General Irish thread

Thread theme:
Identity Ireland are a meme, National Party our best hope:
Join the party, spread the word, spread memes and anti immigrant sentiment online and put up posters in your local areas.
Petes song:

Quick rundown on politics here:
Learn Irish:

>Strike bollox continues

>Israeli ambassador stopped from talking at Trinity

>Feckin leo is the favourite

>Immigrants are a good idea goy!

>"I want to get cancer" ad slammed

>Boom boom boys back!

>Tense scenes on winning streak

>This right here is why Leo is not what we want

>More gardaí bollox as McCabe's phone was tapped

Other urls found in this thread:



>daily reminder of our freedom fighters

i capitulate

you're thread is the better of the two


Quiet night for éire/pol/, don't see a few regulars that are usually here.
They must be on the piss

Out with God, in with the Foreigners.

the heritagefags will fill it up later, its /comfy/ atm

The first few years need a bump. That is shit money.

so what anime you boios watching?

Nope, I don't believe in your Democratic fairytales, the Irish people are greedy drunken lazy bastards who exalt cronyism and degeneracy.

>Out with God, in with the Foreigners.

Are ye pagan now as well as quare?


I was trying to teach these newfags the difference betwixt a name and a trip.

What years does this represent?

> Tiocfaidh âr la

Not anime.
Currently watching a Vice documentary on the most dangerous football rivalry in the world
>Celtic and Rangers
They are making the prods out to be the racists and the celts as headers, it's good. What surprises me the most is there is a foreign Muslim rangers supporter who got banned from rangers game for 5 years for singing anti Catholic songs, up to your knees in fenian blood and kneecap the taigs. He is also a member of the EDL, a racist group which discriminates against everyone who isn't English, very interesting

No, that is what Irish people do, they confiscate religious buildings and attack the church, then they literally bring in foreigners and put them in religious buildings.

The Irish have made war against the Church, and at the same time have tried to implement a Multicultural pagan degeneracy.

tripfagging in generals is aokay you monkey

You're not tripfagging though

nice nearly get

>No, that is what Irish people do, they confiscate religious buildings and attack the church, then they literally bring in foreigners and put them in religious buildings.
>The Irish have made war against the Church, and at the same time have tried to implement a Multicultural pagan degeneracy.

If you were Irish you would know nearly all Irish families have a priest of nun from them. Just fuck off. Ireland re Christianized half of Europe after the dark ages. We know our own and you don't belong. Go make paganism great again where ever your father came from because it was not Ireland and you are cancer.

>Old IRA Rosary beads and a rifle

That is autism.

After you fucking animals sober up remember that coffee is for white people.

Go to hell you American worshiping backslider.

fuck off and have a cupán tae

>comes from the same place your ancestors do

drink tea or fuck off

> How many potatos does it take to kill a potato nigger?
> None

Down with England amirite? Also fuck Italians

>coffee is for white people.

Literally a Muslim drink stolen from Yemen by the Dutch and taken to Java in Indonesia, hence the word Java is synonymous with Coffee, hence Gosling the inventor of the Java language called his language Java in honor of dutch history.

>After you fucking animals sober up remember that coffee is for white people.


My Grandfather never drank a drop in his life in penance for the sins of drunks. That id be your great granddad who drank his rent away and fucked off to be a burger.

> General Irish thread

There were a bunch of party meetings and events tonight. I'd wager a few of our regulars showed up to them.

>fuck off and have a cupán tae

Barrys and caca fucking milis


dont knock it till you try it

>how many americans does it take write a joke
>none, the jews do it for them

Irish American here, what is Southern Ireland actually like?

I am Irish

Barry's is overrated imo

>> How many potatos does it take to kill a potato nigger?
>> None

Ah sure you'd be the experts on niggers yank.You even paid for them and brought them all the way from africa to live with you because your nigger loving has no bounds. Then you put one in charge.

No potatoes for you.

The Americans want to make a Hi-Speed Rail system.


Stolen, yes, by white people. Now third-world spics and niggers work their hands to the bone for three pesos so I can sit in a classy EUROPEAN cafe and discuss NatSoc while feasting on the fruits of superiority like a civilized white person.

kemono friends is AOTS

Stop shilling the national party you spastics

Full of old creeps who can't meme, know fuck all about the alt right and have a stuttering spastic as leader, they'll never get any youth vote

There needs to be a proper party with a charismastic young leader and not some spasticated run of the mill "anti EU populist party" bollocks

>Down with England amirite?

