Watching Inglorious basterds

>watching Inglorious basterds
>see this scene
>respect the German officer for staying calm
>shocked to see the americans killing the prisoners
>final prisoner gives up important information, americans carve a swastika into his forehead
>had to turn off, didn't want to see anything more

Did Tarantino want us to sympathise with the Germans? Or were we supposed to root for the americans? I seriously don't get which.

Other urls found in this thread:

>jew bear
>acting like niggers
don't watch (((hollywood)))

Americans committed lots of war crimes.

Lambright here

Tarantino is a literal cuck. He wanted us to hate both the Americans AND the Germans.

its better than most ww2 movies

>(points at Iron Cross)
>Did y'get that for killin' jews?

Best character in the movie honestly.

Shit movie that goes on forever but normies seem to fucking love it

Is it really you Wayne???

Tarantino is the most cucked man on earth. He has fond memories of his young white single mother being pounded daily in their home by a series of random black men. This has fucked up his mind, and he is a lost cause.

Seriously, look up his interviews. He's a weird fuck who literally brags about it. He's proud of it.

he died like a bitch tho

the americans are portrayed as cunts, but they are the just guys, no questions to them

>t.never watched any ww2 movies

It's hard to grin and bear a baseball bat being smashed into your skull repeatedly.

Name three movies that are worse.

Here are three that are better.
>Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter
>Beyond the front line

Even Saving Private Ryan is better tbqh

Tarantino wanted us to hate both because he wanted to show how war is bad. I dont understand why he'd choose World War 2 to prove there are no good guys in war, when World War 2 is one of the most perfect examples of the good versus bad. Only Wehraboos claim both sides were morally equivalent.

who the fuck is Lambright?

quick rundown pls?

>trying to decipher a shitfest Tarantino movie

One time while visiting reddit there was a Tarantino thread gaining a lot of steam. I made a comment about how he can only make shitty old school karate and western movies. I said he was the epiphany of an artist given fame for no reason who would never be remembered. I said he was crass and an asshole and didn't even support his fans. The comment blew up and got gilded etc.

The next day, Tarantino showed up to one of his film screenings and did an AMA with them in the theatre and reminded them how much he supported his fans.

Fuck that nigger.

To be fair the only reason most Americans went to fight was either because the government made them, or they were tired of eating dirt.

>rules Arby's with an iron but fair fist

Progressive western liberals believe it's reprehensible to feel sympathy for a someone with wrong political affiliation. They'll kill you just like that irl if they get the chance and everybody will post shitty memes and cheer about it on tweeter, like when they punched Spenser

You guys are interpreting a lot into this piece of shit movie.
Tarantino is a pleb that uses extensive violence to apeal to his pleb audience. That's all there is to it.

>"visiting" reddit

I'm so fucking sure

how about a basic gestalt?

Not all Americans were pro isolationist, I wouldn't say most Americans who fought didn't want to fight.

op why are u a pussy faggot that cant finish a fictionalized perspective of the american military campaign against the nazis?

the point is to flip the good guy bad guy trope on its head, where your traditional good guys are doing monstrous things so the line between good and bad is blurred.
its a good movie

>look at post
>look at flag
No surprises here

Deception is the central theme of every Tarantino film.

truth be told i tried reddit for a while, the content wasn't that bad and I ignored the comments

ever since the_donald, the admins have cracked down, shills have invaded like roaches...i use voat now

i went to reddit, what are you going to do about it faggot? make an ironic comment and post an image?


i dont recall any americans in that movie only jews

>Private Ryan
That movie is one of the best simply because it portrays soldiers being soldiers, fighting a war while trying to stay alive.

If they'd try to remake that movie today they'd have that Waffen-SS prisoner executed instead of being let go because "lmao nazis arent human xDDD KILL ALL NAZIS LMAOOO!!!"

Fucking hollywood

It was produced by the Weinsteins (Jews) which is no surprise. fucking dirty liberal jews

Why would I want to?

A man is in his right to defend himself. The nazis defended the germans from jewish venom, the jew defended his people from extinction.

This actually has some decent redpills. German occupation of France wasn't bad, treating their enemy with respect. One nazi even sparred a jew girl twice. Pretty jew girl burned coal cucking jews. Americunts are shown being barbaric towards their enemies. Its a fun movie if you forget about politics.


