On December 1st, 2015, I was admitted to the University of Pennsylvania on a full ride $282,220 scholarship. Now, almost a whole year later, a fascist is out to delegitimize not only my achievements, but my existence. Trump is out to normalize the deportation of millions of undocumented immigrants (something that President Obama is guilty of as well), he is out to increase the incidences of incendiary police brutality, and he is out to destroy the very communities that this oppressive nation thrives off of.
but...hes letting the daca niggers stay for now
If you complain that much, why don't you return to Mexico and make your country great?
You're probably on DACA and are eligible for a student visa
Quit bitching, being in America is a privilege and not a right
They need to go too. Go fix their homeland with the welfare, health care, and education they've stolen.
Your parents are criminals and you're a theif stealing an American's birthright.
You should be executed.
>being proud of being a parasite
Skin color checks out.
>mexican flags
this is why you can't stay... you have no loyalty to a country that has allowed you to accomplish so much..
>go wave that mexican flags when the cartels are so impressed with you GPA
Time to forward this to ICE.
Good now go back to your own damn country and fix it.
If America is so racist and evil, why don't you leave you parasite?
Other tactics include aligning with LEFT-WING activists to fight NEO-NAZIS and using them to do undercover work for Muslims to "pave the way for the conquest of Rome." It suggests that Muslims can use LEFTESTS to fight and sabotage the "financial elite." - ISIS
Therefore, the Islamist movement is useful in keeping the pressure on the imperialists while the communist movement? is undergoing a phase of weakness, natural leader of the global revolution will re-gain its? strength and will be able to "lead the next wave of the proletarian revolution." - ISIS
We know in the present era, Russia is a common enemy and threat for both the Europeans, and also Sunni Muslims. - ISIS
Historically there is only one enemy Muslims + the West have united to fight. That enemy is Russia. - ISIS
Europe will wake up to the major threat they are facing "RUSSIA and according to my understanding of prophetic narrations make a peace covenant with the ISLAMC STATE. - ISIS
Muslims – the oppressed citizens turn to Insurgency;
It urges Islamic propagandists to claim that aspects of Islam are being criminalized, and to frame police as enemies of the Muslims. This, it says, helps to build a sense of alienation:
Tell them stories of how we feel unsafe and how they make it a crime for us to morally support Muslims around the world, and they do not even let us leave the West if we want to. - ISIS
An increasing amount of practising Muslims however still felt alienated
report and deport
pls do. it worked for that one whore
I'm impressed. Hop into this gas chamber, and let me bring you to the protest.
>the deportation of millions of undocumented immigrants (something that President Obama is guilty of as well)
Why do you think right wingers hated Obama so much?
I went to UPENN, my tuition probably paid for some other spic, poo, gook or niggers free ride.
don't you need an SSN to do any of that?
>thinking anyone gives a fuck about your accomplishments
Still illegal. QQ more then go get beheaded in your third world shithole
He needs to pay back that money
So you took a legal residents opportunity for a free ride. Hopefully you get the boot as well
They won't assimilate.
They won't go back.
Fuck them all
>being this achieved but lacking this much wisdom
Says a lot more about our education than our immigration policy
Couldn't just get a student visa? Not smart enough apparently lol
Someone report ICE
yeah, these things are all fucking lies.
UPenn costs that much these days? My fancy private school cost less. That's one of the better state schools, but it's still only
>one of the better
t. Masshole
Go back to your own shithole and make it great, America is for the white man!
Why the fuck would you need a $282,000 scholarship if you're just gonna waste it at Penn. U.?
blows my mind that people think that they can
>sneak into places
>commit felonies
>not assimilate
>not pay taxes
>are owed hundreds of thousands of dollars of benefits from a foreign country.
100% this
OP should hang
You'd think with such a high GPA you would know how to spell illegal.
Mexico can use a guy like him.
If he doesn't want to go back he should stop pretending to be patriotic and shit.
