Why Living in the Third World is Better than the First World

I hear all this first world v third world shit and just want to cry. Here's why the third world is actually much better than the first world.

>less nanny state laws
>less sanitation means you develop a real immune system
>lower credit rating means higher interest for your money
>lower prices
>friendlier people
>no consumerist bullshit
>marriage culture
>more banks
>more public swearing, burping, and farting and other things the West is too pussy to allow in public
>more vacation time

So don't insult third worlders because their life is better than yours

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You're retarded.
Typical leaf.


You'r e retarded

T. Third Worlder

If you keep being a good chap you might actually live in the third-world eventually.


t. first worlder

Fuck off with your sarcasmo

Oh i know Canadians, they only care about Tim Hortons and weed.

You have to go back.


How? They are illegally building and illegally destroying. There's literally 0 conservatism, everybody doing whatever shit they want, even killing and raping each other, which brings us to "friendlier people" and "marriage culture", you really think they don't cheat? Even if they aren't divorced they cheat. A poor woman can't simply leave the house, even if husband beats her up or cheats.

Shut up Kaneda
>less nanny state laws
>less sanitation means you develop a real immune system
if u don't die
>lower prices
lower wage
>friendlier people
lie is just people but the worst r really worst
>no consumerist bullshit
>more public swearing, burping, and farting and other things the West is too pussy to allow in public
>more vacation time

> less sanitation
Enjoy your cholera.

In Brazil even the tires assault and kill you in broad daylight

tim hortons is for fat asses and i haven't smoked weed in about 10 years so fuck off


>>less nanny state laws

Meanwhile, Kim jong un is roasting your testies for reading a bible or smthg.

Stupid leaf.

This is hilarious. Never thought of it in this perspective.

how try to live in a third world country with European tier taxes and cuck mentality




Lel no. That's not really accurate for immunity even, although 3rd world tends to have less autoimmune disease, makes sense if you follow helminth theory. No, user, you are looking at noble savage trope lifestyle. The West is a gift in every sense, defend it.

Yea whatever. I lived in a third world country and it was a shit hole. Dirty as fuck, poor as fuck, miserable as fuck. I'm not shitting on third worlds, but there's no comparison to first. Being born here is like winning the lottery, I don't care what your skin color is.

Can we swap senpai?

I can go and live in a first world country, and you come here and live in a country where an 80 year old woman getting murdered by her gardener isn't that unusual.

You can also expect to pay similar amounts in taxes whilst receiving no benefits from the government. So you would still have to pay for private health insurance after you pay the taxes.

The public healthcare network forces everyone but the very poor to get insurance as they scale payment with income.

Let's see what else:
You have a government that insists on first world regulations in a country with third world people. Which means people just forge the certification documents.

You leafs wouldn't last 3 months in South Africa.

Olvidaste la hoja, Perú


>less nanny state laws

lolno. Maybe only when it comes to the internet, bureaucracy is worse than in first world.

>less sanitation means you develop a real immune system

Ok, I'll give that one.

>lower credit rating means higher interest for your money


>lower prices

lower wages so no benefit.

>friendlier people


>no consumerist bullshit

lolno, we are even worse copying the worst of Murrican consumerism.

>marriage culture




>more banks

Yeah, corrupt as fuck banks sure are a good thing.

>more public swearing, burping, and farting and other things the West is too pussy to allow in public

Not really, where the fuck you get that idea you retard?

>more vacation time


FFucking kill ALL Cucknadian shitposters.

not true. trust me. I live in a third world shithole, and what you said makes no fucking sense

>hurr third world countries are libertarian paradises

fucking leaf.

>>less nanny state laws
Also, less laws and police in general. You are not safe. The cops are corrupt as fuck.

>>less sanitation means you develop a real immune system
No, it just means foreign diseases spread faster.

>>lower credit rating means higher interest for your money
This is true, but....
>>lower prices
This is also true, but there are no jobs that pay a reasonable salary. Especially if you don't speak the language very well.

>>friendlier people
This is a misconception. In tourist areas, yes. They pretend to be nice.

>>no consumerist bullshit
That's because it makes you a target for crime

>>marriage culture

No, mostly socialist.

>>more banks
Not sure on this. I wouldn't trust them either way and keep my money in a 1st world bank.

>>more public swearing, burping, and farting and other things the West is too pussy to allow in public
Poo in the loo.

>>more vacation time
This is assuming you have a job that pays well.

Vacation isn't living.

I'll give that post a 7/10.

Nope, not at all. Even if you ignore all the economic issues, you still have the same shitstorm of debauchery and degeneracy. The current generation of young adults is ridiculously leftist, it's hip and cool to act like american celebrities, be "tolerant", do things even if you'll regret them later, fuck religion, etc.

It had to be a fucking leaf.

