totalcuck is right, Americans are much more dangerous threat for Sweden than Immigrants.
riots in sweden:
why Trump was right on about Sweden:
totalcuck is right, Americans are much more dangerous threat for Sweden than Immigrants.
riots in sweden:
why Trump was right on about Sweden:
Other urls found in this thread:
No Riots here you Zionist.
Literal retard, if sweden was 40% non white it would be worse
Luckily they are heading there
no riots Ahmed?
Literally just an average day car burning, trying to make it as if it were a riot is pathetic. Sorry if our police sirens are too loud for your little ears, guess it was too dramatic.
Really makes you think
How about the rapes? or is that also average day thing? can't deny those rapes buddy.
Wow really, didn't know!
Tell the cuck the TRUTH... not that cucks can comprehend Truth.
Point-blank, PERIOD ("full-stop" for overcomplicated bongfriends)
>Walk down the street looking lost and confused in a White suburb?
Someone will come to see if you are ok, offer help and take care of you.
Walk down the street in a majority black neighborhood looking ANYTHING but extremely crazy/dangerous?
You are going to get beaten and/or robbed in several minutes and NO ONE will help you. You'll be lucky if some old lady calls the paramedics within an hour or two... if you survive the mugging.
My town of several thousand is 96% white, almost every house has at least one or two guns and the only crimes to speak of are occasional DUI/Domestic Disturbance.
The only times we've had serious robberies/burglaries were from niggers or spic dope dealers coming from out of town.
And one murder several years ago by a schizo white transient satanist hobo.
A city councilman also killed his wife when he walked in on her fucking the roofer doing work on their home.
That's standard human shit though... no avoiding it anywhere.
>just an average day car burning
This is some town rapist shit right here
Wow they are confined into their own areas, guess what fucktard, so are ours!
Nations with shitskins are more dangerous then nations slowly acquiring more shitskins.
Really gets the noggin joggin
>See, immigration only caused our country to drop to your level
>Therefore we were right and the immigration was a good thing!
Sweden in charge of logical reasoning.
>literally just an average day car burning
the difference is it took 200 years for our to get to this point, and we managed to get some labor out of ours, too.
Sweden just skipped the whole forced labor part, and went straight to giving them handouts and white women.
This just proves how weak Americans are, jesus christ. You're always bragging about your guns but you're afraid of a fucking barbecue. Just end your life, go to the kitchen and do it.
Yeah Sweden has 300 Million people
Are you seriously this new that you have been dragged by this bait when it was obvious from his first post?
>he was obviously just pretending to be retarded!
>liberals don't actually believe any of the shit they spout
How do I know you're not just baiting me right now?
Why don't you go spit in the face of a white baby and tell it's mother white people shouldn't breed you fucking faggot?
crime is declining they said
This fucking board has really gone to shit
No, it's just you.
>Everyday car burning
>The town rapist
rape is going down, I promise!
The only thing the brå statistics prove is that Sweden takes rape more seriously than most and processes each incident as a separate rape whereas most countries lumps repeat offenders into one case.
I know you guys love to quote that shit without any context but the guys providing said statistics has explained why it looks way worse than it is, and if you can't trust their explanation you shouldn't be quoting the statistics in the first place.
But i guess agendas takes priority over consistency.
But yeah, gangs throwing grenades is pretty fucked up, but hardly exclusive to Sweden.
>But yeah, gangs throwing grenades is pretty fucked up, but hardly exclusive to Sweden
Its exclusive to third world countries nigger. The closest any western country should get to that shit is us because of our nigger problem we created. I have never heard of niggers here using grenades, obviously not that they wouldn't, but holy fuck man.
funny thing is what other countries considered rape wasn't considered rape in sweden, rape rose with 60% when we changed that making sweden the rape capitol of the western world.
So don't come with your bullshit.
Solid argument m8
I wouldn't know anything about american gangs beyond them killing each other over stupid shit.
It's not me saying this, it's BRÅ, you know, the guys providing the statistics, you can look it up.
I just look at the facts and ignore the agenda be it left or right.
>rape whereas most countries lumps repeat offenders into one case.
no sven most, countries actually use criminal complaint as basis. Convictions are used in the clearance rate when they can assign one suspect to multiple charges.