>had to turn off

>so the line between good and bad is blurred
Its a movie about World War 2, trying to blur the line between good and bad is something only a revisionist would do.

didnt that movie portray the soldier being let go and then he ends up killing one of the main characters?

Tarantino has a record of nigger loving. The last two films he's made were anti-white liberal garbage. it's over for him I think. He's going the way of Shyamalanaman.

i think its just a dark joke

all the nazis are perfect, civil gentlemen

all the allies are murderous barbarians

Thought the same thing. That officer was based.

But yeah, Tarantula is an incompetent hack and he just wants to use his flicks as vehicles for his foot fetish, and they are of course also vehicles for Jewish propaganda and shekel farming.

>Did Tarantino want us to sympathize with the germans

Yes? Because he's not a complete fucking moron who thinks they are all evil. They are just people. Some of them did what they did out of valor or honor, or belief in their country, raised in a different time. Bear Jew clearly feels respect for him too, but he's a psychopath killer. You should have gotten to the bar scene. It's what Tarantula does well, characters, and character scenes.

He's some Jew other Jews want to put in charge of a movement that's completely beyond their control.

Milo was also never alt-right.

>Did Tarantino want us to sympathise with the Germans? Or were we supposed to root for the americans?

Basterds is Tarantino's greatest work of genius. He made a WW2 movie in which the Germans are the Americans in any other war movie, and Jews are the Nazis. In the film, Germans are ordinary people, some good, some bad, most brave, some cowardly. All the Jewish characters are 2-dimensional psychopathic monsters driven solely by racial hatred and revenge.

Mike Myers has a line where he just casually states that Jews run Hollywood. And in the end, the Jews kill their enemies using a movie theater and a negro -- no symbolism there! And that POW scene is straight out of any war movie, except it's a defenseless German POW being murdered by a Jew, instead of a defenseless American POW being murdered by a Nazi.

He made the most anti-Semitic film of modern times, and got Jews to cheer it because Hitler gets shot at the end.

shut up leaf kike you're not even right

Stalingrad was fucking hilarious. That scene with the Russian soldiers on fire and still fighting made me laugh.

The opening is great



a real wehrmacht officer would've headbutted the jew in the groin and got shot instead of suffering such a humiliating defeat

its been a while since I watched that movie, I remember it being just a random german trooper that did it and not that same guy specifically

kek what an autist

nah jews are such sociopaths they actually expect the good goyim to support the nasty jew brutalizing an honorable german

>did you get that medal for killing jews?
>no bravery.

And he never talks. The German cucks those fucking Jew cunts to pieces. Was never sure what Tarantino's point was here.

Tarantino's movies don't have a "bad guy" or a "good guy". Like who the fuck were the villains in Pulp Fiction? Or Kill Bill? Bill was a decent guy at the end and Kiddo still fuckin killed him. Or Reservoir Dogs? In fact the rat cop is who the other guy trusted and who fucked everyone over.

Tarantino's movies make you sympathetic for the supposed "bad guy"

Hans Landa was best character imo. Badass

like, it's so fucking obvious the kikery too in the movie but IDGAF

the scene where Eli Roth the kike is tearing apart Hitler's face with full auto spray was pretty funny, lol Kike Fantasy

It's just a movie man. Just drop subtle redpills if you watch a movie like this and call out the bullshit

Alot worse happened in the war you little stupid fucking baby. You had to turn it off because you saw a few germans getting their heads bashed in? Japenese soldiers got flattened by tanks asshole.

it was just a Jewish revenge fantasy, Jews constantly hold themselves up on a pedestal above every other victim of that war.

Pretty sure they don't care about the Germans.

>support BLM and reperations
lol wat

Nah it was the same guy, at the end he recognizes the US soldier who convinced the others to let him go

This is true. The good guy is the French Jewish girl.

Is this your first experience with Tarantino's masturbatory revenge fantasies?


All of the crazy violence was there for a reason.

I mean, just look at the Germans yucking it up in the theatre at crazy violence before the Americans burst in and do the same thing.

