What went wrong?
Milo Yiannopoulos
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Not gonna lie, former copypasta poster here. It's fun watching these crash and burn. But seriously, we can't keep posting these.
Sounds like an excuse to keep posting
Being a BBC loving kike faggot who supports circumcision
Welcome back CTR
hey rabbi, nice post
I am so sick of these threads. NOTHING is going on in Sweden. We are the beacon of hope in a bigoted world and your drumpfkins just can't accept someone who isn't your own skin color. Most of our women prefer migrants to whites in this country because they are sick of the same stale rhetoric pushed by white men. My family took in a migrant and he is the best father figure I could possibly have, even though he is younger than me, he has actual life experience. Maybe one day you will all wake up. I get to live in a country where I can be openly homosexual without feeling oppressed like I would if I lived in the west. Hell, even visiting family here in London, I still see the bigotry that the USA propogates. It leaks through the borders. I am truly free in my home country, and it makes me sad seeing all of your drumpfkins clamor over REAL fake news
What did he mean by this?
I really don't care what's happened, he basically already played his part.
His schtick of just antagonizing the left into a fury and making fun of chunky feminists is better off in more capable, less degenerate hands.
Sup Forums now sides with the media, hates the faggot who got more done in a year than you guys will ever, and love pewdepie
What the fuck happened?
oh wait, wrong video
>bait people for views similar to "shocking" """"reality""" TV which is mostly fake too
>realize it gives money so he keeps doing it
>repeat going further and further keeping stuff fresh to stay relevant desperately
>go a little bit too far like a dumb retard
Shame he made enough money to live a happy life even without a job from now on, would've been great if he became homeless or something.
I can't imagine how fucking dense you must be to actually think Milo is some savior of politics. He's a fucking court jester.
>it's okay if he's a flaming degenerate faggot as long as he's on our side
This is you right now.
I dont get this, he said the same thing like a year ago as well. Why did it spark controversy this time?
why is it that Sup Forums is said to support milo when clearblue has posted more milo threads in the last day than any user has posted in Sup Forums
Him being a faggot is what went wrong.
Sup Forums supported a guy who constantly talked about gay sex.
Anyone have any JUST memes of Milo?
The left is throwing up dirt trying to divert the pizzagate people from catching their own.
I'm still gonna support him, but shouldn't he have doubled down on the pedo remarks and make even more jokes, then call the media out for being retards who don't get sarcasm.
but instead he appologized like a bbc loving cuck he is
Why is everyone in the alt-right so fucking gay?
>Dickie Sphincter
>Milo Faggopoulos
>Gavin McAnus
>Jonathan Bumden
>Stefag Molyneux
>I'm an authoritarian wanker who has wet dreams about giving daddy government absolute power because they'll totally kill all the niggers and faggots that hurt my feelings and that regime could never go wrong because that shit has never gone bad before right?
This is you right now.
Ha. that makes sense.
the guy talks about loving black dick in every interview he does. GOOD RIDDANCE
He is gay, and they wanted to divide and conquer what they call the alt right. Perfect target since half the alt right doesn't like fags. So they went after him.
>Why did it spark controversy this time?
He was just on Bill Maher, so he's getting a bit more broad mainstream attention.
The left and neocons can't have people listening to him.
>builds a career on triggering people
>shocked when they fuck him over because they're triggered
I'm sorry but what did he expect? He thought he could just keep antagonizing people and nothing would happen? He thought he'd change people's minds by being a dick to them?
>divide and conquer
Oh shit now i'm getting back all of the HWNDU nostalgia
Did you not get that that was a tactic to fuck with the left? I mean its pretty simple but the average intelligence on Sup Forums has fallen so far so I could see why you don't understand simple things.
The best part is that even if Sup Forums was right, that this was AN EVIL JEW MEDIA CONSPIRACY to smear Milo for saying things that he said on purpose to upset people...it doesn't matter.
Ya blew it guys. And you can't even fix it. Because you can't stop talking about it. You will be seeing threads like this forever and you'll yowl that it's CTR but it's really just you trogylodytes trolling yourselves because you can't stop.
Milo threads need to stop. Its becoming spam at this point.
Why is everyone on the left obsessed with the fags?
He was just about to speak at CPAC, which probably caused other conservatives to have questions about him.
it's a conspiracy! that's the only way people would be offended by something he said on purpose to offend people!!
I remember seeing his Joe Rogan podcast where he also talked about the priest molesting him as being a good thing and thinking it would come back to fuck him over.
why is there a comma?? fuck this illiterate faggot, he doesn't even know, how to use punctuation right?
It's easier to take a cock in the ass than to put up with women's shit desu. Better butt games than head games.
maybe you guys should learn to vet people after having your dick sucked by them in the bathroom at the RNC
No I think it really is CTR. There's no reason for 20 threads with a picture of Milo with things like "Is he finished?" or "What happened to this guy?". Its just fucking spam and seeing as McMuffin spent like $200,000 on this shit and he's friends with that cunt Rick Wilson it probably really is paid shilling
You take it in the butt because you're too scared to talk to women? That's not gay, that's omega.
>coalburning kike faggot paedo
Good question lad. Not sure how that's gone wrong for him.
Paid shilling for what?
I'm literally here like everyone else because it's fucking funny to mock you guys and see you get upset and insist it's a conspiracy. You are a lolcow.
You're giving it to us for free.
waste of trips. kys
Hi retard, yes I got it, but the fact that he wanted to use crutches instead of his words annoyed me every time he did it.
>milo turns into a fast sinking ship over night
>poltards want to chain themselves to him for no real reason
I wonder who the real shills are
It could be a massive jewish conspiracy to interrupt the flow of shitposts from here.
OR its newfags that know posting even the worst bait will get hundreds of responses from you utter fucking retards.
gee I just don't know which is more likely...
WTF is copypasta?
he didn't install the white to black extension by uncle chang
kek Yeah about wraps it up
He's a perverted degenerate and I'm glad his life is ruined.
>bleached hair
take your pick
He fits perfectly into the times. Look at the U.S. executive branch.
Counterpoint: The right invented pizzagate whole cloth to try to divert attention from Trump & Epstein's own pedo lawsuit (which they successfully death-threatened into being called off)
He's a stupid cunt and a faggot.