How do we stop this recent trend where young boys decide to become cute girls?

How do we stop this recent trend where young boys decide to become cute girls?

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>Traditional Catholicism

The real question is how can we accelerate this trend?

by fucking them

>Implying you wouldn't

Why on earth would we want to stop this from happening?

Young boys try to become cute girls.
That means there are less manly men.
That means there's more competition for manly men because methinks these "cute girls" aren't looking for female attention.
This means there's more competition for big, hairy, muscular men.
>tfw I'll never be a cute girl
>tfw 6'4" hairy af athletic build
>dream is to be 5'6" cute girl

But hey, getting laid sure is easy for me.

That hooked nose. Oy vey no thank you



The man to woman ratio is way off, with men being more numerous than women. There's a lot of idle young boys who naturally turn into girls to even out the balance.

If a critical mass of goys turning into girls is reached, society will have to consider allowing polygamy.

I would fuck her so badly

I want Anita to dom me


What the fuck is wrong with you guys. Anita is one of the most repulsive creatures on Earth.

Reminder that small penises are useless
And if you fuck one with one you may as well be fucking a girl without the comfort of an extra hole.

Forced detainment and medication in psychiatric wards.

Don't have to stare at it if you're tagging her from behind. Also, bags exist.

Traps > Trannies

Why did the parents let this happen?

Whats their endgame?

its too late i've already realized being cute is fun






I'm 5 foot 3 inches and male, so I may seem girlish for that reason, but I highly doubt most guys want to be girls, or that a trend will develop without proof that it is. I think threads like this is wishful thinking by the OP.

Slam them so hard in the poibucci that they rue the motherfucking day they decided to forsake their gender.

h-haha most guys don't want to be girls?
are you sure?

I mean I totally don't want to either
but I thought most guys did secretly want to and just lie about it?

I'll fuck them til them lil faggots love me!

JLaw shoop

>but I thought most guys did secretly want to and just lie about it?

No proof of that

Bring back bullying. It's the natural order of things. Modern degeneracy started with anti-bullying campaigns.

Only thing good I can say about being a girl is they have a lot more fashion style with clothing that's it.

Why contain it?

>Bring back bullying

Yeah, more school shootings will result....

she is thick, natural, she has a strong attitude and strong bareers, thats hot for some of us.. when a girl is all over me and I got nothing to do to win her my cock is not really interested

she thinks too much of herself but it's obvious which make it kind of hot in my honest opinion

ok I guess I'll just be honest
I can remember wanting to be a girl as far back as like first or second grade
like at one point around that age someone in class asked me if I wanted to be a girl but I said no because I knew it was the right answer and I didn't want to get made fun of

I always just kinda assumed most guys thought like that?


That beak would take your eye out, leaf.

>Allowing fringe outlyers to determine social direction
>Implying anti-bulling decreased school shootings

Top kek

5'8 here. I'm 23 now but back when I was going 18-21 I wanted to trap. I'd go to sex shops n girls clothes stores and spend my OSAP loan on skirts dresses panties and stocking. Take pictures of myself and Internet for attention.

But at some point as a trap you find yourself wanting to be a fuck toy, a hole for other guys with no purpose but to please men.

And I nope the fuck out. So now I'm just a cute boy with life goals and trying to find an attractive nice bf.

Your kind should be exterminated.

>athletic build
>Sup Forums
Pick one.

>trying to find an attractive nice bf.
thats basically what I did, I used to really like the attention of dressing up and posting pictures and going on omegle and watch guys jack off
but don't you sometimes get jealous of the cute hair and cute outfits girls can wear? and like wearing makeup and stuff?


If the current trend were to stop, the global trade in 'programmer socks' would hurt the economy. you don't want to hurt the economy, do you?

The internet.

Not anymore really. Sometimes I'll pass a girls clothes store and think the stuff there is cute. The only girl stuff I still wear is boyshort panties Cuz /comfy/.

I never wore make up, was cute enough already.

G*d damn, that girl (boy) turns me on so much

really makes my dong think

Traps should be exterminated. They have no qualities except being a submissive cockslut

nah, more boipuchie 4 everyone

makeup is fun though!!
honestly I'm scared I'm going to start taking hormones, I really don't want to age like a man

Kill yourself. It's a boy but.

