What's the best city in Texas and why?
What's the best city in Texas and why?
>choose between some mexican cities
all shit. doesnt matter
probably Fort Worth
>strong "western" culture (billy bobs and bbq)
>barely any californians
>pretty white women
>no blacks
Seattle /thread
I just want to move somewhere that doesn't get any snow. I was looking at Phoenix and Scottsdale, but I'm starting to feel like they might only be for beans and old white people who play golf
we don't want you. stay the fuck out.
>moves to Texas
>wants to live in city
y-you too
>barely any californians
wrong commiefornians have infested fw. literally because of dumbshits like yourself telling others to move there.
were exactly do you think OP is from?
stay out
yeah. don't come here.
why don't you want one more white person in your state
Because we transcend race.
>inb4 hurrr spic
I'm WASP. Just tired of yanks/commiefornians coming here.
alright. Well, I would not have bothered you much, I barely leave the house.
shut up you fat cuck retard. your state is literally 40% white, you're probably a spic and texan white women love niggers. your state is such a fucking meme at this point. enjoy the reconquesta civil war, lard ass
and most respectable people consider themselves texans over anything else. If anything texas proves that globalism works alittle bit. your state just sucks ass because the blacks have you in check
major cities are becoming liberal shitholes
>If anything texas proves that globalism works
>born in Florida
>moved to Mississippi until I was 14
>came to California at 14 to present
>grandma in Georgetown Texas passed and moving into the house she left me in a few months
I might just sell the house. I don't want to live by fucking liberals anymore.
Austin because it's the most liberal and progressive.
FT worth
Ft worth is the best large city
It's fucking Williamson County, user. That's a red county.
Look into Brazoria County. Small cities that are full of STEM degreed red pilled people. Plenty of good work for engineers at the plants. Cheap housing. Friendly Sheriff offices. Huge plots of land with nice houses. Great fishing on the coast. Beaches. Guns.
>took a job as flagger
>guy with the orange vest and stop sign that halted traffic to let trucks on the road
>25$ per hour
Houston is a shit. I want the fuck out of this Islamic spic shit hole.
well if we are 40% and still voting red we must be doing something right
Never had it. Logo looks like shit.
Have you tried it?
Lone Star is good for the price point but it's not good as a beer really.
What are you posting this old map for? Here is 2016.
I've heard it was infested with liberals now.
Williamson county is still red. Your point?
Then you heard wrong.
t.Living in Williamson county for the past 15+ years
I'm moving to amarillo in 2 weeks, I'm guessing since it's in the panhandle and the climate people are different etc it's better then the rest of Texas, if someone could confirm this I'd appreciate it.
>drinks based on logo
Well, I move out there in August so I will see.
Think again.
>I'm moving to amarillo in 2 weeks
prepare yourself to fight terrorist.
Amarillo is pretty nice. I worked out of Borger which is about an hour out from there and visited Amarillo a few times. The weather gets pretty cold for Texas standards. Even snow! It's great.
>drinks based on logo
Never said that, just that the logo of Lone Star was shitty. Then I asked how it was. If I judged beer by the logo then I'd have never discovered one of the midwest's greatest treasures, pic related.
Lonestar? Just plain beer man, like a less sweet Budweiser, definitely beerier.
It said it's 60% white 30% Hispanic %10 black asian and other, it's conservative so how the hell is it a terrorist town?
Georgetown is quite far out from Austinistan. It's like 20 miles from the epicenter of the containment zone. The only reason I ever even went out that far was when I got called for jury duty.
Used to hunt up by Lake Georgetown. Drove up there from NW Austin - all the campaign signs changed from D to R when you crossed the county line. It's more conservative up there, but it's definitely getting more of the liberal as the years go by - bunch of overflow housing going up like crazy up by Ronald Reagan and 29. There's an endless stream of Cali garbage flowing in.
Any other place in the panhandle is ok, but Amarillo is little Somalia.
it's noting to fear, it can be fun
Wherever it is, it ain't down here in South Texas
So I take it that 10% of blacks are the Somalia kind and not the African American kind?
College Station
>In this thread shitty hivemind liberal californians who are drowning while arguing that it's impossible to have a conservative hivemind as a state with equally bad racial percentages.
Correct. Relative to population, Amarillo has taken in the most refugees in Texas, possibly the country when you consider secondary immigrants (refugees that were in Minnesota and move to Amarillo)
enjoy your tornados faggot
new braunsfels
>majority white
>strong german heritage
>best buccee's in the state which means best gas station in the country
>close to all the great towns in the hill country with the best bbq
Killeen Fort Hood
live just far enough inland from Galveston to avoid hurricanes and drive to their beaches. They are beautiful and the people there pay millions to keep them clean.
>What's the best city in Texas
the west texas town of el paso
out there I fell in love with a mexican girl
> > 1/3rd bean
yeah, pretty white..........
I just don't want that containment zone breaking and a ton of them flood near me. I hate California and want to go back to Mississippi, but there is shit for jobs there.
that's really bad. obongo not only send refugees to america, but to fucking either red states or very white states. nebraska and north dakota population growing is mostly due to rapefugees
except when they're closed because of sewage.
Democrat here.
