The cucks at Rotten Tomatoes have given the film "Get Out" a 100% rating. Go ahead and check out the names of the reviewers. The film is obviously intended to incite white guilt and angry black people. Names of some jew reviewers include Alan Scherstuhl, Mara Reinstein, and William Bibbiani.
>Already 6.1 on IMDB >Not even above 8 or 9 like most movies right on release WEW this shit is gonna tank
Nicholas Hernandez
The movie is an attack on the double standard of white liberal elites. They want diversity, but only the nice stepford mulberry type. Maybe watch it before u get triggered by black skin
Moral of the story: niggers shouldn't date white women
Isaac Myers
Liam Garcia
Julian Rogers
This. I promise this movie will be about butchering snobbish liberal academia perpetrated by blacks sick of being just a voter block demographic
Henry Miller
They're not cucks. It's a unique concept. Respect it.
Gabriel Butler
I'm not so sure, seems to mock rich white liberals who want to have pet niggers as much as it does nigger insecurities.
I'll watch it when it leaks to the internet.
Christopher Morris
Isn't it satire though?
Levi Gomez
It is, but facts don't matter here
Kevin Torres
>Ay man don't evah date white wimminz they family is crazy and racis and sheeeeiiit
Why is this movie bad again?
Asher Diaz
kill yourself nigger
Grayson Russell
that was not what I expected...
Thomas Lewis
It's hilarious self-awareness from a black comedian. I-I thought you guys would like it.
Angel Sanders
>Microaggressions: The Movie
Meh... I'll pass on this faggotry.
Camden Sullivan
looks like a legit good movie. shows you white bois what we have to go through on a daily basis. just saw new commercial for it where cop pulls over white bitch and then makes the black guy give him his ID just for being a passenger. aint that some shit
Daniel Cruz
this looks funny tho
Anthony Long
Isn't the film actually about a town of whitey's that love niggers a bit too much so literally kidnap them and do brain transplants so they can be niggers? If it was the "every white person is a kkk member" film I was expecting it to be I could understand the white guilt idea, but it's not. If anything it looks like it's just trying to bridge the gap between whites and niggers some more (which isn't a bad thing), it's like it's trying to say "hey, don't those white people seem to love you a bit too much?".
John Lewis
>white boi >boi Date your own race then. Stop complaining like a little bitch.
Protip: if your black ass ever called me boi in person. Id knock those monkey lips right through that empty void in your skull.
Evan Garcia
>If anything it looks like it's just trying to bridge the gap between whites and niggers I meant increase the gap. Not sure what I was thinking there.
Nolan Lopez
hahahahaha ok fuckin internet tough guy. just mad the white girls like my cock better than your tiny shit
Brayden Morales
Alright who wants to know the plot
Benjamin Evans
still dont have good credit, bitch nigger
Gabriel Carter
Looks great desu
Logan Cox
God, get over yourself people. As an American white person, I acknowledge the obvious: white privilege is a thing. We enslaved black people for hundreds of years, and continue to discriminate them based on racial prejudices. They have the right to speak out against the hate many whites exemplify, especially under this lackluster administration. We have a duty to listen and speak out against hate of all forms (a.k.a. most everything on this board).
Being protected from anonymity is no excuse to troll or believe in hate speech.
Xavier Peterson
spit it out
Parker White
>We enslaved black people for hundreds of years >we enslaved >WE You have exposed yourself as an iliterate person. Pick up a history book and you will find a small minority of whites owned slaves. Only the very wealthy. My family came over after the signing of the emancipation proclimation, essentially freeing slaves. So I owe zero to blacks in America!
Jackson Hall
Literally a muh dik nigger on Sup Forums
How is relying on the only semi-positive racial stereotype about blacks working out for your monkey ass? Probably not so good when it's showtime.
Chase Ramirez
>maybe it was an interesting film
Sebastian Harris
But you do owe it to your current or future children and others children to educate them on the history of white privilege and slavery. We have a responsibility to not advocate hate; this is so we don't repeat the horrors of history and the present.
Justin Cook
You guys gotta watch the trailer. Rich niggers are so afraid of white power it leaks out of their subconscious into their movie scripts. We are the boogeymen that haunt their dreams. This isn't a horror movie,it's a comedy.
