>no,no,no, that can't be right let me check here
Other urls found in this thread:
he has all those papers so that must mean he's informed
This cuck should come prepared with the real numbers and definitions and changes in law.
This is embarrassment for his profession.
How can you come on show and you aren't 100% ready to spit this nigger in the face and put and end on this whole discussion?
>Excuse me Sir, but your facts are contradicting our narrative. and we can't have that.
whats that make fox? C u ck news?
They tricked Fatty into tweeting lies.
>Looks like Tom from Boondocks
>Sounds like Tom from Boondocks
>Is a cuck like him
Was Lemon the inspiration for Tom from Boondocks?
>whats that make fox? C u ck news?
>implying anyone but boomers get their news from cable
>gets btfo'd
>results to ad hominems because he can't control the narrative
>starts spouting mgtow talking points circa 2012 to distract
Lemon what are you doing
I just went to the BRA website. Doesn't look like an increase...where should I really be looking?
It's very likely that these pages were edited in a rush the second this story aired. Look for inconsistencies.
>Don Lemon begging not to get raped while visiting a jail
Wtf is happening in Sweden with kids?
are you using English site or translate?
Next up: Hate facts aren't real facts
does Sup Forums watch 1791L?
>Crime is down everywhere else, how can it be different in Sweden? XDD
>But what does rape even mean, really?
BRA in English. Looking for the original.
are you using English site or translate? mine looks different then yours
am i stupid or is there fuckery going on?
I do, it's a great channel.
>starts talking about the united states randomly
>Horowitz indulges his comparison
>"w-we're not talking about the united states we're talking about sweden!!!!"
What the fuck did I just watch? How does this nigger still have a job?
it depends on what your definition of "is" is.
Holy god almighty wtf.
My only regret is that he didn't call don lemon fake news at the end.
One stops at 2014, the other at 2015. They're trying to hide facts from English speakers.
>tfw english one leaves out the spike that happened in 2015
yeah this is some serisous misleading going on.
someone pls screen cap this shit before they change it. i cant save the pic im not on my pc
>Maddox is "great"
Eat shit
This is what the Left does. Create confusion to keep the sheep uninformed. They are horrible people.
English site also changes the graph of 'relationship to perpetrator' so that you don't see 2015 stranger rape is ridiculously high.
A black hole sucked up all the rape statistics in sweden
Is Don getting this from his same sources that said the tape of Hillary laughing about getting a guilty child molester off was fake? Or the ones that told him the missing plane went into a black hole?
The police won't even enter these neighborhoods. Sweden intentionally covers up rapefugee cases. Anyone who says the rapefugee are criminals is arrested. 60 minutes went to one of the no go neighborhoods and were attacked immediately.
I would love to see a white SJW walk into one of these neighborhoods at night to prove their point.
stop using the english site, they mostly use stuff from 2 years ago.
but they included 2015 data for another graph implying intent
if they are ok with hiding this, what else are they hiding?
they include other stats from 2015, though.
Wew, lads. Does Lemon act this dumb or is he really that dumb? Who else wants to see a debate between Don Lemon and Tucker?
it's a mystery
/r/ing the don lemon dumb as a rock tweet
Sexual emergencies
What a liberal bitch.
>Debate between Tuck the Uncuckable and a retarded gay nigger
What a bloodbath that would be.
but it includes the NUMBERS from 2015 in the paragraph above. Definitely a rushed job. They just cut out the graph part.
>During 2015, 18,100 sex offences were reported.
>No 2015 on graph.
Gee if only I could put my finger on what it could be... Complete mystery.
We need to make this happen.
What the fuck, theres no way this isnt intentionally misleading
Holy fuck the aduacity of this nigger
>Crime is down in the US so that means your numbers on Sweden are wrong!
>2 minutes later
>Yeah well we aren't talking about the US
Lemon needs to be lynched.
so trump is right and facts are being deliberately mislead to English people that are looking it up.
Anybody got a link to what's going on?
Did he legitimately just try to say that the US numbers on rape and sexual assault applied to Sweden over the numbers that Sweden published? Did I miss something here?
the state department doesn't even publish rape statistics from Sweden so I don't know what the fuck Lemon is smoking
even the fucking sources are not matching
>Don Lemon trying to be like Tucker Carlson
What did he mean by this?
nah the numbers where on overall reported crimes, including thing like theft and fraud. Ahmed and jamal are not smart enough for fraud, they just take what the want.
He did spit this nigger in the face. His profession of pro-establishment propagandist is intact however.
>are your ears and eyes working?
Niggers gonna nig
>they just take what the want.
Like Swedish girl pussy and boy ass.
Dat nose
That's a Roman nose. This is a Semitic nose.
Fox news is MSM by all accounts. I like Tucker Carlson though. He's the most principled bulldog on any network I've seen.
But seriously though. Look at all the sources and read through their narratives. They all have an agenda it's all about reading between the lines and omissions.
lol the jew is right here, not the nigger. You faggot.
You literally sit these people in front of a fact and they still deny its existence.
Fake news isn't what they define it, it is not a made up story as much as the intentional manipulation of most if not all topics to fit the agenda of the owners.
>American filmmaker
Oy vey
They own you Amerilard.