Pacific Northwest.
You're a fool if you think progressives aren't armed. Shit man a lot of us served. Those of us who haven't have family who have, family in law enforcement, and so on.
I've hunted and gutted deer. I've slaughtered squirrel in potato fields. I've fought. I've wrestled. I used to skate and I've broken so many bones I've literally lost count and walked half of them off.
And there's nothing special or exceptional about me.
You're a fool if you don't think progressives are formidable. For every straw man pic you have of a faggy liberal I have a pic of a fat virgin beta orbiter with a weak stance who still flinches when he fires.
I don't presume that the alt right is not formidable. I grew up surrounded by the tea party before they became the tea party. I know what they can do. I've hunted with them.
But that's what's funny about these neolibertarian pseudofascists. They assume they're the toughest guys in the world and everyone else is soft. That's why they keep losing wars.
The south loses. Every time they flex. Progressives are ruthless when cornered. We burned Atlanta to the ground and used rape as a weapon of mass psychological operation, disrupted troops and marched right up to Jefferson Davis front door. We designed a bomb that destroyed entire cities, then we upgraded it. We invented remote control flying guns and remote control bombers..
Don't fuck with us. The south will rise again? Fine. We'll put em down again
stale pasta
Rockwall hands down
Makes sense, I'm actually from Minnesota so im used to it, so Amarillo sounds pretty much like the Midwest but just in the south.
Well and also sending so many to the city that hosts the PanTex plant.
Nebraska has had a steady stream of african-american immigrants for a while, at least in Omaha. Also Hmong, which are basically the same thing.
older German towns that Katrina niggers and Mexicans didn't absolutely infest and tear down
Viciously stopping brain-dead spics from voting. Also a near majority if not outright majority of spics are under 18 whereas the largest white demo is boomers.
how do you even know what state i'm from? you don't
filthy dumb, texican scum
>Wichita Falls
>College Station
You obviously never lived in Texas.
I saw 30 dolphins swimming in the water when i went there . The fishing was great and there wasn't even a single wrapper or piece of trash on the beach. Go to Galveston island and stay a few days if you don't believe me. Ask around there is a place there that serve the best pina coladas ever.
nah my man nah. it's shitty as an undergrad, even shittier as a grad student.
Ahh Texas! Where a hospital can host a non existent shooting and the media covers it for half a hour with reported shots fired by a bald white male.
such small population states can easily flip or completely fucked up their economy with the influx of so many kebabs or, even worse, american dindus
and texas, i'm afraid to say it but in 2020 the counties surrounding the big cites will eventually flip blue, like the one in houston already did
Lubbock's shittiness is what makes it great.
The smell alone keeps yuppies away.
>blacks have you in check
Wyoming, motherfucker, try again. Why not try in Spanish, your native tongue.
Tomball is flooded with "wealthy" Mexicans gtfo'ing from the cartels. Their kids are dumb as rocks and cause ruckus.
Was born here, lived everywhere except far out west. I used to go to Galveston and South Padre, was nice 10 years ago. Last time I tried to go was a year after Hurricane Ike and the beach was closed because the sewage system was leaking into the ocean. Have seen multiple evening news stories to the same effect since.
>I just want to move somewhere that doesn't get any snow.
What are you, a faggot? Are you sure you're white?
>not calling himself a liberal
>or a socialist
>or a social justice warrior
Who the honest fuck cares. Nobody actually thinks tough people are exclusively right wing but you are sure making a strong effort to not out yourself with a label that people can shit on to protect your fee fees. kys your pasta is vague, pathetic, and poorly written.
All of Texas is great.
It's a date, then.
See ya soon, Sweetness.
>Says a Canadian
And I'm not so sure that statement is true
I lived in San Antone from 2000 to 2007 as a kid. Any anons know how it's going there?
lol look at this homosexual
Rose's Cantina is still there
the majority of those spics are illegal and are not texan. this problem is being solved. Whites are a minority so why is the state still mostly red? mexis are converting others to accept being texan above all else. preserving the spirit of my state is more important than the white race problem, that's second
My thoughts exactly.
Stay the fuck out.
Why can't these faggots understand this shit?
Liberal shithole with more Messicans
Austin is the San Francisco of the South. Best avoided.
Also, I'd add that the legal ones hate illegals. Not universally, but generally.
Do not move to Texas. Just don't.
Even in the nice suburbs of Houston and Dallas, you're never more than two miles at most from an extremely shitty part of the city.
Not to mention any time you commute literally anywhere, you're going to encounter shitty roads, maniac drivers, and you can't park anywhere without worrying about break-ins.
>inb4 some basement dweller who never leaves their gated community says some bullshit about how their super speshul suburb is a slice of heaven.
ted pls
>falling for obvious bait
fresh from r/the_donald eh?
good on you lads, thanks for the (you)
Even if you live in your basement the whole time and only come out on election day and vote for the fucking gayest faggot Democrat, you have left the house too much already.
If we find out that you came here we will hunt you down. No more faggot liberals aloud. NONE. NOT A SINGLE ONE.
i want to transfer from NYC to UT austin for accounting
i'm tired of this third world country. is it better there?
You're obviously bullshitting so fuck off shill
El Paso!