Why are Jews so sensitive?

Why are they so above reproach?

Any criticism of jews is met with backlash and possibly life ruining consequences. You literally can't do anything but praise them.

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Because they can be without consequence.

They are a lot like scientologists, look at them the wrong way and they'll sue you for every penny you have and more, and win every time.


Once you start bad mouthing Jews, you can perpetuate lies that get people moving.
Fake news literally causes genocide of our people

Because another holocaust is always around the corner when your peoples national pastime is subverting countries.

It's either be run out of town/hanged or silence everyone who speaks out against the shit you do.

they're not really sensitive, they just realized that whites are the most vulnerable to guilt so use supposed offense taken to badger us, SJWs learned this technique from them

>Fake news literally causes genocide of our people

and once again "fake news" was closer to the truth.

Filthy kikes have had it coming for over 2,000 years

Blame the stupid fucking white Christians who believe in their fairytales, and then blame centuries of stupid white men who let them take over every powerful institution, while those same white men flooded shitty jobs in the trades industries so they could virtue-signal about said shitty work for decades on end.

It's not the Jews fault white men have made a seemingly endless string of bad decisions. That's what fucking happens when you abandon positions of power...They get filled by other people and chances are, you aren't going to like how they run the show.

But hey, go play some more video games and watch sports my fellow snow niggers.

And yet we're still here. Amazing, huh?
It's almost like we're a special group...above average intellect...strong moral values...almost like we're....chosen?

But the world would be better off without you. Everyone would be happier