ITT: We discuss what's is currently happening in the Hillary Wins timeline

ITT: We discuss what's is currently happening in the Hillary Wins timeline.

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liberals are bullying us and making fun of us :(

we have finally eradicated the degenerate white race and spread islam to the entire world! masallah brother!

The country is full of Muslims, rape is up 275%.
Gays are fornicating in the streets.
Straight white men are being rounded up and sent to labor camps.
Jews everywhere rejoice.

Britain will be like this.

This is getting memed HARD.

I'm not ready to go to war against Russia.
What do?

human extinction event. the only upside to this is that the planet isn't a smoking shithole yet because massive government investment in green shit

>the country is full of Muslims
>gays are fornicating in the streets
Pick one

bump for interest. i listen to NPR every morning and laugh and often consider what i'd be hearing if she won.

probably the opposite of what's happening now in a lot of ways. open borders, mass influx of rapefugees, war with russia, etc.

I hear war is officially being declared tomorrow

Ivan will be gentle

Nothing because science has proven there is only one reality

Multiple realities is Star Trek level junk science

Trump assassinated as leading resistance member, OP bleeding to death in a frozen ditch 30 miles from Moscow.

new York gone, la gone...

i hated theses thread before election and now i love them so much

Holy shit, The Hague just got hit by a Russian nuclear bomb. Thanks Hillary.

It's possible to have both at once albeit only for a short time.

Everyone dump their hillpepes

this is Russia

source please

also if you're wondering i enjoy that despite all of the badmouthing they do over Trump and the obvious bias, every morning I get to wake up to libcucks being forced to say "President Trump" to start every news cast.

feels fucking wonderful.


Pepe is being purged from the internet

Everything is going great and the country is doing well as a multicultural feminist superpower. Drumpf is stuck in Krumpftower touching his tiny penis with his tiny hands and crying over the thought that he could be president

Feels good to not be embarrassed daily by our President. Jeez, imagine if Trump won! He might have led a disastrous raid on Yemen that led to innocent deaths, or maybe he'd waste millions on golfing vacations?

I'd definitely be sad to live in a world where Trump won, proceeded to nominate dangerously unqualified people to positions of power, and got all his opinions and "facts" from Fox News like a senile grandfather.

>TPP passes
>everyone is enslaved, millions of migrants are imported to ensure permanent democrat control
>liberal mindslaves rejoice
>Trump has become the symbol of the rebellion
>US is rapidly descending into Civil War

Are you really going to take the low road and complain about a president golfing and bombing people after you were happy with the last one doing EXACTLY those two things for 8 years?

Thats my feitsh.

Trump is a hypocrite. *He* complained about these things. Apparently he just thought Obama didn't golf enough?

I voted against Obama in both elections. Trump is much much worse.

I agree, friend. By the way, would you mind lending me your coat for a moment? I had to burn mine back in Novosibirsk to defrost a tank engine.

>russia doesnt own us
>the president knows the difference between taiwan and thailand
>Milo offs himself because of lack of attention

>taking the low road
>synonymous with being right wing


we're being taxed and each white person has to personally deliver the money into the filthy niggers' hands and say "sorry for slavery, please let me suck your bbc." this results in a rise in aids rates as the nigs end up going full rape mode because they can't help themselves and whites are slowly exterminated at the end of nigger dick.

That seems like something you can't really prove

It's sad you have to lie in order to get your point across. Stop embarrassing yourself

> Hilary starts shit with Russia
> Hilary also starts shit with Iran
> We go to war with them after a false flag attack against the US
> The rest of NATO is forced to join in with war against Russia/Iran
> Eastern Europe is torn to shreds as it becomes one huge battle ground
> Russia occupies Alaska and begins invading Canada
> The western US is also a battleground

> China sees this as an opportunity to take back Taiwan.
> The west does nothing to stop them because they are too busy with Russia and Iran.
> China is emboldened and decides to annex North Korea and then invade South Korea.
> The west still does nothing.
> China invades Japan since they have no military and the US is too busy to defend them.
> The west still does nothing.
> China then begins invading the rest of the east Asian countries (Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, etc.) and stealing all of their natural resources.

>invading countries and stealing their natural resources
hummmm. I can't possibly think of a country that does that in modern times...

These are facts. Trump has vacationed nearly every weekend since becoming President. Hours and hours at a time, necessitating his own administration to lie about how much golfing he did, then later admitting he's been playing 18 holes with people.

>hummmm. I can't possibly think of a country that does that in modern times...
Actually it was a mistake for us not to steal all the oil from Iraq. Not saying we never did that shit before though.