>>less nanny state laws
You live in a fairy tale world. Third world countries have MORE laws. Venezuela confiscates farm equipment and firearms, their people are not allowed to NOT rely on the communist state.


weird shit's happening to me. I keep trying to make a thread about free speech in canada and I keep getting upload fail and also I keep getting virus attack warnings from my antivirus, please help

>>less nanny state laws
less laws in general user
>>less sanitation means you develop a real immune system
lol you don't know how immunitiies work
>>lower credit rating means higher interest for your money
implying you have money
>>lower prices
implying you have money
>>friendlier people
implying you have money
>>no consumerist bullshit
except when they obessess over imports from America
>>marriage culture
what does that even mean
conservative of what?
>>more banks
no money
>>more public swearing, burping, and farting and other things the West is too pussy to allow in public
who cares
>>more vacation time
yeah you don't have a job

>countries almost exclusively inhabited by darkskins
>canadian finds this favourable compared to his own country
typical leaf mentality

> third worlder

... who lives in Canada

>less nanny state laws
insert meme
>less sanitation means you develop a real immune system
can't argue with that
>lower credit rating means higher interest for your money
that's funny
>lower prices
>friendlier people
that's true, however there are scumbags all over the world
>no consumerist bullshit
insert meme pt.2
>marriage culture
that's true
true as well
>more banks
insert meme pt 3
>more public swearing, burping, and farting and other things the West is too pussy to allow in public
not really, it varies from country to country
>more vacation time
doensn't Canada have a nice vacation time?

Costa Rica is nice. Especially the highlands where it stays cool.

Life is simpler, slower, happier. Yes, it is 3rd world, but the amenities are better than late 19th / early 20th century USA. So objectively quite good.

A lot of 1st world wealth is spent on extra choices at supermarket / nicer roads / craft beer / DMV salaries / etc. Stuff my grandparents and great grandparents lived without. Diminishing returns to this kind of capital allocation.

You're clueless, all of your points are wrong.

>leaf trying to defend his imminent future as canadistan

>friendlier people
Ok why don't you move to Somalia if you think 3rd worlders are more friendlier and happy

Quick rundown on Uruguay:
-No shekels
-Some degeneracy (not as bad as up north though)
-Some crime in some areas of the capital. Very slowly going up.
-Close to Brazil and Argentina

-No nigs
-Very few mestizos
-No muzzies (300 in the entire country, 250 of them living near the brazilian border. counting ambassadors and staff)
-0 chance that your sister will get raped by gangs of niggers or mujahedin
-A tradition of being polite, quiet, non-violent
-Highest gdp/capita in SA.

I non-ironically think that if we gas the commies, we could thrive. Either way, I'm don't mind living with fewer shekels, if that means fewer muzzies as well.

Are the women hot/available/easy there?

comeback Cisplatina pls

>less sanitation means you develop a real immune system

You remind me of Mainland Chinese gallows humor where people joke about how their contaminated atmosphere means that Han people would at least be the last of the human race to go extinct.


>more corruption
>lower wages
>everyone is an idiot
>medicine sucks, you can die from infections
>higher crime
>government might arbitrarily fuck you
>women are all golddigging whores (this is true everywhere, all places)
>dont speak english
>internet connection sucks

There is a reason they keep coming here.

This fucking meme that poor people are somehow more friendlier because they lack money. It's a fucking lie. Poor people will bash each other skulls in if that means they can get away from their lives.

Leaf in Mexico for vacation

If you're poor/disabled/lazy, you're better off living in Canada

If you have a decent job, you're better off in Mexico

Canada is plagued by SJWs, immigrants and capitalism. It's like work your ass off so you afford a 250k condo and make payments for your leased 2017 entry-model Mercedes and expensive clothes nobody gives a shit about
Your pasttimes consist of watching netflix and going to overprice fancy restaurants while envying your neighboor with the 500k condo and 2017 Corvette

Third Reich please

Living in the third world only worth it if you are rich, living like a king in modern time.

You have all the power, freedums, impunity and zero responsibility.

Worst translation but sounds better.

So you're saying we'd be doing them a favour by stopping mass immigration. Good idea for a leaf.

They're reasonably hot IMO, lots of variety among non-nigs (from blondes to brunettes although the majority are decidedly meds).
As for availability, they're probably the hardest ones to get in the region, in general terms (whether that's a good or a bad thing it's up to you), although if you go to nightclubs, leftist meetups and shit you can easily find your share of hot degenerates.

Also I forgot, not sure if good or bad:
-No asians, at all.

No, you come back

>>less nanny state laws
>>lower credit rating means higher interest for your money
>>friendlier people
>>no consumerist bullshit
>more public swearing, burping, and farting and other things the West is too pussy to allow in public
That's bullshit and you know it.

>marriage culture
>more banks
>more vacation time
Of course there have to be some pluses, otherwise people wouldn't live there at all.

Although you can live comfortably to somewhat comfortably if you've enough to be middle class in some of those states. At least the ones that don't austistically screech about "muh anti-capitalism."

