
What religious view is the true red-pill? I'm an atheist but want to hear what Sup Forums thinks.

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Non-religious Christianity





AKA Kek-worship.


The Roman Catholic church.

All religions are based on the Sumerian Religion, they just changed it to fit their beliefs. The sumerians believed in ayys, their name for God isnt the same that we got. For the Sumerians, their 'gods' didnt create the universe but the humans, they are part of it.

Here's a good one I picked up from this board:

Kekism, all others can GTFO, this is a kekist board

discordianism wikipedia:
>There is some division as to whether it should be regarded as a parody religion, and if so, to what degree.


Kekism for me. I'm undecided on Thoth. When I pray, I pray to Christ and Kek both. I'll probably go to hell, but that's okay. We'll save the world.!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ!UU42DaIA

Huge archive of esoteric and occult books

Christianity. I spent years as an atheist. I also spent years actually studying the texts of different world religions AND the occult, crossreferencing them through history, and trying to match and debunk them with current explanations given to us through current accredited, valid science and experiment.
I am not trying to sound like a fucking fedora when I say this. I sat down and had a question, "What is God?" and instead of going to a church or listening to a podcast I sat down and tried to figure out the answer from the religions themselves and I'm admitting that it took me years, partly because like I said I was an atheist.

Anyway long story short is if you actually study fucking religion, you're going to find out that there are three things that are prevalent in all of them, and it becomes a matter of pruning away all the disinfo, jew (((editing))), and recurring themes- ie, a common one being Ra is Mithra is Odin etc., from that. Those three things are:

There is a plane that exists beyond our physical world that we inhabit. This world is inhabited by entities both positive and negative.
What you do here, on this physical plane in your conscious lifetime, has a permanent effect on you, and that effect can be either positive or negative.
The world is controlled by and large by people whose sole purpose it is to confuse the above two concepts as much as possible.

Recent science has gone as far as to suggest that there is a 50% chance this is a simulation. But they're still stumped as to what set such intelligent program into motion. Christianity was the religion that I found had the soundest principle and a message most like what I found, that literally every religion preaches.

TL;DR yes, there is a God. He does know you. You are connected to God in a way you never thought possible. And get this, he wants you to be good. Yes, it really is that simple.

Normalfag religions spotted.Get on my level scrubs Robotology.


Well, I guess I'm going to hell then.

It'll all work out.

>Well, I guess I'm going to hell then.
Screwed yourself there, goy

>shows a meme that compares Christ and Mohammed.
>Calls Mohammed an alpha and Christ a beta
>Cannot even show Mohammed because Mohammed is like a groundhog who is afraid of his own shadow

Get real Ahmed. Islam is for niggers and shitskins who want to chimp out. Christianity is for civilized whites who aspire to have Empires built on tradition, trade, order, and conquest of the savages

Nah. If that's where I deserve to go, then okay. If God's just pissed that I didn't give him all my attention when Kek is getting results, then okay, that's his deal. But I won't stop doing it.

None, I guess.
I live my life corporeally

Beliving in a god of chaos and god who wants order and control is a bad choice, goy. Just pick one.

The only real god is the collective moral consciousness of human beings as a whole.

Gotta counterbalance things, man. Kek isn't really a god of chaos. If you look at his role in the Ogdoad, he's a god of renewal and creation-from-chaos. He also occupies a set role, which he performs consistently--resurrecting the sun god Ra so he can make his journey across the sky in the form of the Sun and keep the world alive.

Kek is transformation, rebirth, resurrection. Not complete and utter chaos.

isnt discordianism what miley is doing?

Kek is just a manifest as he is representative of the will of a large amount of people


choose 1


Atheism is the key - all others are baseless myths

The gods may just be part of the human group mind, but they have set personalities, roles, and agendas. They aren't just finger puppets. They have agency.

That's because they became sentient because of us.

Catholicism is the one truth faith.

I think maybe they've always been there in the back. Maybe we came from them, instead of the other way around. Sprung from them somehow.

>Civilized whites

Just for the hell of it. Am I going to hell?

>Dies and goes to hell, confused. Thought church membership would save him.

>Maybe we came from them, instead of the other way around.
Well you can believe that but all always believe the other way around.

Yeah, I think that answers that once and for all.

Live the cycle. Paganism (where Gods are understood as archetypes) comes close to a description of reality.

