
What the fuck? Why would Trump do something like this to us? Did we just lose?

>“perverted interpretation of religion”

To the normies, ISIS looks like extremists.

To people who know what islam is, ISIS are just the impatient ones.

This, I was under the impression they are doing Islam just like it says in their books.

All religions today are perverted

U do realize they cant just go "fuck this religion of islam" right? they have to pretend that there are some mudslimes that are non-violent and dont interpret the book's writings as literal.

man if u do that you're declaring a war on a religion. they have to say the interpretation is the problem.

and if the book says death to infidels and you believe that shit, well there is something wrong with your interpretation.

i dont see what the problem is, Trump got elected without making these mitigations

I personally detest this pick for NSA. We went through 8 years of this shit, and look where it got us. The correct approach is to call for a Kamalist secular attitude from muslims if they wish to be respected as immigrants or allies. Not this Muslim Brotherhood narrative cow towing bullshit


>To the normies, ISIS looks like extremists.
>To people who know what islam is, ISIS are just the impatient ones.

> when you make a post so succinctly and accurately to summarize the situation that the remainder of the readers soul is crushed and strewn throughout the universe

I sort of agree with what you are saying, but the "perverted interpretation" narrative is straight out of the Muslim Brotherhood playbook. It gives them the narrative, and consequently power.

We should set very clear standards of what we will accept with and what we will not, and we should call things by their proper names. Only then will we open up a space for secular minded Muslims to ally with us. While affirming that we are not opposed to Islam, just that Islam MUST meet us on our standards.

The Sebastian Gorka approach.

Care to opine Sup Forums?

>You native islam dude don't understand true Islam! let me, a white dude, show you!

>Uses facts and logic
Pretty sure this is what winning looks like.

he already broke it down:

He worries me. I read an article about him that said McCain really likes him and he is CFR (Council of Foreign Relations) approved. Why would Trump put in a CFR freak?

> Isis are perverting our pure religion
>we will new define what islam is, and how you get to address is in your national security policies

I wonder who could be behind this?

Typical basic bitch shit.

Did you learn nothing from the past 8 years?

what is so bad about simply admitting that islam itself is a problem.

islam is not a religion!

Of course the thing the Muslims are doing wrong is interpreting the Koran as being true.

>for secular minded Muslims
There is no such thing
Islam doesn't allow such a thing, and 90% of the muslim population would kill them if they tried it

>I personally detest this pick for NSA.
"11" speaks truth. I agree. He is CFR approved, and John McCain really likes him. Red flags. Why would Trump pick him?

I have to say, unless I see some better sources, I'm not digging this pick at fucking all.

Just remember to shout "la illaha il allah" when you're about to get snackbar-ed.

Yes, but maybe we can provide a platform for the next Kamal Ataturk to straighten up the Muslim world.

Dumping spicy anti-prop



Fuck muslims. Fuck their sharia law bullshit.

16+ years

Junior was saying Islam is a religion of peace post 9/11.



I hate street signs with a passion that bleeds crimson

>To people who know what islam is, ISIS are just the impatient ones.

Damn, thats a good way to put it




When you're in a position to talk to Muslim ally countries and try to send less American boys to die in wars, you say shit like this.

Or course there are various interpretations. Of course there are Muslim countries that fight against radicals and terror. Of course we will force the meme that the violent interpretations are wrong. That's the only thing we can do you dumb fuck.

You should study statesmanship basic bitch. He is speaking Muslim Brotherhood lines verbatim.

Never allow your enemy the opportunity to shape your strategy.


Here is what it should have said.

>Islam is a satanic cult of pure evil and anyone with any sense of Justice and Righteousness knows that its adherents should convert to Christianity or die.

Amen. digits confirm in nomine patrus et fille et praise spiritu sanctii

Awww shit nigga
Digits confirm Islam is a shitty version of Satanism

There are adults who command millions and actually have to deal with the problem which includes nuclear armed Pakistan by the way, and there are armchair fags like you who watch Fox News and yell at the TV.

well we know what must be done

You're right, not about Fox news, but about diplomacy. I also don't think our Diplomatic departments should start spewing Sup Forums memes.

We need to run counter-ideological narratives, like we did with a nuclear-armed Soviet Union. We call a spade a spade, but at the same time we leave a giant olive branch for potential allies and reformers.

Politics requires finesse, but you have to watch who's propaganda you are pushing.

He knows that all of Islam is the enemy.
>he's just being pc

no worries here

What's wrong with that froggo?

He shred his abs