The one you posted is also from 2 years ago
Jesus fuck, when did Sweden go full 1984? Someone archive this, or make a video or something
The legal definition of rape in Sweden is described in chapter 6 in the Swedish Penal Code. Historically, rape has been defined as forced sexual intercourse initiated against a woman or man by one or several people, without her/his consent. In recent years, several revisions to the definition of rape have been made in Swedish law, to now not only include intercourse, but comparable sexual acts initiated against someone passive—incapable of giving consent—because they are in a vulnerable situation, such as a state of fear or unconsciousness.
In 2014, there were 6,700 rapes reported to the Swedish police—or 69 cases per 100,000 population—according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (BRÅ), which is an 11 percent increase from the previous year. The number of convictions has remained relatively unchanged since 2005, with approximately 190 convictions on average each year.
There have been several international comparisons made, placing Sweden at the top end of the number of reported rapes. However, police procedures and legal definitions vary widely across countries, which makes it difficult to compare rape statistics. For example, Sweden reformed its sex crime legislation and made the legal definition of rape much wider in 2005, which largely explains a significant increase in the number of reported rapes in the ten-year period of 2004-2013. The Swedish police also record each instance of sexual violence in every case separately, leading to an inflated number of cases compared to other countries. Additionally, the Swedish police have improved the handling of rape cases, in an effort to increase the number of crimes reported. Raised awareness and a shifting attitude of sexual crimes in Sweden, which has been ranked as the number one country in gender equality, may also explain the relatively high rates of reported rape.
Don Lemon is actually right.
The english version looks to be a year behind
I is used to watch Maddox even the cuckold video which got a lot of backlash wasn't enough to stop me watching. The video after however, I don't even remember what it was about but I realised that it was time to part ways.
starting another thread.
its seams people are sliding or they want to talk about don lemon
Any retard who eats up MSM will insist fake news is only a buzzword that they can use to describe independent news. Fuck them.
>Omission is fakenews
>Spin is fakenews
>Fudging stats is fakenews
>Hit pieces are fakenews
>Biased reporting is fakenews
we're on to something boys
also fuck don lemon
>rape is down in sweden
>a tap on the shoulder is now classed as rape
This nigger is seriously deranged. He even claims to have BRÅ infront of him, what a lying piece of shit.
the best thing about this is that the black guy was 100 % correct with everything he said
I own my foreskin Shlomo. Next time at least suggest some holohoax movie to buy on CD.
I am surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet, but to simply prove that Sweden is ACTIVELY covering up the rape of its civilians is to ask "Why did they decide to start blurring the lines between sexual assault and rape?"
Check out immigration graphs - there is a ridiculous spike in immigration around 2005-2007.
The same time Sweden decides it time to redefine rape, but it is "totally unrelated to immigration"...
open your eyes goyim! I can GUARANTEE you that Sweden opened it's doors to arabs, realised "oshit everyone is being anally probed by the aliens" and decided the best course of action was to blanket the rape statistic under sexual assaults so the correlation becomes blurred.
Every time these news reporters / Swedecucks bring up the excuse that "uh well ya see uh, rape in sweden means all sexual assault thats why it so high ya" it is bullshit.
If Sweden once again defined rape like everyone else, the numbers would still be the same. Muslims don't grope and leave, they allahu ackbar your ass without hesitation.
Sweden will serve as an example for the western world. Let it burn.
What does "exposed to sex offences" mean?
Why don't they just put the actual number of offences?
>mfw honkeys try using facts and sheeeiit to make brothers look bad
Omitted from graph. Fuck them.
>not only include intercourse, but comparable sexual acts initiated against someone passive—incapable of giving consent—because they are in a vulnerable situation, such as a state of fear or unconsciousness.
Same as US law:
>The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim
>the new definition recognizes that a victim can be incapacitated and thus unable to consent because of ingestion of drugs or alcohol. Similarly, a victim may be legally incapable of consent because of age
Yeah I'm sure that's what it is. Norway must have done the same a few years back, because I think it was in 2012 where 100% of all rapes in Oslo were committed by non-Europeans, so that must also be some weird little anomaly. Everything is actually good in Scandinavia, please do go to Sweden, especially Malmo, everyone!
What about grenade attacks?
Its probably their direct translation of people who have been victimized by sexual offenses
I'm old enough to remember when the news was the news. In other words, something new happened and reporters would go out, get the facts, then report them. Sure there was some bias, but it was tiny compared to the shit that goes on today... TINY.
This isn't news, what we're seeing now. This is full-scale brainwashing.
Now you know what we have been dealing with in Sweden for 20 years. its beyond bizarre and its been a conscientious effort by many swedes to spread the word about the insanity that is going on over here to the rest of the world.
A few years ago when the amount of crime and rape was being discussed the journalists ran the narrative that its not the amount of crime that is increasing, its the number of reports.
and because the number of crime being reported is increasing, it shows that the trust for swedish police and law system is increasing and that is why more swedish people are actually reporting more crime.
they actually claimed that it wasnt the amount of crime that was increasing, it was the trust in the law system that was increasing, leading to more crime being reported. and that was a good thing. crime increasing was a good thing, according to them.
some journalists went on to claim that swedish women report more immigrants for rape because they are racist who would never report the sexual encounter as a rape if it was done by a white swedish male.
Sweden is not a joke, its a very scary place.
Don is wrong because even what you said is comparable to US law, like the wise Jew said.
Is Amy Horowitz /ourguy/?
Is he one of the good ones?
You can't have my boootyyy~!