>illegal beaners getting scholarships intended for whites
I know this is bait but it angers me that this is so common and accepted in society.
What happened?
University of Pennsylvania is a private ivy league school.
There are plenty of American born citizens, or immigrants who got their green cards who could have used that money first.
For someone who brags about their GPA, you must be well aware of what 'illegal' means.
And you're still not smart enough to shut your fat beaner mouth and not expose yourself on social media.
he is adding all the scholarship offers from any school that offered to make it sound huge.
Great spic nigger now that money will go to the descendants of the people that have sacrificed for this country for hundreds of years. And fuck native Americans, you lost with your loser DNA, take my dick. We rule by conquest and the mutual consent of the conquerors, niggers you are going back to slavery or the rendering pot I don't care which, jews you will be lucky to get bacl to Israel with your lives.
I'm sure Mexico will benefit from having this super smart dude back
Pack your bags, Paco.
Good. You have to go back. Go to Universidad de Guadalajara and make Mexico great again(protip: it was never great)
Their loyalty will always lie with the country they actually belong to. I worked with Africans who smuggled goods back to their home country and sent every single dollar back to their home country too. They were a net drain on the nation.
not sure about penn, but gooks here are mostly on their own money.
callate la chingada guey
te tienes que regresar
Why do you want to allow the land of your heritage to descend so completely into chaos and degeneracy. Your actual people need you.
has anyone else noticed that almost all "accomplished" beaners' glory is in the form of point whoring, earning an excessive number of degrees, or grubbing scholarships only available to their race?
>muh GPA whose scale varies from school to school (4.0 was shit at my HS)
>muh not even valedictorian but bragging about rank
>muh affirmative action scholarships
in fact, has there been even a single hispanic theoretical physicist of ANY note? even niggers have Narison. fucking pathetic
>200k+ scholarship
Not really special, when you consider the amount of scholarships that aren't based on merit, but whether you're "marginalized," nor is acceptance into Upenn that great when you're competing on the shortbus rather than amongst whites and Asians where it's cutthroat.
Stupid beaners.
> And SJW's wonder why they have to pay so much for school
I agree, a big percentage of immigrants are like you, so we should keep them.
I fucking hate how Hispanics get affirmative action. At least natives Americans were genocided and blacks enslaved, Hispanics literally have no excuse yet they get free shit. A 100% white girl from Colombia with shit grades got into Cornell at my school because she listed herself as Hispanic. REEEEEEE
HEY Americans don't you check papers???????????????
they use fake ssn
>tfw you have to cherry-pick incredibly rare examples and attempt to imply that it's the norm
I've seen that kinda shilling before
>Mexican intellectual
or rather they use stolen ssn
Doesn't matter. ICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bet you're studying someone really useful bud.
aw shiet. u wuz right
I'm thinking of penn state then. Still pretty sure the ivy league is a meme except for brown and princeton. Then again Emma Watson got memed out of Brown and I partied with lots of sexy indians on thanksgiving so they're at least harvard-tier as far as undergrads go.
>got her deported
No it didn't. She's still bragging about being on a $100,000-plus scholarship at U-T.
If it's so oppressive then feel free to fuck off back to whatever beaner pit that spawned you
Or just wait a few months and based Trump will take care of it
>Not encouraging this meme so you can secretly report them to immigration
So, you have dedicated your life to making life easier for the cartels and making death more common for your own kind.
>wave Mexican flags and scream about la raza
>cry when told they have to go back to Mexico
mexican intellectuals everybody
so take your stolen first world education back to mexico and fix your fucking country, oh wait, you're going to get a doctorate in latin american studies and sit around complaining about white people for the next 40 years or until you die, all the while suckling from the teat of the white man. go fuck yourself pedro.
This user's got the right idea kek.
We need to encourage these brave souls to stand up to these racists and proudly proclaim themselves undocumented!