>Trap population explodes
>cute bois who can understand male desires please men and become better housewives than women ever could
>the vaginal Jew becomes angry that male attention is being taken away from them
>takes measures to outlaw faggotry to swing male goys back to them
>lgbt community clashes with the vaginal Jew
>liberalism has a seizure as they try to figure out which side is more oppressed
>eventually implodes leaving white men to set the whole back to the correct order
We should be encouraging trap relationships tbhfam

Since leaving my trap PHASE I've grown to hate traps and people who aspire to be them. And beyond the penis there's no major difference between traps and women. They're both vain cock sluts.

They would just be gay anyway so what do you care?

do I have the potential to become cute girl

rate me

Less. You mean less competition.

Testosterone is a good start

Exterminate all white "men"

>cock sluts
idk I did start off kinda that way
but eventually getting male attention becomes boring, its like giving out soup at a soup kitchen, you can do it whenever and they'll always be someone there

I often wish I didn't like dressing up and feeling cute, but I see no reason to deny it to myself when it feels good and makes me happy...

You can't hide your shekels forever goyim

A good war will straighten the little faggots out.

Let these boys pretend they're women. then they wont reproduce!
passive eugenics.


all according to plan

You would be right except there's one problem...

Women love traps. I don't know why, but they do. And traps aren't even close to being exclusively gay.

can't imagine them actually wanting it
I thought it might be interesting for a day just to see what it's like, but I am generally happy with my penis and, of course, the privilege that comes with it.
Wondering is not the same as wanting to be a girl.

Pls post trap feet k thx

Boys cannot become girls.

got anymore info on that pic or a better one with out sholomo

Post yourself you fat sack of shit.
One of the reasons I got out of trapping and settled and currently happy with being cute boy is the guy above; 1177.
Most of the people who enjoy and give attention to us are 2/10 fat sacks of shit.

would bang so hard
this one also makes me diamond
imagine a threesome with both

yeahhhh creepy chasers are definitely a real problem
something has always just rubbed me the wrong way about being in a "gay" relationship, whenever I've been with guys I've always kinda just thought of myself as a girl even though I know they haven't always felt that same way

idk :/

Never felt like the girl. More like the mascot of the group. The cute and small mascot that likes taking dick

I don't think of it like "the" girl, just a girl...but whatever

congrats on escaping the degeneracy that I don't think I'll ever be able to :(

>implying it's a trend

it's indoctrination and evil but far from a trend or worse, an epidemic.

You're still talking about less than 0,01% of the population in any country besides maybe the US.

There has to be a turning point for everyone, just pray yours doesn't cum too late

I think it already is...I've really been thinking about starting HRT

Can't Stop Me Now


POORLY. You would fuck her so POORLY, user.

What do you think of this Sup Forums?

legitimate child abuse

Well you are too old to be a cute GIRL, but from watching tons of drag queen transformation, this is workable, nice eyes, high cheekbones.

First, obviously, shave the beard, then use contouring to slim the lower cheeks and jaw. Tame the eyebrows with tweezers, use dark olive eye shadow.

Put on wig. put on the waist constricters that fat middle age women wears, then pick a matronly styled dress.

I think the wrong side won WW2

>thinking about starting.
Well you know user, I've been considering planning to organize a day when I can contemplate on a decision of whether or not I should think about starting to become more social

White people are pretty. Don't fight science.

idk totally what you mean by this
when I think about my body becoming more masculine it just really grosses me out

Actually, if we do a LOT of waxing, I think this guy can pull off a wide shoulder dress, padding a D cup bra and really cinch the waist.

He has a nice nose too, there are women who will kill to have a nose like that, high narrow bridge.



now fuck off faggots

I accept that i think one day how my life would be different if I was a female or how a female versiĆ³n of me would look like, but I don't want to be a girl less a trap, I like being male honestly would not change it

Why do boys make the best girls?

Done trying to help desu you're one of those kids like
>oh no I don't want to be X but it's happening anyway
>oh no my room is a mess but cleaning it would be too much effort.

If you don't want to change, stop crying on my Cantonese frog trading forum


>I used to really like the attention of dressing up and posting pictures and going on omegle and watch guys jack off
What the fuck dude

fine, honestly you're right
I'm not really trying hard to fight it because deep down I don't want to
I went to the gym to try to put on muscle and become a man last month and that moment really showed me how little I actually wanted to be an actual real man
I know I'll never be female but I know I don't want to be masculine

Being a faggot is a hell of a drug senpai

Every cute boy should turn into a cute girl.

Prove me wrong Sup Forums

"It is Igor here. You will become a girl. The Divine Plan requires this sacrifice."