>reply to self

You don't?

Let's go for another round. Is hell eternal?

Agnostic while understanding that religion, especially Christianity, is important for certain people and plebs. A lot of "smart" people are atheists but they just replace God with other things, in the lefties case the state. The people who are dumber than the fedora tipping atheist communists need the religion for morals and to have purpose in their shitty lives.

Look at godless Jews for instance. Those are the people we are against. Those are the globalists. Of course you have your cuck Christians etc but I like to think they are the exception and not the rule.

I do but when I don't have an ID.

You can tell a 14 year old nerdy dirty Arab made this image

Sun worship

If you are Atheist then the logical position to take is being Agnostic.


In which I already do and none of you will convert me unless I'm at your mercy during judgement

Christianity - it has actual, strong historic evidence. If the evidence for Jesus' miracles were treated the same as anything else in history, they wouldn't even be controversial.

I'm not trying to samefag. I'm trying to divine Kek's message.

How can't you not believe in the Sun? It brings warmth and life to all life on Earth.

someone could catch this one?ยก is deleted

Buddhism is based, practicing the scientific method has been proposed as a way of practicing the faith. Also gets rid of pesky omnipresent fickle Gods in favour of a teacher that shows us how to live at peace with ourselves. Also aligns with some aspects of greco-roman philosophy.

Roman Catholicism or Orthodox

>How can't you not believe in the Sun? It brings warmth and life to all life on Earth.
Well I won't worship the sun like a god. Much more treat it like a friend.

The current pope needs to be drawn and quartered, and we need another Crusade to destroy Islam

If you're looking for existential answers then your pick doesn't really matter as every option comes down to "There was nothing, but then there was something."

If you're looking to get through hardships in life then Christendom is likely for you. Catholicism if you're rich, Protestantism if you're poor or Orthodoxy if you like colourful images and pretty churches.

If you're looking for meaning in life then Confucianism, Buddhism and Islam is probably more for you. Islam preaches (ironically, considering it's followers) work ethic and Confucianism as well. Buddhism will tell you to meditate real hard and be a nice person, but that's also something you can do with your life.

Lastly, if you want parties and rituals then paganism is for you. Too bad that pagan societies are few and far between and you'll probably have a hard time finding people to do feast and do rituals with. You should also pick your paganism carefully as some rituals are unnerving to sensitive people.

>we need another Crusade to destroy Islam
And atheism. Better get to plaining, goy.

Christ Chan is a German Lutheran

That's the best part about the sun, it doesn't care if you worship it , It's warm embrace shines down from the heavens automatically

Kek is a traditional Catholic with some heretical personal beliefs

Does the sun curse me every winter when it is too cold, or every summer when it is too hot? Can I do something to make it stop?

That's why I treat it like a friend.

No, the sun just doesn't give a shit. It's the Earth that is cursing you

You call me goy, as if being called an insulting Heb name would hurt my feelings. I would relish if the kikes hated me, for I know that I would be close to bringing their ruination. Therefore, I shall amend my previous comment to read:
We need another Crusade to obliterate Islam, Atheism, and the root of all evil, Judaism. Any remnants of those "religions" will be wiped clean from this Earth, and all who show an interest in exploring their history will be thrown into the ocean

Kinda hard to base your faith on something that is going to blow up and destroy the planet one day though....

human life will of been long extinct when that happens

So Earth is the bad guy? How so? Why is the Earth cursing me? What can I do to make it stop?

You are all heretics and need to get purged

Not true their version of the creation myth is totally unlike Genesis, except with the hastily thrown in

>The flood was Gods fault we dindu nothin


omg thanks user

>Kinda hard to base your faith on something that is going to blow up and destroy the planet one day though....
Not for me.

>what is free will

The earth strays away from the loving embrace of the sun, IDK how to stop it, I'm not a geoengineer or an astrophysicist

Friendly reminder that Catholics in the US voted for Hillary and Protestants voted for Trump at a nearly +30% split

Paganism if you are a true white who believes in the traditions of your own people. Christianity if you are still a cuck who slurps on the stories of arabs and jews in the dunes.

The Romans weren't wrong about what they saw

Many people through out history have recorded that there have been eclipses some longer than a lunar eclipse can take, but it wasn't the moon blocking the sun, there are other celetial objects in the sky that block the sun and moon and they take various amounts of time to pass even 6 hours. Your astronomy has failed to take this into account which are important famous historical observation.

