Why do blond men with light colored eyes get all the pussy?
No k-girl wants poor, effimette black haired brown eyed kimchi nigger like me.
All k-pop idol sleep revolving door handsome, 1.9 m tall, muscular, blond hair, blue/green/grey eye northern european man.
Is many time mystery?
Isaiah Taylor
because you destroyed your culture to mimick America
Charles Bell
What is this, Cucks Anonymous?
If so, my name is user and Montreal just became a sanctuary city please help. I'm at least doing my part and getting Catholic married.
Colton Moore
But without Amerikkka no grorious kfc and marvel avenger's movies ;______;
Jose Bennett
This is WMAF IRL
Andrew Ward
fuck korea
Jace Young
This is what Whitey get
Luis Wright
>catholic married >no birth control allowed
lol when ur slut potato nigger wife cucks you with lamar ur going to have ten brown shitturd babies u nigger luver
Jacob Hughes
Kill all white men
Austin Ward
korean look like monkey
Gavin Ortiz
Says loser WMAF larper
Christian Hall
China dog go invade Kyrgyzstan!
Dick most big ;______; swarthy Hankuk man no compete :(
Carson Murphy
Dylan Jackson
WMAF btfo
Oliver Moore
White men get ugly asian
Xavier Brown
KEK agrees
Noah Richardson
original korean is black skin nigger
white skin korean has japanese ancestor
Cooper Nguyen
Landon Wilson
Fuck WMAF Fuck pol
Dylan Jackson
What League of Legends team do you play for? You mean surpass in every way, shape or form.
Andrew Rivera
WMAF is cancer
Ian Flores
Most grorious Joseon vagina lost many century to
Hudson Morgan
before japan come to korea the people eat bug and drink shit in a hut
now korean eat dog and drink shit in a house
Joshua Campbell
>That's where you're wrong kidddo
Colton Anderson
Adrian Nguyen
Kill four chan
Benjamin Evans
Don't the nips fuck all the Korean women anyway?
Ps why do Asian women love red headed men? I mean someone has to love them but why are Asians obsessed with them ?
Owen Lewis
that's a nigger, user.
Luke Robinson
They even circumcise, lol.
Wyatt Perez
WMAF larper can't handle reality
WHitey get ugly Asian
Deal with this
Isaiah Hernandez
If I am fair-skinned blue-eyed blonde but 5'6" Manlet do I have a chance with korean girls? I've had relatively success in Japan. But I heard that koreans take height seriously.
Easton Young
that's right
WMAF is nigger
Deal with it
David Barnes
Epic post, my fellow Westerner, here's an upvote!
Samuel Foster
This is what whitey get
Jayden Harris
Japan your Bantz Jitsu is slaying my sides.
Cameron White
Kill all white men
Gavin Wood
srry dood 5'7'' is the cutoff to be taken seriously
have fun forever little brother virgin cuckold
Landon Anderson
Dumb WMAF loser larper
Caleb Robinson
Jeremiah Taylor
No. Judging by the typos, this one is real.
Jeremiah Hughes
KEK speaks
Camden Mitchell
It is just a WMAF nigger larping
Adam Flores
White men die
Jace James
Landon Richardson
6'1" isn't that tall, especially not here. Embrace a strong asian culture.this
Mason Ortiz
Exercise and stop playing online games.
And for fucks sake stop being so goddamm mysogynist.
Also learn to dance, white boys can't dance, it will give you an edge.
Asher Kelly
Levi Fisher
You're doing better then Niggers and that's all that matters.
Chase Harris
William Edwards
Story is dumb white men get ugly asian
Ian Harris
The wisdom of kek
Brayden James
DSP is the average white man
Colton Hall
Those couples are cringy as fuck. I can't understand how white(jewish) men find those creatures attractive. At least my gf was a tall/very pale/skinny rich ojou-sama
Lincoln Sanders
I don't know. I cannot get a girlfriend.
Hudson Brown
I noticed a lot of the kikes are red heads and now the Asians are taking them. Stay away from our reds!
Ryder Phillips
Except that is what whitey get
Deal with it dumb LARPER racist
Jose Barnes
Jason Rodriguez
Brown hair light eyes > blonde hair light eyes
Bentley Cruz
is easy to immigrate to korea?
i want a kpop waifu
Matthew Ortiz
>hate white people so much you live in one of their countries
Jacob Morgan
Aaron Hill
White men killing themselves
Ethan Hernandez
Sebastian Green
We don't promote race mixing, Jews do. I do want to rape some sandniggers tho cuz they deserve it.
Aaron Jenkins
You're alright, nip.
Caleb Morgan
me on the left
Kevin Walker
As a korean guy, I don't see why the western men like korean girls much. What is the appeal?
Zachary Campbell
Says hypocrite pol loser racist who follow jew
Ethan Brown
That kind of woman is only good for sex, so you're not losing anything substantial.
Logan Taylor
Meanwhile in reality
Dylan Kelly
The sinister traffic cone?
Jeremiah Gray
Kill white men
Noah Lee
They're traditional and the kikes are ruining our women. Our women are coming around tho.
Logan Wilson
Says loser who posted picture of someone askin for directions
WMAF btfo
Jaxson Rodriguez
Says the hypocrite RACEMIXER
Joseph Cox
wtf are talking about. white nationalists are huge race mixers
Korean women aren't much better though. Most younger generations seem to be addicted to plastic surgery as a result they look identical to each other. Not to mention, Korea was under the control of fembots just recently.
Joseph Bell
Thomas Rogers
Xavier Fisher
WMAF btfo
Nicholas Rodriguez
Feminism is destroying them. We need to fix women.
Angel Morales
what are you a chink or a paki?
both subhumans btw
Isaiah Lopez
And destroy white men
Jeremiah Gutierrez
Wmaf is subhuman
Caleb Ross
Topkek, fuckin' nigooks
Hunter Nelson
Is this what you do with your life all the time?
Camden Price
>South Korea >talking shit your monkey ass better learn some respect
Jonathan Rivera
No way
Henry Sanchez
They always do that kind of shit.
Eli Flores
nice job exposing these niggergooks japan
James Morris
"All k-pop idol sleep revolving door handsome"
I don't get it, what does this mean?
Parker Sullivan
Says WMAF loser who hates reality
Samuel Ward
Don't come to our Country if you don't want your women getting fucked.
Carter Robinson
Yes way
Deal with it loser
Carter Davis
But I am not a WMAF guy.
Jayden Walker
damn this japanese poster just wont stop, keep it coming tho this shit is hilarious