Europeans have freedom of spee-

>Europeans have freedom of spee-

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I don't understand how Europe can be so far behind on protecting basic human rights


a bit more....
a bit more and i can be a refugee in the US
just 2 years and i have my degree

Saw this coming.

>Heil Hitler
>EU cracking on dissents is bad
Pol is a textbook schizophrenic no wonder u guys believe pizzagate


Haha the only thing Europeans are allowed to protest is white people

>Loyalty to a great leader is the same as loyalty to a bunch of tyrants in Brussels

Go m'lady your daughter some more, Armoured Skeptic. Fuck off.

Sounds about right for the quality journalism there.


Gee, I wonder who could be behind this.

>be bong
>say something good about Trump
>get called a racist, spit on and beaten
>talking about basic human rights


Nice source faggot

>tfw the EU finally gets its army and goes full Prague 1968 on any dissenters

I found it.

You can't have something like free speech alongside the unnatural abortion that is the EU. The EU meme needs constant reinforcement and protection to survive.

Being judged by others for what you say is much different than being prosecuted by your government for it. Come on man.

Also plenty of people are outspoken Trump supporters and haven't been antagonized.

>it's fucking real

>illegal to speak out about the EU
Not my fucking problem

everything is unraveling

it's beautiful to watch

>Dec 1, 2016

Is there anything more recent on this?

>1776 will happe....
oh wait we dont have guns either. rip europe

Whats wrong with this?

Imagine being a well adjusted immigrant who came to Europe legally, got a job, paid taxes, married a local girl and was raising kids to be called a nigger by a fat, greasy loser yelling from his parents basement.

>great leader