Can you explain


PROTIP- You can't

Other urls found in this thread:

pure coincidence

She was injured from a few blocks away?

You misspelled "Newtown was a FEMA drill"

sh-shut up!

Point me in the direction of these news stories so I know that they actually happened.

>oww my leg. It sorta hurts


Maybe if you had the actual news footage instead of le shaky cam pictures people would debate you.




ibama was so desperate to get people to stop talking about the economy that he had the DOJ harass economist to try to get them to shut up. they hired lawyers and people who are paid to know things have money go figure.. obama persisted and doj agents went to jail for failing to comply with a restraining order against federal agents on the newyork stock exchange property

long story short that nigger would rather have people think they might get shot or blown up than he was a tard and couldnt fix the economy

Can't see shit from the pics.
I'm all ears of you have better ones though.



Very intredastering. Will give this a read lad, cheers.

>from wikipedia
>"Some conspiracy theorists have argued that a six-year-old victim of the shooting subsequently appeared in a photograph with President Barack Obama, but the depicted child is the victim's sister wearing her deceased sister's dress."

If you're going to post an image thread at least make them big enough to be readable.
why the fug does this even exist. if this happened outside of western civ nobody would blink an eye.

Wew wew hello?

Got anything besides that screen shot? Maybe the vids, source, or proof? Originals, not just still shopped images?

They're scared

>what is shock

Useless newfag phoneposter. Turn your phone sideways and click on the filename you useless fuck

Ya let me get some for you

This a good shot. Spot the switch

She's just really unlucky.

2 people look similar

Well? They are 2 pictures of screen caps from news reports that were live on tv. Should be easy. Just post the links to those 2 supposed segments.

are you actually retarded, your pics are 877x1024 and 640x1024.

I don't think they are. They know they have the populace in their palms and that people will always instinctively trust the news even if they also know news is controlled. Think how absurd it would be if somehow evidence (which certainly doesn't exist) was found that proved not only was it a false flag but that it never occurred in the first place?

Im on a 4k monitor and I can't see shit

>tfw shipping up to boston

You can't call people retarded if you're Autistic

Top kek

U lost

Still waiting for those segments OP. You know, if they exist.

>town of salem
2008 was a great year

Do you really think they'd be that stupid to use the same picture?

Fucking hell John look in the thread.

Ah, troll thread. God it.

Hide and sage.

Christ is this real?

The pictures seem to get around

>Guy bacon
>Josephine gay

Aural concussion

what i dont understand about sandy hook is the fact that one person was wounded and survived but has never given an interview. their name is redacted in the sandy hook official report as well. they weren't a minor, it was one of the school staff. i get censoring the kids information, but she's an adult and the lone surviving witness. seems like what she has to say would maybe be important or newsworthy but they've never been heard of.

no name, no face, nothing. it creeps me the fuck out

I remember when this used to say THESE ARENT MY GLASSES or some such.

she just needed some work

the pictures are real. Not so sure about those injuries. Look like a movie set

y-you too user


Sandy Hook truthers lol

> Where are the pictures of the victims!?

Riight because it's normal to release photo's of bullet riddled 6 year olds

> How could he shoot so many people!?

Because shooting a bunch of scared 6 year old's isn't comparable to shooting fish in a barrel

no switch, he's behind the black woman if you look carefully. you can see his shin and his hand.

what did i lose

what the fuck is wrong with you?

No blood on crime scene except for "Adam yaboiii Lanza" literally
>an Astonishing lack of blood


Why are his thighs so long?

That person has an orange shirt though

nice edge

Post bigger pictures, faggot.

get a bigger phone

Why would _they_ bother to use crisis actors?
Adds a ridiculous amount of complexity and risk of disclosure for no real benefit.

If someone's willing to stage a shooting to push some sort of agenda, why not do it for real? Are you suggesting these evil people have some sort of conscience?


Cool source bro

$500m budget to bring lobbiests directly to Air Force one sounds more plausible


it fake movie magic. Take a man who is already amputee and add some bloody leg makeup

I'll just leave this here

I'm on my pc.

Bottom left corner on the floor, from the teacher blocking the door I believe

I love sloppy sniper!

Thats "mud"

Close friend,
It rhymes


I used to work at a news agency. If deadlines were tight corners were cut, mistakes were made.

wrong photos, footage, captions get used with surprising frequency.

These people probably sign a waver and get paid. Make a big fuss and draw attention you will be shut down

Seriously. Massive conspiracy! Use exact same picture!

Watch out, ASSteroid!

This desu. Also you have very probably linked a shoop.

What am i looking at


The girl with that red jacket and dark blue shirt that has the white S logo. big picture has the black women next to her. Little picture has the guy with the chicken leg.

she laying on the ground but both scenes are totally different

Wonder if he still does marathons.

Really makes me think

How does someone lose their entire leg when the next closest person looks unscathed

Any vets wanna chime in on explosives?

Yeah I mean there's a literal proven program of rendition and drug torture to produce easily influenced zombies ala "Manchurian Candidates" and its fucking proven in stone.

It was called MK Ultra people... If it was an organized agenda driven conspiracy this is byfar the most likely explanation of how they pulled it off.

>red paint splatter

How does the blood even spatter so far like that falling from a body.

They like to use the same crisis actors, for different roles, it's a form of "revelation of the method"

They are signalling that these hoaxes, are indeed--- Hoaxes. They are not lying, if they tell us the truth first.

>Upload images of Alex Israel/Katy Foley umpload failed

Not a vet but an explosives engineer.
Depending on the type of explosive (mostly improvised ones though), huge chunks of razor-sharp metal are ejected at really high velocities. It's possible one of these blew straight through his leg but missed the next-closest person. The shrapnel spread is basically random. The suspicious part to me is all the ripped clothing with no visible injuries underneath. Assuming these were caused by shrapnel, the perfectly intact skin underneath makes no sense. At that distance to the explosive device you would expect burn marks not only on the clothing but the skin underneath it.

Weird, I played a sheriff game with a politics theme an hour ago.

Explosion dont do perfect circular damage around the blast point.
Depending on what the bombs were made off, the distance between victims and the blast, objects that might have been in the way to deflect, the victims moving, waddling or being thrown away from the blast area and last by not least
Sheer dumb fucking luck. (which some of those poor fuckers clearly didnt have.)

YOu have many MANy varrying results

above her shoulder around her noggin. you can see his head and shoulder too.
the orange thing is some other thing.


I didn't know Danny McBride was a trained Healthcare worker.

The cowboy looking dude is the only one that seems sane. Fluro dude is checking it out like he's some freak that kills cats and the Asian chick is smirking.