You run into one of these. How do you use it? Who do you use it on? Remember that you're allowed to control the actions of someone with this.
And make it Sup Forums related.
You run into one of these. How do you use it? Who do you use it on? Remember that you're allowed to control the actions of someone with this.
And make it Sup Forums related.
Trump kills himself by throwing himself off trump tower wearing a frog suit
Fuck off to Sup Forums you autist.
>run into death note
>in the notes it says one who uses the note cannot go to heaven or hell
>oh shit heaven is real
>burn it immediately
>go back to church
>help the poor and disabled
>start a charity
Donald Trump
Gunned down by a cooperation between Black Panters and Muslims openly shouting that they plan to kill all white peopls
>Go to local small electronics store
>buy laptop with cash
>make video listing all of the traitorous politicians of Europe + people like george soros and dates that they would be killed, and that unless Europe removes 100% of non-whites within 1 year, the traitorous politicians that pushed for it would keep dropping
>upload video to youtube and torrent it out using random coffee shop wifi
>never use that laptop again
>follow through until Europe is 100% European
>move on from there to make Earth great again
Merkel, Schulz, Hillary, Soros, Every Rothschild, Every Rockefeller, My dad
kill all death note fans and all the creators and artists and anyone who funded it.
>kill some high level organized crime leader
>Jeffrey Epstein, George Soros, that leader of the vice nation, El Chapo
>Death note says I can control their actions before their death
>Know those crime members have blackmail on politicians keeping them out of prison
>use deathnote to make them expose all blackmail they have before dying
>Footage of Trump getting pissed on released, he actually kills himself, didnt have to use deathnote
The only correct option.
The rest of you are retarded.
I hate how light never bothered to ask "Well, where will I go if I'm can't go to heaven or hell?"
in the manga, ryouk says that light will go to MU(purgatory, or "nothingness")
Just write my own name in the death note, cause of death, turned into antimatter and caused an explosion which destroyed the entire planet.
Checkmate, shinigami.
I've inferred that it means the user becomes a Shnigami themselves. Ryuuk and others talk about how their realm has stagnated and become a dull existence.
Couple that with in one of the summary movies how a new Shinigami shows up that questions Ryuuk about Light.
I would use it in a very particular way. I would target ruinous elites like Hilldawg, Soros and Merkel, but in a way that frightens the piss out of them
for example: I target Hillary
>Bill Clinton
>brain aneurysm
nothing too suspicious, its been coming a long time, but...
>John Podesta
>brain aneurysm
>Anthony Wiener
>brain aneurysm
>David Brock
>brain aneurysm
>Huma Abedin
>brain aneurysm
>Chelsea Clinton
>brain aneurysm
>Hillary Clinton
>stomach cancer
of course, Id do more research than names off the top of my head, but you all get the picture
that manga was shit
I see, thanks user
You faggots would be terrible with a death note, because you're already revealing ev3erytthing on an online sushi forum
My boss. ASAP.
Kill all the upper echelons. All of the elite families get the nails to them.
Ben shapiro
Steven crowder
Milo yiannopoulus
Hillary clinton
Alex jones
Bill clinton
Cenk uygur
Geroge soros
Noam chomsky
Paul ryan
Mitch McConnell
Nansy polosi
Bernie sanders
Ron paul
Jeb bush
That's the conclusion everyone came up with, and is explicitly wrong in the manga. The anime producers didn't like that so the anime implies much stronger that they do become shinigami.
He does, he has a conversation with Ryuk where he points out that it must mean the afterlife doesn't exist. Ryuk says he must be smart because most humans can't truly accept that.
Well you've been bamboozled, that rule was only there to confuse the user, you just stop existing when you die in DN
If you use it then you lose your soul. Only a retard would use it.
I write my own name, then set my dorm room on fire. Instant death, death note destroyed, my corpse burns after I die, the whole world is better.
I'd make a list of pro rapefugee political parties and clean out their leadership one by one.