I think (at least in our case), one of the main reasons why we're poor and tend to be socialists, is that it's so easy for us to just move elsewhere if we're any good, that the country tends to keep mediocre people. Of course it's not always the case, but for example, over 20% of Uruguayan citizens (just 3m) are living overseas. I bet those living outsides aren't old people, nor children; so saying that maybe 50% of our workforce lives overseas is an reasonable guess.

Our education is OK (especially if you can afford relatively cheap schools), free university, free-ish healthcare, decently respected passport, high chances of obtaining EU citizenship, and a med appearance. If you want to, you can endure the lack of shekels for a while, graduate for free and then fuck right off to a country of your choosing.

I myself lived overseas for a number of years, and the decision to come back was a conscious one: now I'm politically involved and trying to get the commies BTFO'd.

>a video of a video

You forgot a few

>better food
>cheaper petrol
>no vehicle restrictions
>easily bribed cops
>low class women are easy, high class women are tight
>good drugs
>better climate
>can eat rare animals
>bull fighting
>underground boxing
>can gamble like a degenerate
>often worship white people
>basics like food and rent is cheap
>can drink on the street
>can smoke in the bars

Ok, go tell them that. Maybe it'll keep them from coming to the first world.

This is a pure fantasy, not a reality.

Damn, i guess Canadians really are better shitposters than Australians these days, goodbye sweet days.

solo suena bien en mexico sorry, suena humoristico, no grosero

Not even gonna argue that

Here are some issues you will notice right away though:
-alot more petty crime
-shittier roads
-shittier quality fuel

That's pretty much it

>better, sometimes waky religions
>if you have the money you can do what you want
>government is too poor to spy on you
>no problems with pirating
>net neutrality
>can pretty much buy slaves
>can buy rpgs in some countries
>criminals get death penalty
>can ALWAYS find an abortion clinic
>educated people are respected
>can import almost anything
>cheap labour

Let me know in 25 years when Canada becomes a third world shithole because of Islam.


Do you guys really believe all 3rd World countries are like that???

Yeah man, Americans have a short attention span, if you can't entertain us....you're done for

If you like it so much we can exchange places.

México is beautiful y has lower cáncer rates than most 1st worlds

When someone say 1st world problems they make it a meme, but real problems are, that richer countries are unhappy, bitterness, and full of shit.

"The term Third World arose during the Cold War to define countries that remained non-aligned with either NATO, or the Communist Bloc."

Go read a book

>10 years
You're still brain damaged.
This Norwegian man has never smoked weed his entire life and is researching the cure for cancer. How can you compete?

This describes me accurately

Brainlets BTFO
How can lower IQs compete?

push ALL threads past bump limit
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stop Sup Forums censorship

I traveled through most of rural Mexico a few years ago.

After you get through the northern area, it's actually pretty nice:

>Mexican qts everywhere
>people stay out until 1:00 A.M. most places
>people hang out at the town square
>resturaunts are open until like 3:00 AM
>music everywhere
>cheap government clinics
>nice scenery

The problems:

>really bad violence, people have to militarize small armies for their own town
>horrible fucking pollution absolutely everywhere. I smelled like smoke after just walking around for a few hours
>really old medical equipment
>I went to the doctor and she was wearing 1990's nikes and typing on a typewriter. Not fucking joking
>they are America's bitch
>they play American news on the TV all day
>they play American music all day everywhere
>they want to be America but they are too stupid

Kinda sad desu

absolutely true

im a catholic in 90% mudslime country and boy i do live like a king

no left bullshit, everyone against LGBT, tolerance with a dash of "we don't even care about your race and religion", 2nd and 1st worlder tourist are all friendly as fuck in here, did i mention no left bullshit, because there's absolutely zero traces of libtardism here

>>less nanny state laws
Less protection from the locals.

>>less sanitation means you develop a real immune system
So, there's shit everywhere.

>>lower credit rating means higher interest for your money
If you have any.

>>lower prices
Much lower wages.

>>friendlier people

>>no consumerist bullshit
Because no one can afford anything.

>>marriage culture
You can do this anywhere.

Not necessarily.

>>more banks
There are plenty in most developed countries.

>>more public swearing, burping, and farting and other things the West is too pussy to allow in public
People are gross and have no manners.

>>more vacation time
But nothing to do because there's no fucking money.

Wall when

trying to ramp up rhetoric for third world countries for when yours becomes one, eh chong?

>less nanny state laws
less laws, really. and 3rd world nanny state's a state that's divided between paramilitary units going around killing everyone.
>less sanitation means you develop a real immune system
a reall imm-hahahahahahahaha
>lower credit rating means higher interest for your money
what money? you're 3rd world citizen, you don't get to have money lol
>lower prices
again, no money, no real income - not an argument.
>friendlier people
>no consumerist bullshit
that's because you're the one creating consumerist bullshit for 2 dollars a monthly salary.
>marriage culture
being primitive and being conservative are two different things.
>more banks
>more public swearing, burping, and farting and other things the West is too pussy to allow in public
yay, more crude shit...
>more vacation time
not even true lol

I guess services are cheaper in the third world. For example, cleaning your eyes with a paperclip in India.
