watch your digits goys
Kek and Aqua will fulfill you a desire
i hope op dies
Will I have placements come through before the happening?
Will I survive the happening?
Is that a get?
I want no happenings this year
Got a few but to start
will i get that 190?
Break that dam!
Let them drown
fuck me rerolling
really want that 190 already 6ft and big penor kek im so close
Trump starts nuclear war with a tweet
Trump in prison for life. His children homeless and his buildings in foreclosure.
kek kills your mother in her sleep tonight because of your autism. only trips will reverse this curse.
I don't see any digits backing you up, buddy.
will /fit/ collectively make it into scoobhalla upon death?
digits and the nazis from the antarctica base are returning after they deemed people to be woke enough to finally get rid of the kikery on a global scale and aid us in doing so
Hey Kek. Give this user a really fucking awesome life.
Everybody in this thread makes sick gains
really wanting a afterlife of constant gains building up to a squatnarock
I just want to know if Aqua uses G-string or goes commando
>retarded goddess
Give us victory over our foes, Lord Kek.
Time to start lifting for double confirmed gains. If digits I'll be the next world body building champion.
Kek, smite all the non believers
shekles plz
California actually secedes
praise aqua!!!
I desire a closer relationship and understanding of Christ
Make muh Waifu real
help me suceed with my online business venture.
Can I haz reconz?
kek will the only gym in my town get a fucking power rack?
She goes commando. Goddesses don't wear underwear.
Digits confirm.
The signs are clear.
Will I have a good job and amazing waifu like pic related?
Will I find success in my current career path?
Aqua IS CUTE!!!!
Then You can have her my waifu is Mimiru.
She made them invisible so no one can see them.
i will lift to become a Champion of kek
gonna be the first str build
will tank u wizard cunts can be dps/heal
Will I find a Ditto in Pokemon?
give me gf plox
Don't need no digits to know that Aqua is a CUTE! and Kek is real.
>not Megumin
shit thread
most of us wish for explosions anyway
daily reminder Sup Forums belongs to chad now. weebs fuck off
Thoth and Kek Bless my ID and digits.
Make the normies suffer
Bless us with chaos tonight, oh Mighty Kek!
Well, now I have to post.
Smite aquaposters, my digits will it
>tfw when I have no worries
Praise Kek!
bless us with multiple desires based on the digits itt
dub = 1
trip = 2 etc
Namecalling makes you off by one, user.
plz real qt gf
This. If digits then OP dies in an explosion.