by spamming the god damn mother fucking board with your stupid fucking shit of the week shareblue

>Make career out of triggering sensitive liberals
>Career goes down in flames for triggering conservatives
>Rest in piss

He has to play up the victim card. Still I can't see some waspy college group inviting this clown to campus anymore.

How can anyone have watched his press conference just now and not support him

You shilled this in another thread but you're not exactly wrong.

>Talk about how you got your dick sucked at 14 more than a year ago.
>Suddenly you're a pedo



Nah, he's gonna survive it. Holy fuck man, he's gonna actually survive it. They're done. The media is done. Just a question of time, but the end of this year will look very different already.

>Fired from Breitbart (Just breaking)
he hasnt written anything for a year and he never wrote about tech despite being the tech editor

>Book deal canceled
nobody reads books and anything you want to know about milo you can watch on youtube

>CPAC banned
conservative conference. milo is not a conservative.

>All major media companies state they will blacklist him
[citation needed]

>Universities all canceled his college tour
[citation needed]

He's fired from Breitbart.

The MSM want nothing to do with him now that he has no scope.

Book cancelled.

Disegaged completely from the mainstream right.

Like all of the "so-called Alt-Right" (including Sup Forums), he was a useful tool and taken for a ride.

Just as Flynn was removed, Bannon will be too.

They will be replaced by Republican globalist establishment members. Trumps presidency will just be another retread of Bush Jnr.

You got played like the Tea Party.

His live conference just completely turned it all around.

This cunt can not be stopped.

>Fired from Breitbart (Just breaking)
Wrong. He resigned. His own decision.
>Book deal canceled
Others have taken interest in publishing it.
>CPAC banned
CuckPAC is irrelevant.
>All major media companies state they will blacklist him
>Universities all canceled his college tour
He finished his college tour weeks ago.

Fuck off shill.

>Fired from Breitbart (Just breaking)
Not a big deal since he wants to start his own media
>Book deal canceled
And will be hiven to another publisher
>CPAC banned
not a big deal
>All major media companies state they will blacklist him
I highly doubt.
>Universities all canceled his college tour

>critic of Islam and feminism shoahed
>"we won Sup Forums!!!!!!"

she-boons revenge?

Only nu-Sup Forums ever liked this fag

why are we at a point where we treat him like as if a major politician resigns?

Milo will rise again.

yeah they torched that nigger. I don't care though. This fag needed a wakeup call. Gays are not "based" no matter how you align yourself. Shape up. fucking kike.

I don't think so bruv. If you can't survive false rape allegations, no way you can survive fake pedo allegations.

That's the world we live in.

Did you faggots even watch the press conference

He's already got another book deal sales are already spiking

He's doing another college tour

He's starting his own media company

You retards don't understand any publicity is good publicity, simple as

Cuckpack wouldnt even let Ron Paul speak. And a bunch of them got ass blasted when Trump spoke there last year. Fuck those faggots.

>the left

Did nothing.

The video was compiled by a Republican advocacy group and released through conservative websites and journalists. Aside from Jake Tapper, the left had nothing to do with this.

It was Clinton-Supporting Republicans, like Glenn Beck, Evan McMullin, Rick Wilson, Ben Shapiro and Louise Mensch.

This was house cleaning by the Republicans.

It-boon more like

when the left spends over 6,000,000 to shill on Sup Forums and in a week its back to normal with most of it supporting milo

kek why does the left always fail when it comes to pol?

We actually didn't.
He was always regarded as a massive degenerate, and at best a useful idiot, here. It's just the redditors coming out of the woodworks to defend him now, because lefties are okay with pedophilia.

Do you guys not realize the greater threat his loss poses? Milo was the only public face of the new, non neocon right wing in media. His defeat marks a major pivot in the battle for the narrative. The leftist media now goes completely unchallenged, and this all just as Milo was starting to break into that bubble. Now there is nobody out there to redpill the masses.
And furthermore the left has just gained a huge weapon. It won't be long until we're all labelled as Nazi pedophiles. This is a major blow to the rise of the right.

> Sup Forums actually siding with Glenn Beck and the Kike Machine

>overgrown leaf gets raked by migrants

>Be attention whore
>Realize that America is ripe for gay "conservative" meme
>Come over and grandstand
>Suck Tyrone's cock literally every second not on camera
>Degeneracy now reaching critical levels
>Burry yourself so deep in alt right movement that they have to use tweezers and a lighter to dig you out

The disgusting leech must go

I don't really give a shit about Milo, but it's a good thing that he's fucked. He was a useful idiot, but now his time is done.

The GOP has been stuck in opposition mode since Obama was elected. Milo isn't even a conservative, he just pisses off people that conservatives don't like.

Now the GOP has pretty much the most political power they can reasonably hope to have, and they're squandering it still trying to act like an opposition party. All that comes out of modern conservatives is "we're against x". They define themselves purely by what they don't like.

Now they have the power. It's time for them to shift gears and define themselves in their own terms. I hope Milo's ousting will help precipitate this necessary change.

Hmm okay.

He should stop being gay though. I know we no longer stone faggots to death, but they need to understand that it's not because they don't deserve it.

Trump can survive them.

Milo apologized and tried to explain though instead of dismissing, discrediting and attacking.

He cucked himself.

Trump did survive rape allegations, prostitution pissing allegations, and allegations of faux pedophilia regarding his daughter. Milo will fight for the spot light no matter what it takes. Gays are willing to take on anything is what I'm saying, and not just in the butt. Milo will fight to stay relevant or die and if that pisses off not only Libshits, but cuckservatives too then I will be happy

Even the guys who did a show with him a year ago are pissed as fuck at the MSM.