>americans storm a machine gun nest
>their medic gets killed, take one prisoner
>everyone wants to kill him as revenge
>rookie and squad leader both object, he is sent away (they are behind enemy lines so they can't escort him), and told to surrender to the first americans he sees
>he shows up in the end of the movie with a group of German soldiers, who shoots the squad leader as part of a massive assault
>american reinforcements show up, German guy is taken captive by rookie
>German is happy to see rookie, but gets shot by him

I can understand why he got shot, but still, he had surrendered

Yes. In fact they had a scene of the American soldiers executing Nazi soldiers after they had already surrendered.

I don't know what the other user was talking about. Too much time on pol looking for da Joo influence I guess

I could put up with his cuckery until hateful eight. Literally muh "cool black anti-hero" forcing some white guy to suck his cock. WTF Tarantino

>How dare he not honor the glorious Wehrmacht and SS! Ill call him a kike and say what country he is from and tell him hes not right because Goebbels didn't give me any counterarguments!

I don't know if he wanted to make you sympathise with Germans as much as mock war films for being propaganda.
Like you see the long milk scene that's pretty much a ss interrogation then you see the Americans torture German officers for an interrogation.
It's even more obvious at the end when a cinema full of people cheering at a war propaganda film get massacred.

Shyamalan just had one of the biggest hits of his career with "Split" and it and his previous movie are two of the most profitable films of the decade so far.

Well gotdamn leaf.
*starts a slow clap*

How many layers of public assistance are you on wayne

americans and their obsession about "revenge"
the writer should have not resorted to that, would have delivered a lot more powerful message had he just let him live and taken em all prisoner, war is wall and people just want to be people and all that

>a real wehrmacht officer would've headbutted the jew in the groin and got shot instead of suffering such a humiliating defeat
What would a fucking basement dwelling, europa universalis playing, virgin-ass tendies eating faggot like you know about what a "real wehrmacht officer" would do?

Split was kind of fucking awful though.
It was an hour and a half of making schizophrenics look like they had super powers or something. Totally fucking retarded.

You shouldn't call them nazi soldiers, they were just regular wehrmacht.

>war is wall
fugg :DDD
meant "war is war"

>The entire nazi administration is brutally murdered inside a burning theatre.

If you think this is revisionism, then you far beyond deluded. The movie is obvious fiction. In no way does it try to portray itself as historically accurate.

Meanwhile: In an alternate timeline...

Tarantino is the most overrated director in the history of cinema. Reservoir Dogs is amazing. Everything else is meh.

>look like they had super powers
pretty sure he actually did have superpowers, since the ending tied in to "Unbreakable" and the sequel is going to be a sequel to both movies.

As a german I gotta say Tarantino did a good job portraying the germans as actual regular people who just fought for their Vaterland. Especially the guy who celebrated the birth of his first son with his comrades

Wehrmacht soldiers literally swore an oath to Hitler as part of their training

i know more than some faggy leaf whose main idea of honor is giving his dog a reach around as he's fucking it up the wazoo

who has a black boyfriend

>saturday morning cartoon villains exist in military form in real life if u disagree ur a naziboo LARPer

i took it as some sort of hollywood gungho movie until they started preaching with shit

>french movie girl and her progresive!1 boyfriend

>somehow manage to break in and shoot a totally unguarded and in the open fuehrer without heavy opposition

the grammar nazi and that card game they played in the bar were entertaining but that could have worked in any other movie desu

That didn't make them Nazis

>the Jews kill their enemies using a movie theater and a negro -- no symbolism there!


never noticed this

LOL, say what you will about trentin quarantino being a fag, he's pretty based sometimes

Wouldn't taking him prisoner again be a cuck move though?

Tarantino is garbage. Go watch real movies not his remix nonsense.

>In the scene the good guy even says he plans on dying for his "country"
>Has a medal for bravery and even when faced with death he still doesn't give up.
Aside from just the scene, you are aware that most of the Wehrmacht weren't just evil assholes?


In the movie, yeah, he actually did. But the whole thing is a crock of shit meant to glorify literal mental illness and make it look like it'll turn you into superman.

Normalizing mental illness like that is probably a bad idea. Also, these constant fucking cash-cow sequels are cancer.

What the fuck, I saw a trailer for it that looked okay, jesus christ.

I had this same feeling watching this scene. If you look online, most of (((them))) think it's funny and heroic.

spot the leftycuck

God I always see this. What's it from user?

I laughed my arse off when they shot up Hitler because it was so obvious it was a rubber fake.

Are you actually autistic?

While Tarantino is a pandering shit head. The movie was pretty good.