136 Cantitoe St.
Katonah, NY
136 Cantitoe St
Other urls found in this thread:
he's mostly in Switzerland with the rest of the NWO
and he's always with armed guards
Wow, are you some top secret hacker, kid? His address can be found with a simple google search.
Nice try LARPing faggot but anyone can find him easily. The thing is WHERE is he?
>im gonna take his butthole tonight
Enjoy getting V&
Wtf previous thread with vague address got deleted. Address got posted on voat and now voat is down. Spoopy.
No I'-He's not.
What is he thinking about?
how are those gemologist conventions there?!
Why do you think Switzerland was always "neutral" in conflicts while every other country in Europe was involved.
Our neutrality is pretty recent
>Burger Education
The fact that he started BRAP posting and started it because he knows the meme will take over Sup Forums and render Sup Forums powerless.
give me quick run down on him.
What is the payload capacity for drones available off the shelf?
Just asking for a friend.
Gee I wonder why he has former millitary guards around him and his house 24/7
For like 5k+ drones something like 15kg is doable
how much his eye bags look like foreskin wrinkles
What are you running it down for shithead?
On the way
>Why do you think Switzerland was always "neutral" in conflicts while every other country in Europe was involved.
dumb burger
Do these fuckers not realize that when they destroy the world their armed gaurds will simply shot them and take their shit?
>Switzerland is the oldest neutral country in the world since 1815; it has not fought a foreign war since its neutrality was established by the Treaty of Paris in 1815.
where the fuck are you at now bitch?!
we know where your rats nest is
talk shit and get embarrassed again bitch
>muh burger education
yet doesn't know most of us are European born
see this damn you bitches are getting embarrassed as fuck
sorry wrong guy sir, meant the Swiss bitch
stay silent bitch, the more you talk the worse it gets
bitch asses got embarrassed, don't bring that shit talking around here
And there's nothing you can do about it :^)
Found soros
those that need to know, know
>three replies to the same post
Getting desperate huh kiddo
200 years IS pretty recent. If you knew anything about European history, you'd know we fucked people up real good.
And you're not European, don't make me laugh. You're literally delusional mongrels.
I was referring to Switzerland becoming an NWO hideout (200 years in the making)
200 years is a long time in European history, apparently you don't know what's happened
the average Swiss person is great and prior to the country becoming the sanctuary for globalists and jew rats it had a storied history. All your country is now is little Tel Aviv.
to be clear, I'm not talking about average Swiss, I'm talking about your puppet gov, bankers, NGOs and the NWO types.
Just vaporize your country.
Did you know the reason Switzerland is neutral is because its the center of the black nobility of Europe ? The same place they made that YUGEEE tunnel where they had a bizzare ritual? Oh yeah.
>Mexican intellectuals
neck yourself my mate
You have no idea what you're talking about.
The poor guy is defending the pedo-elite , because they make his country "good", give me a fucking break.
You said you Euros are good at wrecking people , why dont you buy a plane ticket (because you are rich, i guess) come to this fine country, and do it yourselve.
I love people from Switzerland, they are so naive.
what part of "Switzerland is the oldest neutral country in the world " don't you understand?!
that's ALL I was talking about. ..not Swiss accomplishments or Military victories prior to becoming neutral. Why did your country become neutral and somehow manage to avoid wars when every other country did?! obviously because the war makers live there !
he just doesn't know and conveniently avoids seeing (((coincidences))) within his government
now fuck off
No, you literally said we always avoided conflicts. That is simply false.
>Why did your country become neutral and somehow manage to avoid wars when every other country did?! obviously because the war makers live there !
Again, you clearly know nothing about Switzerland, stop shitposting.
I'll let you in on a little (non-)secret, which you don't seem to have picked up yet: we aren't the Jews' pawns, we ARE the Jews.
Yah yah yah its anodder rot child wit ya mane the pollo man
>we ARE the Jews
Devouring Children
Really ? WOW. i guy who proundly says he is from another race/country, because his/her country is a bank for foreigners.
Why dont you go and hide in one of your bunkers, user? You will be were you always wanted to be , near gold, the thing more precious than your fellow humans. (unless you are a reptile , in that case , please continue).
That time when he joined Sup Forums gold pass and didn't have to verify the captcha.
have another (You), on me lad
but seriously kill yourself
That's the funny thing though, try it and see how quickly your country becomes Somalia-tier.
>Implying Sweden, Canada, the US, UK, etc...did anything to the Jewish cockroaches
That's the funny thing though, those nations are already Somalia-tier and they're literally owned & controlled by Jews, or are good goy puppets who did nothing but try to make Juden happy in the hope of earning their favoritism.
Jews are hell bent on destroying western civilization and the white races, regardless of what those countries do. That's why there is only one solution.....
A final solution. Hitler did nothing wrong.
If I pull that doubles trick, georgie soros will croak from stroke within 2 weeks.