Hey Sup Forums I've recently converted to kekism, what should I do to honour my God first
KEK is the God of chaos. Routine worship is frowned upon.
Just count your blessings and pray he doesn't sacrifice you in the happening fire.
kill yourself leaf
Worship him in your own way, user
Kek will light the path for us all
You should try rolling digits
Go to random.org, set the numbers between 1 and 9999 and ask a question aloud for guidance. Keep an eye out for repeating numerals
FPBP, Jesus Christ is God above all.
Thank you fellow Sup Forums-er, I understand everything now, I can't wait to be taken into the light
You must put the gun to the side of your head. Then pull the trigger. praise kek
self sacrifice
do what you can to lend chaos to the establishment so that the demon pedo empire CRUMBLES
Never violate the NAP. For more information, submit your social security number and credit card information to find out more.
fucking fat asian spreading the word of kek on shias meme stream, praise him
kill the king leaf
Have you tried bottling your piss?
Obviously you haven't fully embraced get yet to czech em like this.
Is kek with a leaf?
praise him at least three times a day to give him power
So far he's been blessing us many happenings
ave kekia
kek vult
Shitpost on normalfag sites and generally cause chaos.
We're not an Abrahamic religion and we don't think the way they do.
They've brought misfortune to my enemies and many happenings.
Sorry my Lord that in Canada I can't get a fucking gun to kill with
Will I get that husbando, lord Kek?
Try to cause as much chaos as possible by using digits on any of the kek-worshipping boards. Don't forget to convert other people and share pepes to people who open their heart to kek. Start to hoard pepes too and save them.
Praise kek, if digits and if OP doesn't reply to this post, his mother will die in her sleep.
Should I post immunity doggo, Kek? Those are some sick digits.
>Rolls 88
Like pottery.