> US Civil War Timeline
> Evidence is leaked that Hillary won through voter fraud
> Impeachment fails due to all the dems voting against it and some republicans being blackmailed into voting against it
> Hillary tries to start shit with Russia and Iran
> There is a failed false flag which gets exposed as such
> Most of the US military is in open rebellion against the US federal government
> Citizens against Hillary form militias and ally with factions of the US military
> Hillary is overthrown due to most libtards not knowing how to handle a firearm

Sure it was under Bush but under Obama they expanded with endless kill lists trying destroying countries and emptying them to create lebensraum for their Israeli / Saudi overlords.
Seriously, go back in time 2 decades, remove the Rothchilds and the Saudi's and the middle east would be intact today, no refugees in Europe, infact the west and the middle east would probably be able to work and trade together a lot better than most countries, not even joking.

>sharing your cold war personal wank fantasy

>russia has the gdp and population to invade europe
>has the gdp and population to also invade alaska
>china invades the world

fuck off with your cringy youtbe ww3 tier rubbish

More likely:
>Massive reinforcements in Syria, no fly zone in all rebel-controlled positions
>ISIS, Assad and Putin's so-called army annihilated within a year

>Give Ukraine training and equipment and also send in our own "little green men"
>Ukraine liberated within a year
>Meanwhile, ruble fails
>Protests in Moscow due to famine
>Democratic elections
>Putin loses
>Caucasian republics declare independence from Russia

ppl just have to check by themself the picture of Iran and Irak at that time ...

everything is a rich man trick

can anyone give me a basic gestalt on how to access different timelines.

Syrian no fly zone escalates into nuclear holocaust.


Is that spec ops Santa Claus??

>goes around the world delivering tacticool gear to good operators

Don´t play with these things leaf. But if you want to invite an actual astral power to attempt this. Here´s what you do:

Sit down, close your eyes, meditate. Collect your focus. Imagine very clearly, take your time here, two pillars. One to the left, one to the right, your "frame" should occupy the middle. These are Joaquin and Boaz. Then you set the pillars on fire, one in blue flame and one in red.

Then you gaze through the doorway and wait, possibly your messenger will come. If you cannot ask it it´s name and receive a true answer, it might start fucking with you. I did this, it said to gather subconscious and collective unconscious information, it said "for this I will take your mother". Few months later, well you get the picture. I did some mistakes with the ritual desu, and my description up here is not complete. Find the actual one and try if you dare.

>Hilldog signs an executive order to round up cis white males and put them into camps
>Forgot that the only ones who can do this are cis white males
>For there it's just seizures and sharting

Argentina becomes the last bastion of white civilization on earth

She's cute as fuck

>tfw conscript
feels good to liberate the liberators

Lets see some Hillary General memes from the Berenstein universe.

Working whites making less than 75k get put into the ovens.

There's actual website for it

>Hillary Beat Trump

Fictional news from a world where Hillary Clinton is president

Rate this timeline

I was executed by my neighbours for arguing against the now(then) openly "communist" government pushing basic income for everyone and completely taking control of any and all self-sustaining land, farms & operations. Then I woke up back in this timeline one year "backwards in time". Scariest shit I´ve ever experienced. Mandela may be memory based but CERN is really fucking with reality.

At least you will die knowing that your two kids (one of which is yours) will grow up to become good socialist drones and avoid the gulags because your uncle is in the local "see something say something" watchgroup.

>Historians say Clinton's presidency is already in "all time top 5"

White women across the world are 2-4 months into their American Peace Globe Good Government League of Order mandated black pregnancies and white men are on their fourth month of hysterical crying. Every type of non-white roams the streets of Europe, America and Australia and they all follow Islam. Drumpf is taken by the state to serve in the oval office as Madam President's personal pussy cleaner, and unlike Monica Lewinsky everyone knows it happens but does not care.

There are now only 3 genders:
Cis-female lesbians
Trans-female lesbians
Black muslim males

Good, he deserves some rest after working harder than any president in modern times against greater evil forces than ever openly seen before.

A god blessed hero he is.


The only reason I still listen to it is because it's been background noise my entire life.

Australia has been dragged into a global war with SCO thanks to Hillary's warmongering, Indonesia has just been sending dinghies to Darwin non stop 24/7 for the last month. Our navy has been fucking up a lot of them but there's too fucking many. I've been conscripted to oversee a drone fleet to look for encampments.

The first snowfall of the newly created nuclear winter begins to fall gently upon the irradiated remains of mankind...

I am getting my weekly melanin injection to make myself darker so I can exist in accordance of executive order designating "All white males are to be deported back to their genetic countries of origin.

I'm Spanish, and you know what is happening there....... so...... I'm Javon Jackson now.

The robert byrd memes showing her being a racist cunt outnumber porn sites in the interwebs


>no projectile shitting.
>no rape.
>no gore.

For fucks sake, Brazil, you call that a fluffy comic? Get your shit together!

It's not uncommon in the Muslim world

Feeling good.

Nobody is rioting. :( Why isn't anyone doing anything? Come ooooonnnnnnnn. Do somethinnnnnnnnnnng.

I never get (You)s anymore since I stopped drinking so I've started drinking again.