Well, tell that to BRÅ then.
So you were just pointing out that sweden is like a third world country now with the grenades? Or are you guys really touting for turkey to be european so this seems normal?
>tfw kikes are going to push the white man too far /again/
>in a hyper connected world where their tricks won't work
>>in the best timeline
>tfw you will be alive to witness the ovens being started for real
It's called stockholm syndrome for a reason.
Who honestly give a flying fuck about sweden? Can any of you peasant poors even afford to live/go there? Let those neanderthal fucks solve it themselves.
I did, see this.
You can clearly see that rape is exploading.
That's ridiculous the immigrants in Sweden aren't vetted properly and thus they get the worst. We vet our immigrants and get the best.
>just your average day car burning
You see here, Sven. We had a period of time where we had forced labor of humans who we owned. Then we slowly tried to assimilate them in to society, but SLOWLY. You just went all "come on in, my house is warm and my wife is friendly."
You are asking for problems and you will continue to have them.
A country that needs to import immigrants of a vastly different culture (one that doesn't mesh with local culture at all) just so the dying native population can be replaced by an able-bodied young population is doomed to see it's customs and way of life change.
Your culture will fade to nothingness and your grandchildren will look at you as if you're racist for wanting to uphold even the smallest of old customs.
Either produce your own new generation or fuck off to your new conquerors. The weak are ALWAYS doomed to failure until they realize that they must defend themselves.
Seems to me that you didn't, the statistics are not relevant when comparing to other countries since the methods are different, brå even states that realistically Sweden isn't among the worst, not by a long shot, if anything it's pretty average.
Look, if you can quote statistics by brå you should be able to trust their explanation too, you can't have one without the other as far as trust goes, they have nothing to gain by lying as it would make the statistics worthless if it cannot be trusted.
Also, the majority of "women and children" you bring in through your refugee program are actually 20-25 year old men who are ready to start a new life with an easy job and hand-out money.
Immigrants from impoverished nations usually lie about their age so they can come as "children". You know for a fact that they're older though since their face looks to have already entered man-hood.
You are blind to your own kool-aid. You should stop drinking it.
don't bother.
sweden is fucking cucked.
please get me the hell out of here
If you are looking for a place to live in North America, your only choice is the US.
I'm Canadian. The place is just as bad as many European nations. If you want a place that will allow you to hold "bigoted" opinions that reside in fact, then the US is one of the only remaining places; but it's on the verge of being killed by the Left.
am so sick of these threads. NOTHING is going on in Sweden. We are the beacon of hope in a bigoted world and your drumpfkins just can't accept someone who isn't your own skin color. Most of our women prefer migrants to whites in this country because they are sick of the same stale rhetoric pushed by white men. My family took in a migrant and he is the best father figure I could possibly have, even though he is younger than me, he has actual life experience. Maybe one day you will all wake up. I get to live in a country where I can be openly homosexual without feeling oppressed like I would if I lived in the west. Hell, even visiting family here in London, I still see the bigotry that the USA propogates. It leaks through the borders. I am truly free in my home country, and it makes me sad seeing all of your drumpfkins clamor over REAL fake news.
Kill yourself.
Swedes are so brainwashed that they're conditioned to think that exploding cars and riots are a sign of healthy society.
So what's the deal with Rinkeby anyway? Is that where organized crime has amassed its gaggle of criminal shitheads?
Antharx if triplets
I can see that logic and reason are not as favoured by you as emotional outbursts so I'll put it to you like this.
>1.) We have guns... you do not
>2.) Blacks are only 13% of our population and our population is approximately 300 million. Blacks also murder 80% of their potential infants via state-sponsored abortion. Your muslims have 3-4 wives and 7-8 kids by each on average!
Follow those two trains of thought to their logical conclusion over the next three decades. If you think they are going to
>stay in their separate areas, Mohammad and sons are going to just walk into your home, sit on your sofa and tell you to fix them a sandwhich because because he's going to be hungry when he's done raping your wife and daughters.
You'll probably do it to... the way you "guys" are rationalizing this genocidal jewish bullshit.
>see pic related and Read up on Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi of Austria if you wish to know WHY this utter insanity is being forced upon your nations by your (((politicians)))
try again leftist scum!
