Mexican news interviewing deported people

>mexican news interviewing deported people
>"We dont understand why this is happening, they cant take our life away from us just because we broke the law"
>about 80% of the people living in mexico believe immigration laws shouldnt exist because "the people who migrate are good, humble and working people"

Is this a new form of dindu nuffin?

fuck mexico desu

>just because we broke the law


No Mexicans don't believe in immigration laws because they enjoy the scum of their society leaving North meanwhile they have no problem trying to shoot people coming in from South of their border.

You know who else thinks they are "good, humble, and hardworking people"? The Americans that hire them.

that made me laugh out loud reading it, same with the logic of
>if you go to mexico your life has been taken away from you
This article is a masterpiece

I have never heard anyone use those words to describe slave labor in my life.

Thats sort of true I guess, but there is a giantic state around the capital and its filled with legit scum. Im talking about 8th grade dropouts, reproducing like radioactive rabbits, addicted to sniffing pvc cleaning fluid, and they all think being a criminal is cool.

And thats about 10% of the population of the most populated state... That is the scum that stays here, its just that the mexican people are somewhere between a cuck and primitive monkeys who just try to stay alive till the next day.

Sauce on that article brother?

Citation needed

Most of us don't give a flying fuck for migrants, only flying fuck is for being forced to pay the wall. But I'm talking about the north, if you are a lefty southerner it make sense.

You should get your government to execute them as traitors desu. Mexico can't afford the increased load.

And this is why we need a wall, a really tall guarded wall.

slave labor? 7hr is good money considering that in Mexico you have to work 12 hour shifts to make 5 dls in a day.

They are not traitors, they send home billions of dollars.

I hope the cartel rapes and murders them.

>illegal immigration is below net zero, but ok, build your stupid wall.

Now they're going to cost you billions of dollars.

Don't send criminals here plz, we can't handle them, they just end up making the gangs bigger

You will when they stop sending money to Mexico.

>12 hour shifts to make 5 dls in a day.

Fucking Mexico is worse than parts of Africa

Mexican bitch will suck white cock for 3 dollars

> how dare they! I'm not gonna get deported!!!
> van turns up
> get deported


Kek, cartels don't work like that.

And as fun fact most cartels are in cahoots with US officials, making international bridges the main points of entrance for drugs to the US.

yes fuck mexico

and fuck mexicans

they dont respect our laws

A fence - you can see through it. It's what the border patrol wants.


Mexicans need to stay in Mexico and overturn their corrupt government. Of course Mexican government doesn't care that the poor/backbone of revolution and political violence go to the United States.

Kek, if that happens is not like you can do something about new US regulations.

You think they're going to chill all day collecting money from the government? Lol, not a fucking chance.

they are some of the most daring and ambitious people I know. Taking your jobs is no easy task.

>We dont understand why this is happening
Quit sneaking into other people's country Jorge

Nah, average people here will argue anywhere from "Texas es Mexicana!" to appealing to human right of free transit stumping the laws of a country.
Look at this, on February the 2nd a dude got deported, he's been living in the states since he was 5 or something. So now, he is in Hidalgo without Mexican or American papers... This is one example, eventually all those in a similar situation will whine for help, and when the government starts creating social programs for those people, guess where that money comes from.

All because mexican people can't follow a simple rule.

Really? Because the one I know refused to pay a cleaning lady and then asked her, what the fuck are you going to do about it?

> broke the law

It's a state of continuous sin / law breaking. You can't just pay a fine - the only way to stop breaking the law is to leave the country.

>sniffing pvc cleaning fluid
Sounds suicidal. That stuff is pretty harsh

>good humble and working people
And yet Mexico is a hellhole. Really makes you think.

Not everyone in Mexico lives under those conditions, but the poor do have it really rough.

is mexico really that bad? i mean, most of these fuckers were probably living in the shittiest latino ghettos in california. is that still a better situation than anywhere in mexico?

why do spics hate the letter H?

what's your point?

Fuck gringos, they don't respect NADA.

(((Trump))) already promised them all blanket amnesty no questions asked.

Nah, it depends in where you live as in any other country. Still a lot of places are hellholes thanks to corruption.

They were recruited by American companies.

Here is part of another report, I'll translate so you can meme faster:

Alejandro Zarate has been deported 4 times by now, but this time it was different

“Llegaron, cerraron las puertas y nadie podía salir a menos que tuvieran papeles de residencia permanente o papeles oficiales para poder estar en los Estados Unidos o permisos legales”, relató Zárate.

"They came, shut the doors and nobody could get out until they had papers that allowed them to be in the State"

This man later goes on to explain he will wait for Trump's presidency to end and he will cross again...


How many dicks would she have to suck in Mexico for $3?

Well mexico is about to get their 1m criminals back. I wonder what they will do with them.

Castellano is like that, Galego uses the X as an english H for example.


Can we deport the kikes that started sanctuary cities as well?

gringos are shitty like that

the cartels are probably gonna get a million new recruits

He should burn in hell

>Be Mexican

>Live in Mexican ghetto
>Goverment doesn't give a single fucking benefit, have to work my ass off to even eat
>Mexican people will not help me with anything, survival of the fittest,
>If I get a woman pregnant I will have to either join a cartel to make enough money or escape to USA

>Live in California ghetto
>Get benefits from government and charities
>White liberals will defend me on every step
>Get a woman pregnant so my future is secured with an anchor baby

Where would you rather live?

right, all immigrants should leave, why don't we start with the European invaders? Must I remind you that Mexicans are native to the land and gringos are not?

doesn't count. you guys didn't have the concept of ownership yet so legally speaking nothing was taken from you :^)

Mexico is beautiful, I don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

top fucking kek kraut bro.
But you need to do something about your country. Get off your computer and go kill immigrants or something,because your leaders obviously wont do shit.