I've made a short assesment of your religion and it's bad. You give me no means of comfort, no ideals and rules and no answers to what happens after I die. Your religion is worse than Flying Spaghetti Monster tier and doesn't offer more than other beliefs would.

>click one under "Chaos Magick"
>see some folders, and individual files
>choose "The Essential Skills of Magick.pdf"
>"Advance to the east point of the circle. Draw a large pentagram with your
wand, or with the pointed fingers of your hand."

y-y-y-yeah user, th-th-thanks

>not religious or agnostic


they are pretty damn based.

What did you expect?

Meditate each morning with zen monk.

God Bless America

I prayed so long adn so hard for years and years that this country get somebody ten times ten times Ronald Reagan and we got obama and so I prayed again one last time to God and I believed.


God Bless America


Religion means 'to bind.' All religions are cults, related to the original snake cult of antiquity. Atheism and Science are also cults.

You are all mad!

This is the most correct answer.


Who binds the strong man who breaks in the house? You thnk thats evil. Who are you to condemn those who are robbed by thieves? Who are you to condemn the judge who justly seeks retribution?

watched this last night, the discussion really struck a chord in me, religion and epics, and hero culture, its all something we westerners lack, and it actually does mess with us mentally, men especially.

Paganism, choose the belief system of your country of origin. Odinism is incredibly based. Vid related

No it's not it's a religion full of evil

Paganism is morally corrupt

fucking burn them all

Not at all. Do you know anything about it or are you just believing christian lies? Paganism is what most of european culture is based on. We are still pagan in our roots. You only need to embrace it and become decucked.

The truth about paganism, I was never a pagan but I always believed in the Lord. This is what I know about the false faith and I wish to share this with you today. Please enjoy this historical tour of degeneracy.

Here is my story about paganism and the heart of the matter. Unlike the shills in this thread I want people to understand it from the perspective of what the white pagan greeks and romans and nords and celts felt about paganism. I'm going to tell you a lot that most people don't know.

This is what the occult call secret knowledge. That is what occult means after all. I am telling you all this because I love you and I want you to be informed to make wise decisions not to assert myself above others, being puffed up by what is regarded by fools to be wisdom.
Paganism got a lot worse later on but it was bad to begin with. There were seeds of corruption from the very beginning.

>tfw most of the "christcucks" are probably atheists

There is no orthodoxy in paganism. It doesn't matter what you feel. What matters is you do the ritual and the prayer the correct way. Nothing inside your heart matters to the god that you worship in paganism. You see this altar, it is made out of ashes of cows burnt at the altar. The gods do not love you, they give you good things because you paid for it, not with good deeds but with a reckoned favor. It is debt and it is what you owe to them, who do not care for you and what they owe to you, and it's business, nothing personal.
For this reason the Greeks and Romans especially of all of them felt the most empty, the Romans most of all.

In Greek and Roman paganism, the myths exist for the sole reason of explaining why a certain ritual is performed. The ritual is a reenactment of the myth or legend itself. While sometimes they would use symbols and mock ups this was the exception and not the norm, you usually closely followed the myth and this should make you uncomfortable with certain stories, and with this do not be quick to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Lets go with some examples.

Human sacrifice wasn't something some countries did. Like almost everyone did it. The Romans of all peoples though were the most resistant. God bless them, they weren't like many others. We will get to the Romans later on.

Aztecs and Mayans would after taking out the heart of a living victim would skin them, yes. And the next victim would have to wear the skin until it totally rotted off them to prepare them for death.
Celts on the mainland did the burning man festival
Celts on the British isles lynched you and tossed you in a bog
Germans set you on fire will lynching you
Scandinavians loved human sacrifice and it was very vital to their religion, I will not tell what they did because the viking wannabees would actually do it if he knew the details of how it needs to be done
The ancient peruvians, long before Spain worshipped their spider god with human sacrifices, no need to go into the details there, there's no need
Canaan set their babies on fire
So did the Phoenicians
The poo in the loos had their own human sacrifice cults, the Brits mostly cleaned them out
Not sure about China and Japan. No idea what goes on over there
But I know Korea is still fucked up.

>in my opinion