> America has higher crime than Sweden
That's because America has more blacks than Sweden, at the moment.
> We're fixing that.
>typing all that and forgetting to turn your proxy back on
just leave... go back to Sup Forums
>not recognizing ironic shillposting
>go back to Sup Forums
no, you have to go back.. but not to Sup Forums
> Talking out of your ass *this much*.
Good thing your bum cave was recently excavated by Mohammed Al-Ackbar, 180cm tall 12 year old boy from Syria who only speaks swahili.
>average day car burning
You're not listening.
I'm just stating facts and nothing but, you not liking it doesn't change that.
>"ironic" anything
and (You) have the nerve to imply I should "go back" to commiehugbox land?!?!
Take your hipster fuckshit and jam it up your gaping asshole faggot.
>average day car burning
I am so sick of these threads. NOTHING is going on in Sweden. We are the beacon of hope in a bigoted world and your drumpfkins just can't accept someone who isn't your own skin color. Most of our women prefer migrants to whites in this country because they are sick of the same stale rhetoric pushed by white men. My family took in a migrant and he is the best father figure I could possibly have, even though he is younger than me, he has actual life experience. Maybe one day you will all wake up. I get to live in a country where I can be openly homosexual without feeling oppressed like I would if I lived in the west. Hell, even visiting family here in London, I still see the bigotry that the USA propogates. It leaks through the borders. I am truly free in my home country, and it makes me sad seeing all of your drumpfkins clamor over REAL fake news.
Sverige är game over. Last years that you can do something and that means actual civil war in some places. After that its all Sharia.
Yes, please dump
Honestly been considering getting a swedish proxy to cuckpost. It's just so easy to get (you)'s that it's not even fair to the other posters. My baits always go unseen, but every swedish cuckpost b8 I see gets tons of replies.
Other tactics include aligning with LEFT-WING activists to fight NEO-NAZIS and using them to do undercover work for Muslims to "pave the way for the conquest of Rome." It suggests that Muslims can use LEFTESTS to fight and sabotage the "financial elite." - ISIS
Therefore, the Islamist movement is useful in keeping the pressure on the imperialists while the communist movement? is undergoing a phase of weakness, natural leader of the global revolution will re-gain its? strength and will be able to "lead the next wave of the proletarian revolution." - ISIS
We know in the present era, Russia is a common enemy and threat for both the Europeans, and also Sunni Muslims. - ISIS
Historically there is only one enemy Muslims + the West have united to fight. That enemy is Russia. - ISIS
Europe will wake up to the major threat they are facing "RUSSIA and according to my understanding of prophetic narrations make a peace covenant with the ISLAMC STATE. - ISIS
Muslims – the oppressed citizens turn to Insurgency;
It urges Islamic propagandists to claim that aspects of Islam are being criminalized, and to frame police as enemies of the Muslims. This, it says, helps to build a sense of alienation:
Tell them stories of how we feel unsafe and how they make it a crime for us to morally support Muslims around the world, and they do not even let us leave the West if we want to. - ISIS
An increasing amount of practising Muslims however still felt alienated
>We are the beacon of hope
>most of our women
>my family took in a migrant
either you forgot your proxy or Im too tired to recognize shitposting.
I'd be more concerned about Russia if i were you, without the American support we are fucked if Russia wanna have a go.
You seem to not grasp the strength of Americans. We don't have guns because we're scared of gangs burning our cities. Gangs don't burn our cities because we have guns.
I am so sick of these threads. NOTHING is going on in Sweden. We are the beacon of hope in a bigoted world and your drumpfkins just can't accept someone who isn't your own skin color. Most of our women prefer migrants to whites in this country because they are sick of the same stale rhetoric pushed by white men. My family took in a migrant and he is the best father figure I could possibly have, even though he is younger than me, he has actual life experience. Maybe one day you will all wake up. I get to live in a country where I can be openly homosexual without feeling oppressed like I would if I lived in the west. Hell, even visiting family here in Madrid, I still see the bigotry that the USA propogates. It leaks through the borders. I am truly free in my home country, and it makes me sad seeing all of your drumpfkins clamor over REAL fake news.
>Walk down the street in a majority black neighborhood looking ANYTHING but extremely crazy/dangerous?
lol you should actually try living in a city you scared little bitch