DAILY REMINDER FAGGOTS. Pol is NOT an antisemitic board

This is a meme pushed by CTR & Shareblue, which is an antisemtic group.

I am absolutely sick of you retards who have no sense of our relationship with Israel and the GOOD JEWS. They are literally trying their best to STOP globalism, which is only being pushed by a few powerful Jews with business interests.


They are out to make us look crazy.

Reposting this because I was enjoying the conversation and the post was archived after less than 10 minutes from the last post

^PREVIOUS THREAD. Check it out for already debunked arguments

Honestly, I suspect the mods have been infiltrated by CTR/Shareblue shills & don't want this shit discussed

Furthermore, Israel is AGAINST the globalists like Soros

100% agree, the anti semitic bullshit on pol needs to stop, not even mentioning the fact that almost all first generation Jewish immigrants are conservative and on our side

shill bait thread do not bite


Right on. This is so true. A lot of 1st generation Jews lived under communism in Europe and now know the horrors that kind of society creates. Thats why they're so conservative.

At some point Pol needs to address this elephant in the room and tell these antisemitic stormfaggots to FUCK OFF FOR GOOD because they are only helping Soros and his ilk

I've said it before and I'll say it again, CTR posted a lot of anti-semitic material during the election. The raids continue.

Idk about that, i saw a jew outside a synagogue standing in the middle of a mostly empty car park, I look away for 2 seconds (because i'm driving) and HE DISAPPEARED WHEN I LOOKED BACK.

why do they withhold these abilities? what can it mean and how did they get this technology?!

you can't explain this away, shill.

I don't hate Jews. I just want to make jokes about Jews and question the holocaust and the media control because nothing should be off limits for humor and discussion.

We need to get people to wake up and stop falling for their shit

Sooo...jew dump thread?


Those quotes are all taken out of context



>pic related

Ctr shills are not welcome





Fuck off and kill yourself kike lover.

Faggot, We have defeated you many times and we will do it again if you even try.

Pol is NOT against Israel AND NEITHER IS TRUMP




>not antisemitic
>ever being good
fuck off r*ddit kike, if we're not antisemitic then no one is

Yeah,. there is absolutely nothing with Jews or homosexuals.

t. Jonah Goldberg




Fuck off rock monsters!!!!!!!


Jews need to burn alive, and their ashes force fed to the cannibal pedophiles they've used to consolidate power.

This subject is great at identifying newfags.

These are less names than on the mailboxes of my street

Most Jews have no idea these things are going on within their community.


fuck off obvious kike

Fucking kill yourself kike lover.


JIDF is owned by the globalists not Israel who are on our side


>Sup Forums is not antisemitic


>Sup Forums is now a board where ideals are polar absolutes instead of the varied, mishmashed clusterfuck it should be

>not an antisemetic board

Hello newfaggot, go back


The only good jew is a self hating one that understands they came from nameless sheep fuckers and have been a plauge where ever they go.

>Pol would gas this

You dishonest fuck. Israel has always been the enemy. Just like the Muslims. You are living cancer. An enabler of our destruction. You threw away your right to exist long ago

>antisemitic board
of course we are not, it's Ash Can Nazi Khazar slavs that we hate.

here we go again!

David Brock with ctr AND NOW Shareblue are trying to besmirch pol's character! We have never been anti-semitic, it's the same thing they've been doing with racism all election! Facts and statistics are not racist! Same goes for this so called "anti-semitism" they're trying to push!

Yes, we question the holocaust and the fudgy figures, yes we note the very strange coincidences that all top figures for every cause of degenerancy in our world just happens to be of jewish decent, and of course the cultish child fuckers who get euphoria from sucking the adrenaline filled blood of children do so under the guise of the jewish faith...
But we're just pointing out facts!

They can call us names, but the truth will always be on our side. We don't 'dislike' kikes per-say, we're just wise to their jive. There's stereotypes for a reason people.


Fucking Newfags KILL YOURSELF

Trump is PRO Israel

Seriously you must be a shill or a retarded fatass stormfag who can't get laid

Israel and other jews are AGAINST Soros because those globalists ideals stand in the way of Israel

Then explain why everyone who you, me and the rest of this board follows supports Israel but not the globalists?

Thats right, I thought so faggot

Fuck right off. You're the only newfag here. You're blatant shit job here has already shown us who you are. Take your division tactics to twitter you scumfuck.

Fuck off retard, Sup Forums used to have daily jew hate threads since forever

Yes this, based

These sheeple need to stop believe CTR and Shareblue shill infographics

I dunno how you think this will pan out shill. The very definition of redpill was to realize how the jews have corrupted everything. Everything from the twisted concept of feminism itself to multiculturalism was all derived from the jew. This is why we always say Hitler was right.

Whatcha doin rabbi?

That's what I thought, you have no arguments

This is why you stormfaggots are becoming a minority here

Good job for following Dem koolaid though, yeah youre real smart


Hmm, gee I wonder why?!?!

Maybe CTR Shills?

Because there was once a time before those shill threads you know, and it wasnt as cancerous as it is now

Fucking faggot newfags

Says jews are against globalism.

Wants globalization of governments

Work together.