Your ancestors have bredall the nativity out of you. You have no more right to this land than the average English ancestral citizen.



then why does everyone want to leave?

Of course it is. You send all the problems to us. Mexico only has around 100m people its like a paradise for the white mexican.

This is ONE barrio of the Estado de Mexico, the state around the Mexican capital I was talking about.

They are barely above a Favela line of poverty.

And this is not even the "bad" part. The government is deploying the Marina and Army to try and control the crime. But it doesn't fucking work obviously.

Really americans, take the most disgusting, murderous cholo you've seen in LA... He isn't as bad as this

Enh - I heard of an illegal under Obama whose parents had brought her in as a child (so not an anchor baby), went through high school here I think, wanted to go to college, was forced back for a while, and she hated it. Hated, hated it to tears.


But, dammit, I think she snuck back in and they cut a deal somehow - she was an activist - ag I forget the details but she's back here under probation or something like that. Was on NPR, maybe "Latino USA" or some such.


All the stupid illegals here are shivering in their boots. The thing with this is, even if you are not a criminal, and get in the crosshairs of the law or the right people, you will be deported. So you piss someone off, the wrong guy, and he reports you, bye bye miho.

I wlil say though, the mexicans and el salvadorans gang bangers on our street are on extra good behavior. I wonder why. 6 million fucking illegals in this state alone, and vast majority in our area. The numbers I bet are twice as much, I bet half of the people who live on this street dont have their papers in order.

A lot of rentals going to be opening up in California, and less traffic.

3$ is 60 pesos, you need 300 pesos for a quick blowjob at the red light district, that's 15 dollars.

Mexico is great. Problem is, Mexicans are conformist, backstabbing garbage mostly.

Only people with nothing to lose: the poor and criminals

Then why didn't those daring and ambitious people do something daring and ambitious like fixing Mexico?

Protip: mowing my lawn isn't ambitious or daring.

>they cant take our life away from us just because we broke the law

>poor dumb people being entitled
Color me suprised pham.

This is true where I live at in Dalton Ga, Mexican = cheap labor.

I don't really blame the mexicans themselves for their retarded beliefs. What is absolutely baffling to me is how leftists have no problem with them swarming the country, taking millions of jobs and costing the country about $100 billion in welfare AFTER you subtract the taxes they pay.

There is something fundamentally irrational about the modern left.

>they are some of the most daring and ambitious people I know.

And that's why your country is a shit hole
All the "daring and ambitious people" abandon your country to come to america and clean my toilet. Brain drain mi amigo.

> good, humble, and hardworking people
you mean cheap exploitable labor

Don't be daft. The Mexicans that were here when we took over became US citizens. You're cousins or something but you can't talk about rights in the US, from inside Mexico.

>Let me show these documents of undocumented immigrants

They only trust people from their own ranchos.

>Mexico is beautiful
Yeah course bruv guess that's why millions have fled.

>Brain drain mi amigo.
More like toilet drain.

And the people hiring them are scum.

They are desperate people being taken advantage of to suppress the wages of hard working Americans.

I wish you took your own advice. MS13 literally cut some dudes in half here. My town used to be peaceful, fuck all your gangs!

Nobody is entitled survival. If you're born into a shit life, you need to fucking work to save your own country or die trying.

How about all the ones living on welfare?

If they are Mexico's best then why doesn't Mexico want them back?

It's weird how we're all treating Latin America like some kind of hell on earth. It's not great, but come on, these people act like they're being sentenced to death.

not as many niggers in Mexico desu

They speak English, they can work in tourist cities, and those cities are beautiful.

(dude you know that whatever you tell him, he could tell us of the 56%, 3x or so? Your / our house is complete glass on that score.)

>they cant take our life away from us just because we broke the law

Mexico so great that everyone wants to leave it. Fuck mars, let's colonize Mexico.

uh, yeah we did, we fought for land all the time.

Kek. Based manager of mercantilism.

Protip- We conquered this land, as soon as somebody else is strong enough to take it and subjugate us we will be forced to leave. Until then we aren't going anywhere. Life isn't fair hombre.

wow nobody fucking CARES anymore go the fuck back and i hope the buses taking them back burst into flames and drive off a cliff, all of them

The wall payment was never meant to be made directly. It was always indirect methods like stopping the illegal expatriation of cash and lowering the trade deficit

we should elect Trump again

>Must I remind you that Mexicans are native to the land and gringos are not?

Mexicans who were in US territories after thr Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed were given the option to return to Mexico or be given US citizenship.

95% chose US citizenship.

I highly doubt you're among those 5%.

Looks 3rd world but not favela-tier - paved streets, orderly layout.

I think half the "Sanctuary Cities" are paid off or run by the cartels. They're the new Capones.

Um they are used as modern day slaves. Think cooks, washers, janitors and construction workers and day laborers.

Mexico's government doesn't really care, it's the deported themselves the ones whining and crying to get back to the USA.

Like I said, and like other anons said, people and government don't give a shit about these guys being here, literally, find something to do or die.

>your country to come to america and clean my toilet.

I've been to Mexico, toilets are filthy. Best talent moves north. SAD!

>sends home billions of dollars

Where did you think the wall money was going to come from?