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>tfw the liberals made me stub my toe this morning
>Drumpf is a retarded conspiracy theorist
You don't say
Many such cases!
It's is astroturf though there have been republicans complaingning about how these rabble rousers make it impossible for them to host town halls
>implying liberal activists are not equally valid citizens with the right to show up and complain
Pepe liked that tweet.
George Soros namedrop when?
Paid outrage, because real people have shit to do.
(((liberal activists)))
CNN and their ilk have been branding these groups as "angry crowds" trying to convey that these are republicans who voted republican unhappy with how things are going when they are in-fact AstroTurfing shills who need to be shot.
he's right you know though.
They're paid by the democracy spring organizers.
it's pretty obvious when one of the actors gets up and starts reading a script. they are trying to do what the tea party did, but it's in reverse so it comes off as phony.
No one wants crowds everywhere they go. It's a drag.
holy fuck he's repeating Alex Jones talking points lol
the townhalls are set up by local elements. And and such groups are coordinating to flood this meetings or set up these meetings themselves.
They are traps for cuckservatives.
congressmen usually live in bubbles in Washington and they fly over to their home districts to get ambushed, basically.
They want to make GOP believe that their constituents have turned liberal or that they're gonna lose re-election if they don't veer left.
some of these townhalls are why the Obamacare repeal is stalling.
The liberals are wheeling in people to some of these townhalls and giving them fake SOB stories.
>tfw Russians made me spill my drink this morning
>these tea party protests are paid for by the koch bros, its not a real movement!
>freedom caucus fucks up Obama's and establishment Republican's shit since 2010
You need to be shot. Fuck off with this militant Nazi faggotry.
Who in turn are also citizens with the right to organize.
He's trolling
>i don't know about the hired protesters through craigs list
>i don't know about privately owned protesting agencys
you guys are legitimate retarded...
kys niggers
Oh the irony
when does he start governing?
No friend, shareblue you are wrong here.
Oh so wrong.
Memo to begin wall released today, resubmitted the travel ban, released outline for new deportation policy today, wtf do you want from him?
Project veritas HAS MORE. You dont think they have moles everywhere? They have millions backing them. Itll drop when the time is right. Bet.
He's calling out RINOs.
What does this have to do with deomcracy?
You only hate it now?
You're late man.
Nu/pol/tard. Prime example here.
He not only watches Fox, he listens to Rush. Sad!!!
Leftism is the opposite of democracy.
Leftists should be fought with totalitarian measures. I hope Trump gets the national guard to shoot them
Its from WW1 you dumbshit
Hello faggot. Tendies are ready.
democracy is shit when people are stupid and let the media owned by the rich and powerful dictate their opinions to them
technology broke democracy
Would Trump hand Soros over to Putin if he asked nicely?
Would love to see that cunt disappear into some KGB torture hole for his last few years.
Name Soros damnit!
No we used to limit democracy to the people who deserved it
Land owners, people with a real tangible stake in the nation
Then we extended it to everybody
Then we invited unasimkating minorities in mass with entirely different ethos on the role of government
And now we have millions of proles who just want to vote themselves bennifits and an ever shrinking group of producesrs
Democracies always fail because of this
>inb4 we aren't a democracy
We are today which is why it's falling apart
you didn't do shit.
why let the Ruskies have all the fun?
tie him up and let everyone of every nation punch him until he dies. he's fucked the whole world.
How the fuck would you know?
If he pays taxes, he does enough.
Is he calling for outlawing them, or just calling them disingenuous, you fucking retard?
>you will never witness the public execution of globalists
Feels bad man
wouldnt it be nice though to have pliant crowds organize one yuuge dicksucking to placate the god emperor ? Who wants dissent ?
when are we crushing the tea party fags who are paid and funded by the Cuck brothers ?
no conservatards just learnt that affordable care act and obamacare are actually one and the same. They are the ones screeching against the congressmen because without ACA they would be bankrupt
I dont know about citizen's right to organize. kys achmed.
Thank you for obviating any self blame
I used WE because collectively we have been shitty stewards of democracy to the point where we need a guy like trrump to clean out the corrupted colon that is washington
So I blame you, me and every other american for the last century who have allowed this decline
can't claim responsibility for things ancient people did
also we are not responsible for their fuckups like slavery
you can't have it both ways
>tea party
>paid and funded by the Cuck brothers
Stopped reading. You're a fucking idiot.
Kill yourself.
the worst feel
You're using a lot of words you don't understand.
Nice stramwnanng
The point of the townhall is for congressman to talk with their local constituents and what they've been getting is shrieking disrupters who just shout and yell that trump is a nazi fascist
They aren't there debating why a policy is good or bad or what they want the congressman to focus on they are just Doug what they've done for the last 18'onths and cause havoc
He has a say in the way his society is run if he helps keeping it going.
No one's talking about slavery, fuckhead.
Fine fair enough I won't blame myself for what happens before I was born but I do blame myself and Americans living today for what they have allowed american culture and government to turn into
maybe they will get annoyed with the disruptive lefty protesters and vote accordingly
i hate when cuckservatives take credit for the tea party. I was part of the founding.
>it started with Ron Paul in 2007. That December, on the 234th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, Paul's presidential campaign supporters participated in a "money bomb," a one-day online fundraising blitz that raked in $6 million from 40,000 people nationwide, and drew upon the 1773 protest's anti-tax sentiments.
we can only focus on the present the past is gone now is all there is
you are right that we need to do a better job in making America a better place
yeah fuck democracy!
All democracies that aren't conquered by an outside force will inevitably turn into blatant tyrannies.
leftys are
reparations and shit
gibe me dats wite boi
It's still "Sad !".
Well, well well.
Looks like Drumpfy is throwing another twitter tantrum. Can't say I'm surprised. This guy is the most incompetent leader of all time. We could have had a strong leader like Hillary, but no, the rubilicunts had to ruin it. At least after this blunder, there will never be another Replitard president ever. Enjoy it while it lasts, drumpfkins.
This was proved during the campaign.
Lefties are on the wrong side of history ;^)
In the end, no one cares what they want.
many such cases!
Trump has the best catchphrases
>I am a gullible twat
You don't say
no you need to kill yourself.
implying those that protested are not local constituents. GTFO shill
dont underestimate them though
they are fucking trash but they're still a dangerous opponent
mostly because of their control of the mainstream media and Hollywood
>preventing politicians from doing their job
Fuck off CTR
I reiterate...
When has he stopped?
hopefully we have gone from 8years of
>the notion that...
>uh let me be clear
to 8years of
>many such cases
Yes a bunch of blue collar workers are upset that Obamacare will get repealed
Okey that makes sense
>implying those that protested are not local constituents.
thats exactly the type of gas-lighting they are trying to achieve
shill recognize shill mah nigger
This shit is questionable. Like signs that just say "Dislike" on them? Sounds fishy to me senpai.
not an argument. Tea party was indeed funded by the Cuck brothers.
basically a bunch of conservatards who originally wanted Obamacare to be repealed and Affordable Care Act left untouched who found out both are one and the same and other liberal constituents. OY VEY. HANDS OFF MY HEALTHCARE
gaslighting is when there is irrefutable proof to the contrary. Here there is no proof that the protestors werent local constituents.