ITT Dead Careers

ITT Dead Careers

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Sam still has Plan S

do you really think that Milo's career is dead?
He already announced huge plans that he will do and non of his fans care, since they knew about it for over one fucking year


p-please watch my show

>do you really think that Milo's career is dead?

Real career yes.
I'm sure he'll continue to be an irrelevant e-celeb in the meantime


What happened to Sam? I'm sure he's still on the loose.

is this the woman the left elite had killed to stop brexit??

Yes. Died for absolutely nothing.

The careers of both these people will ultimately benefit from their martyrdom

>Buy Sam Hyde's booking hoping to support him so he will make new content
>literally nothing new since the book came out, it was also extremely difficult to read and not that funny

who else got rused by the meme master Sam Hydestein?

Not even memeing I've not heard from Sam since he was fired and the rest of MDE abandoned him to move out West to preserve their careers.

>Liberals love ruining people careers because they hurt their feefees
What else is new?


hes working on BUG SPORTS

poor man ;_;

one leftist less I guess, also checked

Yes > dead career

Only dead career here is Joe Bernstein

buying the book is just tax for the free vids and sacrificing his life for us

other than that i won't buy the next one desu

Bet he will get away with it too.

>he didn't find the easter egg

so many ruined reputations over a steaming load of politics


I discovered MDE: World peace 2 days ago, shit is priceless.
Sam Hyde is a genius

>muh hermione's a nigger

do blacks love me yet?

What? they don't/can't read?


Their YouTube channel is the main course. Just dig in and you'll find something.

Shooting all these kids was not cool though

MDE never dies

Yeah, the anime convention trolling was so good. It took some time to get good but I was crying of laughter in the end

At least Milo has all that charity money he swindled.

this. fuck rowling.

fuck the gay pedo desu senpai

I thought Milo was fucked until I watched the press conference. He literally redpilled everyone who watched it into understanding he can't be stopped. Full Streisand effect.

If the mcmuffinfags watched it I believe they were left with a sour aste in their mouths upon realising they've only made this faggot even bigger.

More book sales confirmed, and you're an idiot if you think many publishers aren't willing capitalise on his situation.

More sold-out campus tours.

More TV. E

ven if he has to rebuild, he's set to have his most successful year yet and there's literally nothing you can do about it.

>I was molested and liked it
>this kills the career

Really fucking hate media

>Brit continues to brown nose his pedo better

Big surprise

Oh Je suis content de plus être le seul français à reconnaître son génie ;)

How is it brown nosing? What I stated is literally what's going to happen you stupid potato munching nigger.

Milo set the stage for being invulnerable to controversy. The normal rules don't apply.

That book was filled with gold.

>Texas Windmill Salesman
>The Army
>The Westermarck Effect

>Brit belittles an ethnicity of white because he's criticizing a Gay Jew

Its no wonder we Irish always have to pick up the slack

I remember how she started that meme with Dumbledore being gay and thought it was funny how she wanted to use a complete non-plot point (old man anal) to make a statement.


besides wasn't some ravenclaw or the captain of the quiddith team already black in the book? big fucking deal

>Sam Hyde
It still hurts

Do you ever think Bernie shit talks Trump with his "y-yah put Goldman Sach on yah cahbinet, so much for Drain The Swamp" cause he technically is part of the swamp?

>le subversive trolling meme
No I just hate Irish faggots. People think Scots are the worst around these parts but I know better

Is Charles out west?


Yeah, he's in LA with Nick

I have faith in Sammy. He's a good boy and works hard and stuff.

He may never have a "mainstream" career again, but he's not going to be managing a Dunkin Donuts or something.

Pages 36 - 39 alone made it good

>The most white parts of the British Isles are the worst

Uh huh


I found it last month

Its a shame it was canceled, the gym skit is pure comedy, and brilliance

>Get to the gym, do my uppercuts

Sam will start making videos again if we donate to his paypal. Thing is, that even if we donate it will be gone within a few weeks time.
Why would I give Sam Hyde money when I'm struggling myself?
He's really a Jew and I think he knows it.

>book sold out
>dead career
With all that money we're gonna get a new era of Hydekino

If he was Jewish his show wouldn't have gotten cancelled

Would you rather have abs? Or be able to lift an atlas stone?

Fuck you butch tits

Really? I thought he was living in a basement somewhere in New England.

Kys horsefucker. No, we don't care that you draw swatstikas on your favorite pony, you still need to be gassed.

Sargon of Cucking

Do you think Bill Maher knew this was going to happen before he booked hi,?

Sam is literally earning millions daily now.

>He thinks the Irish are worse than the Scots or the Scousers or anyone inside the M25 ringroad

hehe your a funny cunt m8

He seems like he's doing well, must have saved his money from the show

>Plan S

The way he shills for money is Jewish

he needs a platform - like, Twitter is a platform, Breitbart is a platform, having a publisher is, etc. Getting banned from Twitter, for a communicator, its not a winning idea - also actually pretty difficult, assuming you aint a complete retard.. Building your own platform, then launching your own balloons from that? Hes not that talented/inmdustrious/popular/rich. tldr, he fucked, whether he realises it or not.

Plan S will always be there, whenever he chooses to find it.

Yes and until they are threatened properly with mass immigration you will continue to be soft faggot lefties.

I honestly think the Jew taking him out killed him a little. I'm sure he'll be back but he never got far enough to stay on top like Milo did. They took on Milo while he was at a peak, he can't fall far with so many supporters.
Sam on the other hand had a quasi popular show on YouTube that was picked up on CN and then killed after 6 episodes because the Jews fucked him over. That has to fuck with your mental state. You literally get jewed right as you're about to hit it big enough to really start pushing your craft and cashing in on your hard work. I know I'd lose it a little, at least for a while.

Sam Hyde was completely prepared for this. Right now he's trying to rely on our pity shekels


>implying they didn't know it was going to get canned after 1 season thus they called it "World Peace"
>sfw he can say "The Kikes Ended World Peace"


>Milos career
Kek no. Have you learned nothing? In a way, Milo has tapped into the same power Trump has: the ability to be constantly shit on by the media and only grow stronger because of it. Say what you will about that attention whoring faggot but he knows how to capitalize on the attention he gets. There are already several publishers that want to pick up his book and hes gonna do another college tour.
He's gonna make this better for his career than when he got banned from Twitter

>Not Sargoy of Acucked
missed opportunity m8


It's Sargoy: Welcome to Cukkad

>I'm telling you guys he's gonna make this better for his career than when he got imprisoned in Munich


>being accused of kiddie diddling and destroying Europe for the second time in 40 years is totally the same thing guys!
Go to bed Patrick, youre drunker than usual.

I paid $15 leaf golds for the PDF in November and I still haven't looked at it, I count it as a donation.

I feel worse for Sam, I was really looking forward to WP season 2. Milo made his own bed of shit on this one, now he's got the word "pedophile" hanging from his neck so I don't blame anybody for severing ties.


Ah yeah forgot to put him in the OP


Fuck off retard

>destroying Europe

One has already published a hugely successful book (2nd print incoming) And has all sorts of projects underway (getting swole, another book...something(?) )

>Went from the most successful TV show ever to the most successful Amazon show ever
>Dead career
>Thinking I meant destroying Europe morally instead of literally.

>most successful Amazon show ever

Like being the whitest man in Argentina


Fuck, I was playing in poker stars as I was watching this.

Mine since 2009, RIP press F

Sam will get away with it, but milo is fucked