Who would do such an awful thing Sup Forums?
Who would do such an awful thing Sup Forums?
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Hey Rabbi whatcha doin'?
A Jew.
I wonder how many of the headstones had "TRUMP" spray-painted on them.
Please be Muslims
How's the kike situation in Australia?
I always hear about chinks and lebs but not sure about your jewry
Jews are mainly isolated to a few suburbs in Melbourne and Sydney. Besides the usual high positions in Government and industry of course.
Coordinated false flag to make trump look bad (He didn't denounce it fast enough!) then deflect to make his supporters look bad.
Low energy violent simple minded leftists. They stand no chance in the struggle to come. We haven't even begun. Pol demolished the left in the meme wars without trying. We were just launching opening volleys across their decks, just for keks. And they exploded & sank as a result. Wait until our aim is true. When we see the whites of their eyes. I cherish the anticipation.
Every time
You fuckers jostled my meaningful rocks.
Jews, not even memeing.
>Melbourne Ports has the largest Jewish community of any electorate in Australia, accounting for 12.8% of the local population.
False flag or not, I really don't care about some kike graves.
desecrating a cemetery is a bit much for a false flag. Not that I put it past them. just doesn't fit perfectly.
This just proves that white people need to be exterminated.
Pretty good.
>jews bring in 3rd world muslims
>laugh when the Christian Western culture is destroyed.
>shocked that the horde they brought in hate jews and attack them.
I wonder sometimes how smart jews really are.
They've done it before though, albeit not to this extent
>retarded skinheads that don't understand they hurt us
>cia "skinheads"
>hey rabbi watcha doin
>antfia anti-israel desecration
Most probably retard le4threich kids. Globalkykes have smarter plans and real anti semites are too busy redpilling their neighbours
are all aussies genuinely retarded or just good actors
Might as well throw in genuine islamic rage boys as well
oy vey
>not gorilion
Bad goy!
I know of one individual...Oy vey
edgy teenagers
Neither of those people were Australian though
placing bets: was it a Christian, Muslim, or a Jew?
Drunk teenagers?
the nog sounded 100% aussie mate
people knocking shit over in a goy cemetary is just edgy juvenile vandalism but if its a kike cemetery its obviously another shoah
a jew with an australian accent is a funny thought
Probably anti-fa false flagging. They get to stick it to the jews and blame white nationalists, it's a win win for them. It's funny how a jew creation has turned on its master for their treatment of Palestinians.
Nogs aren't Australian
I'm guessing one of those guys over at the Wall Street Journal :(
your forgetting muslims. muslims really are blatantly, unapologetically anti-Semitic
m8 i wish we could all take this approach but its simply digging your head into the sand
that nogs vote counts just as much as yours does, he gets to have just a much a say in the future of your country as you do.
its the same with chinks here
it sucks for you way more than it does for me though... your country actually has a white culture worth fighting for
>when all the Jews bet that a Jew did it.
You're right
>muslims that just hate jews
i think you mean
>(((white people)))
common newfag mistake
Jewish false flag
No, shart, it's just arab muslims because of israel. East Asian muslims don't even know about the jew
A cemetery just for jews. Why? Because they don't want to be buried with us goyim?
has this not occurred to anyone??
y-yeah w-well AT LEAST WE HAVE SAND!
why did someone take a picture of a jew taking a picture
You're a fuckin cunt goyim. Give us ya fuckin sheks m8
They should have etched this guy on with glass etching compound.
I heard 100 tombstones yesterday.
my exact words while browsing drudgereport while on the toilet at work
So the perp returns to the scene of the crime. What do they call that in law enforcement?
Fucking stupid?
Initial thought is muslims. Desecrating graves is a sunni thing.
Watch, they will never catch who did this because it was an inside job. What non jew would even know of Jewish cemetaries?
oy gevalt, we need more money for impoverished holocaust survivors!
Just wait and see if it's still reported by the end of the week.
They claim in the past two weeks there have been dozens of bomb threats to Jewish centers. Of course no leads on the threats.
Koreans are all about trying to be jews.
No, they shouldn't have done it, but at least that would have been funny
inb4 it was actually 6 million headstones.
The problem is: who is even doing it?
The normies think the Jews are good guys and we have no reason to be so stupid. Plus it involves going outside *shutter* gross!
Attacking graves.....
>Not shekellydoos
Oh gawd this is so sad for just 25$ no 50$
You can help one of gwads chosen
Could have been none other than...
Strange that happen in Befast too, tho, not to that extent, could it be (((coincidence))) has it happened any where else.