Trumpkins turn on Meghan Kelly most republicants and Milo in less than a year. You retarded fuckers are fun to watch

Trumpkins turn on Meghan Kelly most republicants and Milo in less than a year. You retarded fuckers are fun to watch.

>you don't follow the script that I believe you're supposed to therefore you're retards

>when your fox news enema world is collapsing and you are reaching for straws

cool story white man

Man, I really love bait threads.

It's spelled Megyn.

>Megan Kelly was never a Republican and nobody ever liked her
>Nobody turned on Milo
>Who are these Republicans you speak of?

I'm assuming you are talking about RINO's like Romney and McCain. We never turned on them, we never liked them in the first place. That's why they lost to a first term muslim nigger.

You retards are in full panic mode, I don't blame you though. It's all over for you guys. Milo's new book will debut on the best seller list.

>be me
>be a Sup Forumsack
>refilled and voted trump
>Still support Meghan kelly because I support political diversity
>still support Milo's journalism and what he's done throughout the years
>don't have to agree with what milo said because I'm not a mindless liberal nazi applauding every word my journalists, friends or even president happens to say

nice job share blue. seems like this is your first day on the job.

Typical faggot leftist, can't have their own opinion and are willing to defend fag pedophiles like George takai because you are "on the same team"

>implying more than a few people here watch television
You really should go shill over at the_donald

>not trying to socio-engineer the great race war
gtfo my board

Fuck off retard, I'll fuck you too

that's called thinning the herd. You will see soon

I watch CNN more than Fox News. I also didn't vote for Trump. I never attented a Milo tour and I consider him to be a wishy washy debater, but when he goes against 18-23 year college kids he seems better than he really is. OP go back to plebbit. Your assumptions of individuals is quite bigoted and you should just kys.

Fox news and CNN are both fake news. The latter is full of obvious detractors while the former is full of sneaky back stabbers. Fuck the media.



I can't understand how Sup Forums still unironically supports trump

You forgot to mention how immediately they turned on their former presidential candidate, McCain.
Those so near the end of their lives (read: Boomers) are exceptionally quick to eat their own.

watching hillary get schlonged for the second time was fun to watch

reddit probably knows. you should go back

enjoy your temporary ban fag


The people who voted for Trump are slowly realizing they weren't as united as they thought.

Pedophiles thought they would be accepted just because they supported the winners. They were wrong.

>you realize that the president is retarded and has no idea what he's doing therefore you need to go to Reddit

I supported trump so Hillary wouldn't get into office and now that there's no reason to support him I don't have to pretend that he's not retarded.

Meghan Kelly is a liberal 3rd wave feminist cunt who donated to the clinton campaign.

Milo is a jewish media plant who was intended to divide the alt-right, which he did with the whole alt-lite bullshit. A gay jew (jew is really all that matters) who takes black dicks up the ass was never /our guy.

Now he is the pedophile and the heat is off Podesta, Hillary, the Clinton Foundation, and globalist pedo-kikes and their pagan pedo rituals because /our guy is now a pedophile. What a coincidence.

Now the MSM is going to say 1. Milo is pedo 2. alt right and alt lite are pedo 3. Breitbart is pedo central 4. Bannon is pedo 5. Trump is pedo.

Milo was always going to take a dive, it was just a matter of time until he could do the most damage. He will be hired by some liberal MSM shithole within the month. He was always their guy.

Sup Forums is modern discordianism
Trump is a wild card who represents the greatest possibilities for change


>muh safespace

cry more bitch nigga

>Everyone who still supports the candidate they voted for is an idiot. I was just memeing.

>Sup Forums cares about "republicans" or "democrats"

Lurk more newfag

I like how this devolves into calling everyone a pedo to discredit them, whats scary is how effective it is


>implying I gave two shits about Megyn Kelly or Milo in the first place


sure thing kid