Well Sup Forums, what is her IQ?
Well Sup Forums, what is her IQ?
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Reverted to the mean.
85 like the average of her race
Taking regression into the mean into account its probably around 85
I don't know, but it'll leave me speechless.
Gorilla has no IQ.
About 92.
Gorilla's actually can guess at an IQ test better than most of Africa. I shit you not.
If someone says above 95 is fake news.
8 gorillion
swipe left please op i need to know
Tree fiddy.
I would colonise her so fast like my ancestors did to australia
Did you mean 148.8?
I guess a penal colony counts as a colony
No. No 14.88 sounds right.
Thank God I'm not the only one. I always thought I was a nigger lover for thinking that she's sexy.
It's probably only +2 over the 80 average, shocking for a nigger I know
Smart enough to go for the Big White Cock!
>I always thought I was a nigger lover
You are, but the Obama girls don't give you the main benefit of Oil-Drillin'
That's just makes you both nigger lovers though
She's just hot because of her white features. I think Malia is sexy, and she's not got the face of the average flat and big nosed nigger. She's also got ass and some beautiful legs.
If it was a number under 100 they would never make that article.
Please, you're embarrassing the rest of us.
Real criminals in England were fucking hung. The criminals sent to Oz was code for "poor people"
said to be 200+, previously unheard of outside of tibetan monasteries
:) you get it. Checked
Pretty good for a nigger
>le IQ maymay
I took that shitty test you faggots always link yesterday and scored 137 "higher than 97.3% of the world. IQ is a fucking meme, I dropped out of school for a trade job
stfu pleb
She to the boon
Her sister is appropriating white culture
This has to stop
>I dropped out of school for a trade job
You feel for the meme that doing so makes you dumb
>Does smart thing
>No goys I'm actually retarded
that's my iq m8
it's good?
Impressive for a monkey
she has some damn nice tits
>taking free online tests