Cooper Bennett
You are a pussy who preps the bull. My family came here in the early 20th century and were german huntsman and potato nigger pigfarmers.
End your white guilt you silly faggot. How many whites died to free black people?
Isaac Allen
John Lewis
They should do one about a middle eastern guy next.
Chase Rodriguez
Interesting, I might even watch that
David Hall
One thing I like is that they actually used a full out Africa pure nigger that I believe whites have the hardest time identifying with. Like seeing him with the white girl just looks cringey and wrong on a visceral level.
Zachary Russell
OK shareblue
Nathaniel Price
(((They're))) not even trying to hide it anymore
Lincoln Thompson
>being a nigger sucks Lol everyone knows go back to Africa, monkey. Ooohh oooh ahh ahh
Joseph Adams
>triggered by black skin Ethiopian black Caucasians don't trigger me Negroids do. Show me a movie where my dark skin brothers are represented.
Jayden Stewart
>Peele hiding his powerlevel Nigger SS Corps when?
Charles Thomas
Are you insinuating that you're going to shoot me? If so, that's the exact mindset that needs to be exterminated. More hate.
Angel Wilson
I want to watch it simply because I get to see mentally disturbed niggers cry about white people being in control of society.
And then I get to see how he fixes the situation.
I'll crack up if all he can think of doing is running away or shooting people.
Austin Torres
Pretty much any movie that isn't a total stinker starts out with high RT %. It'll level out over time but I'm sure it probably won't dip below 80% because (((reasons)))
Nicholas King
Is that Parking Pataweo?
Caleb Fisher
No one likes your poop dick, smelly jungle bunny
Joseph Young
Fucking kill yourself you avtual fucking cuckhold. I see the liberal arts degree worked wonders on you
Luis Watson
Someone on Sup Forums said that the liberal whites wanted to put their minds into black people or something like that.
Jonathan Perez
Rotten Tomatoes is shit. It categorizes reviews as either food or bad. A mediocre movie with reviews that lean to the "it's okay" end of things will end up looking like a masterpiece. Use better review aggregators, retard.
Matthew Fisher
Satire of what? It's oga booga if you act white you brainwashed
Benjamin Howard
Cameron Allen
Movie reviewers shilling a movie? No way user, this is shocking.
Ryder Turner
Good job falling for bait faggot
Landon Stewart
>caring this much
Christian Evans
i don't get the plot of this movie though. the dad greets nignog mcmaincharacter and is basically trying as hard as he can to earn his approval (he even says something like I WOULD HAVE VOTED OBAMA A THIRD TIME YANNO), next time you see the guy OP picture is happening cuz he sedated nignog and then the next scene is them fighting in some surgery room.
Angel Stewart
>First five reviews are all jews
Ian Nguyen
Joseph Powell
its a fucking hilarious comedy
its satirical muh white boogeyman humor. i saw it.
Ryder Hernandez
David Bell
I'm black and that movie looks dumb as hell.
Gabriel Ward
What's not to like about this movie?
Jackson Garcia
>my face when
Hudson Jenkins
>my race when
Angel Hall
Really? Because the trailer is cut to appeal to blacks who's worse nightmare is white people. You now very well if the roles were reversed this movie would be called racist.
Henry Anderson
I read the movie is about the way white liberals fawn over blacks and that it is racist to fawn over blacks.Its basically blacks shaming white liberals. Im okay with this plot. Whites should stop fawning over blacks anyways.
Jordan Wright
it's written and directed by Jordan Peele so I think it was meant to be a comedy making fun of how black people worry their black friend will end up getting turned into an uncle tom if they date a white person but some jews got ahold of it and demanded it be a serious horror movie
Xavier Foster
This is exactly what it is. I've already watched it at an early screening and I can that Peele is a comedic genius. The casting for this movie is great. The protagonist carries this movie.
Easton Long
Be careful my black brothers!!! Its one of them white liberals trying to gain your trust so they can put their brain in your body!!!
Anthony Scott
really makes you think huh
Isaac Jackson
Fuck off nigger, if we had a movie criticizing bognogs for not accepting redneck nigger abusers it would be seen as racist, which it is, but nobody should really give a fuck because it's a noble cause.
