Will i ever be white?

Serious question. Will i ever evolve to be white? If Africans left Africa and went to Europe and became White will the same happen to me? I dont want to be white i am just asking. Would i be white, or southern european/slav "white"?

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I hope i wont be a slav :(

i think there are some creams you can try

what is that hairnet thing you've got on?

wtf is on your head and rachel dolzhel and shaun king became black dont see why you cant become white

Da wavesss

top kek wtf black to bald poo in loo

Not unless you resurrect millions of neanderthals for selective-miscegenation, and somehow live through another ice age (without the "creature comforts" modern society provides you)

You making us look bad dog.

you hotep or a fan why you on here

Wont matter bruh, if the filthy jew gets his way the future is spic (asian, white, negroid mixed slave race). Pic related

your from illinois correct?

You look pretty white to me, brother

Heil Hitler!

You know all white people think it is a terrible look, right?

Yes absolutely, this is how science works. The frigid air of the north hemisphere will deplete you of all your melanin which we will then drain and use in our barbecue sauce. Remember white people have very weak palates and it is the only way for us to consume food without dying from flavour overdose. Please reproduce as much as possible for our sake.

And then there's always pic related, but I'm no geneticist.

You are white now!

You should strive to become a black Hitler instead.

Why are you here? What are you political beliefs?

Mike Jones, is that you?

Depends, are you willing to change your own genome?

In regards to evolution, no if we stayed here for hundreds of thousands of years our skin color would be the tone of the natives. Of course, that assumes we live a hunter-gather lifestyle for those years. The future is unpredictable with our rate of technological progression


>If Africans left Africa and went to Europe and became White will the same happen to me?

the story is *slightly* more complicated than that. i.e tens of thousands of years of distinct selection under vastly different climatic conditions, + interbreeding with neanderthals

No. Out of Africa theory is not real

Nigger what the fuck are you even talking about?

I forgot. I could also end up asian
>we wuz changs!

not without taking that rag off your head.

i would like to make this clear; i come to Sup Forums and go off about niggers because they're significantly over-represented in crime statistics and cry victim and raycis if you point it out. because they carry themselves en mass like lowlives who can't dress, or speak properly or act civil. I'VE TRIED ALL OF MY LIFE TO BE GOOD TO PEOPLE WHO ARE DIFFERENT FROM ME. I offer a hand up to anyone I can afford to. it's part of the way i was raised, but despite my efforts i see the same shit again and again and again. it's not the color of your skin, it's the culture your resign yourself to, and the way you carry yourself -- anyone who carries their selves as my respect worthy equal will be seen to me as such, and near any Sup Forumsack IRL will as well. BUT NOT WHILE YOU WEAR THAT DAMN NIGGER RAG ON YOUR HEAD.

Do Americans unironically believe that evolution happens to a living being as opposed to a genetic drift over time?

I don't really want to have to ask, but OP forced me.

Its no wonder so many religious reject it, if they have so little understanding of it.


*forgot to add a picture of a pikachu or some dumb shit like that.

no, you're literally always going to be a dirty monkey
i'm fucking disgusted that there is a chimp on Sup Forums right now

this thread of yours is retarded

>not being a lamarckian

No nigger.





Neat, i went to the article to read more. Apparently they found some fossils in China as well that flipped the "Out of Africa" theory on its head.


Pretty sure it's a joke, user. If not, you can chalk it up to nigger intelligence and shitty inner city education.

>not being 2018

Your unevolved race already is. In much the same way as the neanderthal, enough white slave owners fucked their fat assed she-niggers and made mulattoes.

Some went on to fuck blacks and reduce their bloodline back to eventual extinction. Some lucky half-niggers fucked white women and had 3/4 white kids, then 7/8 white kids.

So 14% of whites now have detectable nigger genes even though they appear white. In a few hundred years when your race is walled off in Africa and left to die of the million diseases to which your race is predisposed, your genes will live on in whites much as the extinct neanderthal genes do in europeans today.


at least kek appreciates my honesty.

You can but it will be cultural appropriation.


no no goy! of course we all came from nig..er cool african americans!

Fuck off novelty poster.

Your head looks like my nut sack.

Out of Africa is a lie, my melinated friend. We most likely came or at least passed through India and the Caucuses.

Be proud to be black, listen to sonny rollins and dizzy gillespie instead of shitty commercial hip hop and don't be a nigger. That's it.