>Also fuck Italians

meh. They are Roman Catholics and Italy is a ryanair flight away .

Here is cork city, it's in the south and is the fourth largest city in Ireland

Another pic of cork

doesn exist

there's only the republic and occupied ireland

t. shill

>Barry's is overrated imo

Bewleys is still shut. It's been broke for a few years.

Caca fucking milis all the way. Eireigh an caca milis leat do di an lethris

I think he means the south of Ireland not the loyalist term of southern ireland

Literally Waterford without Kilkenny on the other side of the river.

pic related is Limerick looking toward Tipperary


Sup Forums is /pol

you're either a natsoc or a lolbro
and have to be white nationalists

alt-right is stupid and will never accomplish anything, identity ireland get out

How do I respond? The average American is so fat that they couldn't use the chairs in an average European cafe as they're not made from titanium and designed for land whales.

Like like shit desu I think I'll move to Boston and get an insulated house with an indoor shitter.

Entire south coast is fairly lovely, really. I'd make a point of seeing Cork, Ardmore, Waterford and Kilmore.

>charismastic young leader

Ask enda kenny...he'll be bored soon. we could give him a uniform and tell him what to say.

If he opens his mouth off telepromt we just send him of to an island in the blaskets to have a rest.

Can we ban potatoes? They're jsut as bad as leafs. Take this faggot shit to Sup Forums where it belongs

>fourth largest city in Ireland
After what?

Dublin, [Belfast], Cork, Limerick, Galway, Waterford

it is shit

but theres more white people there than you'll ever lay eyes on


Fatass likes his coffee? Hmm?

Hello fellow Irishmen! :^)

pic related is in Wicklow (East), but the background is the hinterland of Leinster,

Oh come on irishbro, I just opened a new European cafe and you're welcome to stop by - we got hitching posts outside for your filly and everything.

What the FUCK makes you faggots think you're important enoguh for your own general?

Get the fuck outta here

Dublin, Belfast, Derry, Cork, Galway, Waterford, Sligo

>Here is cork city, it's in the south and is the fourth largest city in Ireland
>Another pic of cork

Is da CORKE Boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii?

The mythical city of lore where non of the high kings came from that was created as a brit naval base and protestant yacht club?

Hello Irish brother across the pond

>best general since /sg/

you're just upsetti you have no culture to reminisce on

All of the charismatic Irish moved to America 100 years ago you langer.

Cork is bigger than Derry. Derry is 4th largest on the island after Dublin, Belfast and Cork.

Seen a video on FB earlier of some foreign kid and his friends beating up an Irish kid in Cork.

>European cafe

The stench of numale is overpowering. I see sandals. Argh.

Again submitting the notion that we call ourselves Sup ForumsÉireann.
Has a better ring to it and and will distance us from being simply brit/pol/-éire edition.


Southern Ireland

Sorry I am wrong I just looked it up, my mistake lads

Derry isn't that big. It's smaller than Cork. You're including the entire country in your projections.

Why do you faggots always have to form Irish ghettos wherever we go?

Fucking embarressed to be Irish with how niggerish you lot act

>all the emaciated irish moved to america 100 years ago and out breed the even weaker anglos*

how can amerinogs even recover

Looks like a rock with moss on it, stuck out into the sea by some spiteful god.

I visited this place when I was young. I have recurring nightmares about that lake for some reason.

Did he shoot the nigs?

>What the FUCK makes you faggots think you're important enoguh for your own general?
>Get the fuck outta here

You only owe us your country.

Sit down.

Your nigger is showing.


if you went to america would you like to associate with them...

got a link or webm?

>Hello Irish brother across the pond

Based confederate Irish regiment.

Very nice user.

Hell thats why your ancestors left

Brits, sign this petition to remove the TV license:


No I'd make friends as I go like I'm not an inbred muslim

American are our greatest ally
It's just us Irish like to stick together, we had to in parts of England where we were forced as to where could live, I think the sense of community has extended to all parts of the world the Irish has emigrated to

the first 15
ya daft twat

>we built the railroads n shieet das rite

>be american
>be a colony for 100 years or so
>btfo the brits and make our own country

>be irish
>fight the brits for 800 years
>they leave but still keep a chunk of the island


whatever, paddy, you're just mad that all of the best irish left your swamp-bog ass behind and now live it up in America fucking white girls who can get a tan and still look good after you sober up. Pic related.

Sums up Ireland nicely

>All of the charismatic Irish moved to America 100 years ago you langer.

We're the indestructible ones.

post it