Owen Smith
Yeah I knew this would happen. The cuckold father and interracial couple shtick is more likened to a porno scenario than real life. These Jews will keep pushing it until we tear out their lying Jew tongues.
Robert Powell
This is the same website that gave A Dog's Purpose an abysmal rating. They've lost all credibility.
Hudson Morales
Fucking nigger
Xavier Evans
let's fight then pussy
Blake Green
They could've at least faked a plausible rating. Hopefully this idiocy Red Pills some normies.
James Hall
Saw the trailers for it all over Youtube, looked like absolute shit. Even if you took out the race baiting bullshit, it still wouldn't be good, but the movie is obviously designed to be one of those "black revenge" movies. You know, where a black man just brutally murders all dem raciss creepy white bois and we're all supposed to cheer for him. The movie itself just looks so stupid and silly too, even if it wasn't some stupid blaxploitation crap it would just be plain old crap.
Charles Kelly
>literally CRAZY ASS WHITE PEOPLE: The Movie
why is this allowed?
William Reyes
How long dis been goin on?
Jeremiah Scott
I can only hope a movie can pull some turn like that
>"You be turning us into slaves like the old times rite?" >"what? no, our daughter just likes black men, we turn all races into mindless slaves here"
Ian Gomez
David Morales
What about the Hidden Figures(we wuz nasa n shieet) propaganda? Funny how it was initially dubbed a flop and raked nominal cash at the box office....and now suddenly all I keep hearing from (((them)) is how it's SURGING and a favorite for best motion picture at the Oscars this year. Give me a fucking break.
Also, after last year's protests #oscarsaretoowhite, there is a record setting number of black actors and actresses up for nomination this year. And I'm sure many will win for a nice feel food story, instead of y'know, letting your on screen acting and directing talents do it for you no matter your race or creed.
Justin Fisher
just do it, your offering to so might as well
Michael Flores
>tfw you couldn't watch a single jewtube video without seeing that same advert over and over again
Easton Jenkins
It's either satire or it's not
Given the 100% rating, this is likely a white guilt white suburbia is evil n sheet
Nolan Brown
I would have voted for Obama for a third term
Camden Gray
movie > trailer
Robert Hughes
Probably bait, but, in the few times I have been pulled over as a middle class white guy with another middle class white guy in the car both dressed business casual, they have asked for the secondary person's license too. So fuck right off this board nigger.
Joshua Baker
Sup Forums is so stupid sometimes I swear. This movie is meant to be a horror and it does it well. Idk why even bring race into it baka. Y'all are seriously triggered so easy. Get over it.
Jace Howard
>Sup Forums brought up race first Try a little harder next time, shill
Nolan Lopez
The movie is black dude find dream white girl
they are gonna do meet the parents, his best friend is suspicious about it
goes there, super liberal white neighborhood, gives off a stepford wives feel from how eerie and uniform it all is
parents are accepting but awkwardly white. As black protag meets more neighbors, they all love him, think he is amazing and great for being black, almost too much
after first night, talks to best friend on phone, they both think some things were off
finds out about 2 black workers who are very hard working and friendly but talk and act like people from the 1940s. seem completely disassociated from black culture at all. Family words it weirdly that "after our parents passed, we couldn't bare to let them go in the spirit of our parents."
next day more awkward whiteness, neighborhood social event, meet other black dude, also completely dissociated from black culture and eerie. Tries to record the dude to send to best friend, accidentally takes picture with flash
black dude suddenly no longer calm, freaks out and tells protag to GET OUT before taken away
later at night mom gives creepy statements, hypo therapy
protag wakes up next to operating table
PLOT TWIST: The liberals think blacks are awesome, they wanna be black. So they get their daughter to lure blacks to the neighborhood, the father (brain surgeon) then puts the brains of people who win the neighborhood bingo contest into the black they get.
blacks mind is still "partly in there" after surgery, only flash photography gives them a moment of "self" before white brain takes back control
black dude escapes and kills everyone, the end.
Jordan Edwards
Your suppose to be on my side, taiwanese-bro. I like asians. Just not jungle monkeys.
Evan Sanders
> consuming any western entertainment
Isaiah Cruz
I was expecting some kind of ghost shit, but that's fucking dumb as hell.
Jacob Cox
>Libshits trying to insult with "triggered" now Typical liberal stealing shit