Nothing wrong with being black, just don't be a mindless consumerist nigger that follows trends, that applies to everyone in our society.

Dood, thats pretty sad.
Hassle people for being shit,
don't downplay the truth of statistics causing your bias (eg collectivizing the prevalence of racial crime bias to generalize that blacks are 'bad' somehow),
but OP wasn't being a shit.
Brazilians are uniformly pretty terrible, and I've seen plenty of terrible Americans who were also black, but you're antagonising your own countrymen, and thats pretty treacherous by an outsiders perspective.

Hes (perjorative) once he does something common and base, but hes your countryman up and till that point.

If the moon gets destroyed would your wave hair stop waving

>nothing wrong with being black


If you and your offspring mate with whites for 10 generations you will be white.

East Asians are honorary whites. They become indistinguishable after only 2 generations though.

you will one day be a giga nigga in africa being king nigga, we will pay for all Africans to be repatriated to Africa and be millionaires.

Michael Jackson did it, so yes.

>nothing wrong with


You are the equivalent of a woman whoring out her tits for attention on the internet, fuck off nigger.


More than one...Stop being a whiny bitch beta. If your genes are worth a shit..You have nothing to worry about. If not...Complain about it on the internet.

>being black
>nothing wrong




That's not how evolution works, user.

Evolution works through natural selection of random mutations.
So it is not a singular path from black -> white.

Populations outside of Africa had whites, blacks, neanderthals and a varied bunch of other hominids until natural selection allowed only the most capable to survive, the rest disappeared.

So, not "everyone evolves", just because of a change in environment. But those who evolve better eliminate those who evolved worse. Nothing can actually guarantee your genes will evolve in the best possible way for the environment of tomorrow.

quints confirmed

No would take ages to evolve like that. You can become a honorary white

you can only be white on the inside. you will be an oreo

Hurrr muh dik man...HUrrrreeeeeeeeeeee


Whites will eventually disappear.
It will be a great time.

Nigger, shave that shit off. Looks like flesh-eating worms are crawling around underneath your scalp.

whatever weber...I just told the guy to not be a nigger, are you that sheltered that you've never met a decent black person?

no fuck you nigger
cant believe nupol is this shit and relaxed about niggers and the jewiarchy

If you build a village in the temperate zone, then your descendants will become white and instinctively collectivist in some thousands of years.

fuck off kike.

Didn't you hear about our new Hotep allies, nigger? Enemy of my enemy is my friend. Get woke.

being black and on Sup Forums probably makes you one of the chillest niggas around in my book

kill traitors before enemies, jimbo

dont sleep next to rabid dogs

You look like a white American to me bro

Wrong. Nothing short of a full-fledged ice age would make a dent, not mere "temperate" climate.

>1 post

Alright brother, here's the thing. I know you're just "asking for a friend", but I feel you. It's ok to be black and not be a nigger. It's rough, I get it. But, you got this. You don't have to be white to not be a nigger. Just don't be a nigger. Much love.


I wonder how mad you would be if you found out just how many melanesians are lurking and shitposting on Sup Forums

Watch the elves leave middle earth, sir.

>t. talcum x

>1 post by this ID

fuck you, i'm too drunk for this shit. goddamn you to hell.


You know every country think the UK and their fucked up teeth is a terrible look right?

Start with establishing African nationalism. Every African nationalist movement has been subverted/ eliminated by (((the Tribe)))...
>Malcolm X
>King Selassie

>Africans left Africa and went to Europe and became White
We have always been here
You and I are not even the same species

Why are you even asking this? You can't change who you are.

>never met a nigger

The only whites that dont hate niggers are ones that have never been exposed to them i.e. rich liberal kids.

Anyone that has had extensive contact with American niggers at least knows that 90% of them are ghettofied, lazy, degenerates and the 10% of them that are good somehow represent them all as good boys.

Redpills don't go down easy without some water.

Let me be the first to say congratz mate. Everything they taught you is a lie. I know shocking. Be a good person you'll never look at shit the same hence le ebin stay woke meme.

I'm white and darker than you. I think you're already white.


I'm Sicilian man, which is European so yeah I'm white.

>it's that dumb ass facefagging nigger again
fuck off nigger

Syrup on pasta what has become of Italy.

I love you, OP.