Stripper teaches daughter joys of being a whore

>When you run out of men to shit test so you decide to shit test CPS
Where my right-wing safety squads at?

Warning: age-inappropriate stripping

Other urls found in this thread:


Gross, those heels are awful


This is why single moms shouldn't be a thing.

lmao that was cute. The little girl was jumping up and down she was so excited to dance on the pole.

I didn't have a problem with the video. I found it cute.

Hopefully I don't get banned for posting in this topic. Sup Forums mods come down hard on anything involving children modeling or dancing or whatever.

have literally no problem with women behaving sexually and feminine again. At least she isnt beating over the head to be a strong woman.

Has Sup Forums been taken over by feminists and liberals now that the election is over? I feel like the threads are no longer being created by true anons.

I know user. user wouldn't be upset by this.

Milo get off Sup Forums and focus on your shattered career

Your just mad no one want's to be your 3D waifu

single moms are genuinely terrible for any society they find themselves in

this itself is pretty bad too

>I didn't have a problem with the video. I found it cute
>women behaving sexually and feminine again

Stop trying to normalize delinquency and degenerate perversion you
pieces of fucking shit.

>have literally no problem with women behaving sexually and feminine again.
but this is a little girl

>have literally no problem with women behaving sexually and feminine again
You mean like trash? Degenerate.

Pic related

Look at her profile, she's a giant whore trying to say there's nothing sexual about being a stripper whilmst teaching it to her daughter

Fuck you, my mom was a single mom and I turned out fine.

This has happened before


>Broawses Sup Forums

Stop trying to push your personal ideologies on the internet you feminist.

You're on Sup Forums with us, so you obviously did not "turn out fine"

Not an argument

Oh look, it's another
> Americans associate literally anything that isn't completely prude with degenerate sexuality and whorishness
thread. Get outside some more, there's nothing inherently wrong with this.

Stop shilling for the pedos pizzaparty loving kike

>turned out fine
>anonymously posting on a neo nazi anime imageboard that worships a frog

REEEEEEEEEEquired reading guys
Check it out

Well, I found the video cute, but an argument *could* be made that the woman is setting a poor example for the child.

I understand the opposing view. Perhaps the video would be more palatable to people if the woman wore clothing that wasn't so revealing.

Pole dancing *can* be a recreational activity; not necessarily something immodest.


Shut up you fucking degenerate.

Holy shit.

Pole dancing is a legitimate form of dance and is fun and challenging. It doesn't *have* to be sexual, but the mother being a stripper in this case doesn't help the argument. When done correctly (and without emphasizing sexuality), pole dancing looks pretty fucking cool.

I have no issue with this case simply because the daughter is too young to comprehend the sexual connotations associated with pole dancing; she's just a little girl who is having fun with her mom.

If she were a little older and able to understand the sexual message, I'd have a problem with the mom showing it off to her.

I have no problem with degenerates or even women at large, but replacing them with the artificial womb could be a good idea.
That was a joke, "could", like there's any doubt it's a good idea !

PREPARE, and maybe you'll be part of the New Paradigm.
PREPARE, for the next 10 to 20 years, and maybe your blood will not extinguish under the onslaught of the blood of the farseeing.
PREPARE, and maybe you'll share Eternity with us.

What, you saying you can't even gather ten millions ? What about one million ? Even a wagecuck could do that if it lived frugally, so PREPARE !

>oy vey a whore is having fun with her daughter
[pearl clutching intensifies]

Weimar pill brother


There is literally no more reason to love women on our age. They are corrupted beyond any salvation.

Artificial wombs WHEN

>pretty fucking cool
Go back to the subreddit you crawled out from and die there you fucking degenerate


>teaching strength and flexibility exercises to children

Pick one.


>have literally no problem with women behaving sexually and feminine again. At least she isnt beating over the head to be a strong woman.
There's literally nothing wrong with a woman that displays masculine tendencies. It's the revenge-fantasy of self-victimizing failures that you're conflating with "feminism".

I swear, Sup Forums doesn't make sense half the time. Don't you want women that aren't brainless sexual objects and are your intellectual and mental equals? You complain about rampant female degeneracy and how Chad Khan or Jamalquo take all the white girls, but when women show some actual agency and respectable tendencies you become the strawman "get back in the kitchen" misogynist.

I am not clicking that, post caps.

humanity is a mistake

Soros is right, we all must go


Weimar Germany was an incredibly deviant and degenerate haven for pederasts

>Don't you want women that aren't brainless sexual objects and are your intellectual and mental equals?
Why are these the only 2 options, shithead?
I just want a woman that can provide for a family in the way she's best suited. She doesn't need to understand deep philosophical ideas or know which candidate is ideal for our country, just how to take care of a fucking kid, a home, and be pleasant to be around.

what up shareblue

I truly wish I was born in 1935, think about it

Being a young white male adult in the 1950's would be truly amazing, it was the best time to be A FUCKING WHITE MALE, the world would have been my oyster