The manga was better overall, especially with the ending. I just remembered the Re:lights and kind of liking the idea that Light lived on as something else. But it has been a long time since I've either read or watched Death Note.
Kind of reminds me with Code Geass how there's a certain bit of ambiguity with Lelouch's ultimate fate (Barring whatever the upcoming continuation is)
You don't lose your soul, souls just don't exist in the DN universe.
I'd probably not really use it much unless things look like they're going WAY off course. 23 days control isn't THAT useful to change the world in any positive, meaningful way
Yeah I think the Manga was better too. The Live Action productions are actually alright too but I haven't been able to find the new 2016 stuff anywhere (miniseries and new movie)
The American film is gonna be shit, they cast some black rapper as L (not kidding)
Oh yeah, that American remake. I forgot about that.
I vaguely remember the movies and how they took a whole new approach to L's death, even showing his final days where he saves a child from a disease ridden area. That was cool.
I didn't realize there was even more live action stuff from recently.
Abe Lincoln
I'd watch leftist TV shows, and make the characters die.
>Jj abrams wants to make another dindu nuffin trilogy to star wars...
>oops, stoke
>bill maher being particularly faggoy today, horrendous vertigo
>john waters acting like a pompous faggot on mahers show, hemorrhaging blood from every orifice.
>cenk ugar being a faggot again: heart attack
>pocohontas making a scene, brain aneurism on live TV
>dianne feinstein making a speech, sudden heart attck and death
>schumer acting like a whiney bitch, blood clot to his brain on the senate floor.
I'd kill them all, live on national television.
I'd probably opt for the eye - trade.
Kill off some anacro-commies. Make some billionaires help out world infrastructure in their wills and only shave a few seconds off their life. Maybe make some muslim country leaders convert to Judaism in a nationally broadcast speech then kill themselves on live tv for lulz.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned killing the largest amount of muslims possible. Also do I get to use the eyes of the shinigami? Because I'd give no fucks if I die some 15 years earlier.
>control the actions
If I write Mohammad Mohammad, does everyone with that name die? That would sure kill a lot of birds with one stone. Either way I would start with Hilary. She would give a press conference and tell the world she cannot continue to live knowing she will never have a single hole stuffed by emperor Trump, then kill herself on live tv. I'm thinking gunshot to the liver. Nice and painful, with little chance of survival.
You couldn't kill that many unless you were super fucking dedicated
this is brilliant
No only one person dies per name written. Best bet I think is having people come out in support of certain political movements, donating to their cause etc before dying
Muslim beheading.
Damn dude, that is awesome
I know, it's impossible to kill a billion people by writing down there names, but maybe get thousands and people will start to wonder. Start off with obvious choices like members of ISIS, Taliban, whatever other shitty group.
Hell, I bet Mohamed Mohamed is a name and if you write that down a gorillion Mohameds are kill because they all look the same too.
Kill several of those celebrities that convert for attention whoring like Lindsay Lohan as well. As long as people start going "wtf islam kills people" then it's a win.
You have to have the person's face in mind when writing the name. So you have to be thinking of the right person.
>Start a war in the Middle East that wipes everyone in the region out.
>Turn every European country Fascist and have them round up their cuck leaders for an execution, broadcast to the entire world.
>Start the Endless Reich with Trump as the leader and sit back and relax.
Have the richest people in the world kill themselves on mass and deposit all their money into 'white only' no interest loan, savings, and college grant accounts.
Anyone who tries to embezzle the money or give it to someone not white is killed also.
Yeah the ending in the manga was much better while being much simpler. It was really something to see Light cry like a bitch for his life after pretending to be God for so long.
Meanwhile in the anime, the crazy guy uses hydro pump with his chest and Light is somehow able to outrun 3 healthy cops while he is full of bullet wounds.
I did learn to appreciate it more later because Light dying on a staircase was a nice touch to him not being able to go to heaven (the top) or hell (the bottom).