He would've ended up immigrating here anyways if he was a mexican intellectual just like the Indian tech workers.
All 750,000 "dreamers" get a social security #, welfare, free college, free health care, free dental care. Notice how all the "dreamers" have $6,000 braces on their teeth? Taxpayer funded.
i feel you, burger. but we don't want them back, homeland traitors.
This would be the honorable thing to do. Or get your fucking citizenship. Goddamn bro, I'm sure you will pass the test.
Real question, if you love this country why don't you become one of its countrymen?
Have fun in Tacoland asshole.
They don't even fly our flags, the ungrateful faggots. They fly yours, yet they talk shit about Mexico constantly.
I understand why you don't want them back.
Treasonous little fuckers.
I know seriously I usually at least get an 80 on my exams. Stupid mexican gets a 4 and we're supposed to be impressed? lmao
College is the ultimate blue pill. Enjoy wasting 4 or more years just to come out dumber and get some job as a barista or if you majored in stem, a cuck job making 65k a year if you are lucky so you can marry some 6/10 girl that ignored you throughout college while getting gangbanged at frat parties.
>tfw dropped out early on
>tfw at age 19 i had nearly 15k in the bank
>tfw then changed jobs to work for a niche blue collar business making 16 bucks an hour and after doing that for a couple months started my own business
>now have over 100 accounts i service and made 140k last year at age 22
>living rent free and driving paid off truck so im just piling up money
Operation Dinner Out is a go!
I don't care your parents snuck you here illegalally blame them
Why don't you have residency? Why don't you have a green card
Fuck off
Come to think on it, why did Mexicans have such a high number of fucked up teeth?
OP is LARPing as a Mexican student, then he starts replying to his own posts by pretending to be someone else.
>I was admitted to UPenn. Trump is a facist
>DACA needs to go too! Fix their own nation
You're an idiot, OP
No. UPenn costs over $70,000 total per year. It's an Ivy League college in Philly.
Get out
Fuck off spic.
Let's be honest
Ice isn't deporting these kids, however they should force them to get visas or citizenship asap
>i'm undocumented
>im so smrt
Wow, someone got a good education and was dedicated to studying. Whites btfo?
Underrated movie. Gets no love.
Love robert redford and his spy movies.
>breaking the law and stealing $282,000 from americans
>the law isn't doing shit about this
I don't give a fuck if you become the fucker to cure cancer I want him shot in his spic head.
No, we can't. We actually hate each other and our own country, it's for the best if he doesn't come back.
you're trieng so hard to bait someone into calling the cops on you?
welp, hope this guy enjoys the deportation
average 2d chess
Gotta learn to read better dude. It is pretty obv by the way he says it that the scholarships are not all from UPenn. My high school did the same thing during graduation adding up all scholarships offered to the class.
>co-worker bitching because undocumented cousin got into a bunch of ivy league schools but didn't get any financial aid
>co-workers cousin moving to San Francisco for free community college
Co-worker also got full ride to undergrad. She said what's the point of going to college if it isn't free.
Just the entitlement of these people is like wow
America is a privilege. Not a right.
forgot to mention i also have a friend and cousin who went to trade school and both are making over 90k a year in their early 20s. meanwhile i have a friend from high school who went to a good college and majored in biology and is interning as a middle school teacher now kek.
>nearly $300k of scholarships to somebody who isn't even a fucking citizen
I remember this chick. She's majoring in something fucking worthless. It's like Women's Studies tier. Thanks for stealing our money to be totally useless.
They blast 4.0 GPA illegals all over the news, how many DACA kids are like him? Less than 2%. The rest are welfare moochers popping out bastards kids and living on the dole.
>I stole almost three hundred thousand dollars from the American taxpayers
>viva la mexico!
I would like this person to die.
You and your parents broke the law by coming here illegally (bypassing all those waiting their turn) and staying here illegally.
Ya gotta go. Criminals need to get sent back to their home. If you are so smart, help your home.