The only tactics they have is ridicule and shame which really doesn't work on neets on an anonymous image board,

Trump survived both. The precedent has been set.

His ego is enormous. That press conference was brutal to listen to. Hopefully it'll be the last we hear of him for awhile. If he wants to be involved in politics, of course there's a double standard compared to the drag queen at the gay bar, it's absolutely retarded and disingenuous to think otherwise.

Definitely not siding with them. Just clarifying that this attack wasn't launched by "the left" but from the anti-nationalist cuckservative frige. The video was created by the "Reagen Battalion", a Republican equivalent of CTR and first broken through Glenn Becks The Blaze and spread on twitter by Ben Shapiro.

Also, daily reminmder Milo is actually a victim of pedophilia. He was milested in his 13. It's not a good move to media to attack him on this issue.

He was being a typical Jew the whole time

He thought he was untouchable. I'll pour one out for the little faggot. He caused such massive amounts of liberal asshurt. I'll miss that about him.

a fuckin knoife

This. Liberal logic mate. They pretend they werent teenagers. We all had that one hot teacher we used to want to fuck at school as well as wanting to fuck whatever celebrity twice our age at the time.

Libs are fuckign backwards. Lena Dunham can actually refer to herself as a sexual predator in regards to how she used to abuse her little sister and no one bats a fuckin eye lid!

>cut-away view of """mother's""" pelvis

Milo was a lightning rod for leftists that caused them to show their craziness, and distracted them enough that we could make moves in tbe background. Hes not unique but he was an asset that was lost. Niggers like you should smarten up


It's just the status quo refusing to acquiesce power to revolutionaries like Trump and attempting to reassert power.

It makes them look like squabbling children.

It's also risky as they only have the power they have because of Trump, and they are refusing to compromise and instead seem intent on sinking the ship rather than sharing.

>muh conspiracy to frame him

I want these faggot lovers to leave.


Blaming the victim is okay when they do it.

Wrong. Donnie is the face
He's all we need

So shocked a degenerate faggot has been gassed for being a degenerate.

Isnt it funny how the CIA/MSM try and destroy someone, but it just makes them more popular.

How many times do they wanna pull this shit and fail? KEK


Yes but all of the people supporting milo are aware of the media lying all the fucking time and it will draw this to the forefront of normie attention, just like Trump did it.

Massive redpills dropping all over the world.

>first broken through Glenn Becks The Blaze and spread on twitter by Ben Shapiro.

The two most worthless people on the right. At least Kristol and Brooks are honest about their devotion to the Dems.

Oh no, it's not as if he hasn't made a career out of being polarising and pissing off the establishment.

yeah. the fake outrage over 'pedophilia' is a distraction from the real evil shit the elites are doing

selling children into sex slavery and blackmailing politicians, harvesting organs, etc.

the age of consent is a tool feminists use to keep being 'strong independent' fuck holes for a little longer. Otherwise men would grow instantly tired of slutty bimbos and marry little girls before they became corrupted and disgusting whores.

But again I must stress that Milo is a fag and there is no forgiving that. Lena is also a fag IIRC.

>the man whose counter culture is losing because culture is against him


>Much like Shapiro he wanted to leave and do his own thing
>Already has a new book deal
>CPAC is irrelevant
>All media companies already blacklisted him

He is now a martyr against the corporate media and it will have the pussygate effect. His supporters will double down their support for him.

If anyone was getting cozy with the republican establishment, please let this redpill you. This was an attack within the republican party. Breitbart seems not to be based either.

Except the left loves pedophiles. Pedo acceptance is less than 20 years away.

This, nu/pol/ keeps saying otherwise


i like how he is in damage control mode and back peddling from his statements.

>a child molesting, homosexial, black cock loving jew is the face of the alt right

my fucking sides

According to Milo it was all good and fun for him to be molested.



she has no new movies in production and is pleading to get back on SNL. she's been done for awhile.

but he didn't do that at all

he doubled down and said it's an organized media attack against him and he's not going to stop

Except sarah palin didn't know how to talk write or even execute a single succesful interview

Political power doesn't mean jack shit if the right doesn't have the hearts and minds of people. If the majority of the population and the next generation hasn't rebuked the SJW IDpol left within the next 20 years then the west is finished, and no politician can stop that.

>Fired from Breitbart (Just breaking)

He said he is looking to start his own media company. Not sure about the details but I imagine he wants to start his own conservative online publication. And it will absolutely be successful just due to the name and nature of Milo. Both fans and detractors alike will visit in droves.

>Book deal canceled

Other publishers already expressed interest in publishing the book. And even then, I'm sure he has enough money to self publish.

>CPAC banned

Legitimately sucks.

>All major media companies state they will blacklist him

This literally isn't going to affect him in any major way. He may not be invited to be interviewed, but that doesn't mean the MSM isn't going to continue to follow and report on Milo.

>Universities all canceled his college tour

Source me up senpai, because he stated that he is continuing his college tour.

All of this was stated in the press conference. His name is a bit tarnished, but far from dead. He'll be fine.

>It's just the redditors coming out of the woodworks to defend him now

And people who don't want to see other Nazis turn into Useful Idiots.

>Le Ebin Faggot just got hosed. He flew too close to the son.


Shut up faggot, go away fucking shill

He's a blunt instrument with which to beat the media into submission.

Milo's victim card is pretty fucking strong here. The media have been railing against clerical abuse for decades, and now Milo has positioned himself as one of the victims of this abuse that the media has spent so much time and effort villifying.

I wouldn't be surprised if this makes him more popular.

>2017 and leftist shill tactics still work
just fucking kys