Why cant i just be me, and mind my own business, and you be you, and mind your own business? Is that too much to ask for? Just a little freedom? Come on man. My ancestors didnt come to the land of freedom to end up being war pawns for anyone who suckles up to us. I seriously dont understand this shit. Sometimes i think humanity would be better off ir we all had our vocal cords removed as babies. tqlking doesnt do anything but dig us in a deeper hole.

We don't you fucking dolt. The only people here that support Israel here are you morons. Commit altruistic suicide on your own goddamn time you waste of life

>Sup Forums is not an antisemitic board
C'mon, guy.

Fucking faggot

Bear with me for a second and dont call me a divide and conquer shill without a resonable argument first

Trump HIMSELF supports Israel, and same with others like Alex Jones, yet they openly CALL OUT the globalists and Soros and people like them

Dont you realize globalization is ANTI-Israel?!

As far as I can tell the only "Evil" Jews are Liberals/Democrats

I've dropped a shitton of evidence against you in this thread juden. You're at the point where your cup of crimes is overflowing. You've pulled too much shit to even be able to hide it anymore.

Thats all Israel wants

Sup Forums was literally known as the board where you talk about the jewish problem way before Trump and CTR were relevant. Sorry kike, but we'll never be the new neocons. We know that Jews play both sides and that the only good Jew is a dead jew. Zionism and Marxism are two sides of the same shekel.

Do you really think we're going to fall for this JIDF/trolls?

The globalists are jewish. Several of the pics in this thread clearly demonstrate that. You pretending people aren't looking at them?

Wow a bunch of out of context pictures and quotes spammed over and over in different images masquerading as different pieces of 'evidence'

Surprise Surprise shill, nobody buys it

For every bad jew you name, I can name a good one too

Here is a few for you to Google and get your mind blown about how "kikes" have been fighting tooth and nail FOR YOU:

Jared Kushner, Sheldon Adelson, Carl Icahn, Michael Glassner, Steven Mnuchin, Stephen Miller, Alan Weisselberg, Sam Nunberg, Felix Sater

>The globalists are jewish.
They also Arent

And also there are jews who aren't globalists

So what?

Just because Trump is a step in the right direction, it doesn't mean that those banker kikes he hired in his administration don't deserve the rope.

also known as insincere nat soc trolls

I remember it was pure cancer with DA JOOS in every thread across the entire board 24/7 put me off from coming here for a few months I think it was in 2014 or so

Like sometimes it really is the jews but most of the time its other dark forces.

Did any of these jews stop their brethren from CREATING multiculturalism, globalism or feminism? Or how about the central banks? Or maybe hollywood being run by jews? Or how disney has been taken over by jews? You fuckers CREATED the problem in the first place.

>way before Trump and CTR were relevant
lo fuckin l

No, this shit has been a long con of the liberal socialists

Look up Yurio Bezmenov for evidence of this

This started back in the 1940s

They literally don't. They are helping Trump and all white Americans who don't realize they've been conned out of their economy

Trump himself has even acknowledged these people. There is no reason to think theyre evil other than you being tricked by Democrat infographics designed to make you sympathize with Palestinians and hate the "illegal" state of Israel

You are an intellectually dishonest shit. There is a mountain of evidence against the jews


This is fucking embarrassing.


the JIDF is out in full force since the fall of the bong faggot

It's like the goyim can't think outside what tv tells them. Good portion of us are JIDF.

Forgot pic.

I don't hate Jews.

I just hate (((Coincidences)))

So liberal socialists have been shilling on Sup Forums to make us hate Jews since the 1940s? Who's the crazy retard now? The early propagators of liberalism were also almost entirely Jewish. There's no denying these facts. It'd be harder to find one who isn't Jewish.

This. Like man's greed and lust for power and control. 9/10 when a bad thing is done it is because a once normal guy got greedy. Not DA JOOS lol

Yuri Bezmenov was a victim of communism, INVENTED BY THE FUCKING JEWS.

>trying to convince a shill

I hate redditcucks

Nice spam, retard. Sure convinced me.

Fuck right off jew, your race wont survive the 21st century.

He speaks truth. Globalists are the problem. Many happen to be Jews tho, so the ignorant jump to the conclusion that it is all Jews. Israel is our greatest ally in the middle east.

A few jews and other europeans who also happened to be involved with the Russian revolution*

Stop exaggerating

>Be Jew
>Get redpilled
>Want to remove globalism
>Soros doesn't give you shekels for tolerance
>Sup Forums wants you turned into ash
>Progressives say you're triggering
>Muslims say you're poisonous

It's not for the shills. It's for the newfags who the shills are trying to convince

If you weren't a dishonest slimy rat you'd realize that globalism is a product of your people.

Yes, once again check out every conservative Jew ever. Seriously.

This has always been a kike hating board faggot.

Even moot warned /new/ and Sup Forums1.0 to not let it become stormfront again. It's not nor has it ever been a new meme moisha. Perhaps your kippa is too tight or up your ass, but you're wrong schlomo.
Fucking nu/pol/ cancer needs to die

>user tries to make a bait post to piss of stormfaggots
>anons still think it's because DA JOOOOZ

OP is based :-DDDDDD

remember, Sup Forums thinks Ben Shapiro is a cuck

A cuck and a kike.