Good job you fucks elected Hitler 2.0
Trump's facist army on display in Portland
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Fuck off faggot
leave this website
No, we just elected a center-left Jew over a far-left Marxist Jew for the first time in 50 years.
>Police are facists now
Drink the contents of whatever is under your sink
Shit posting in the turd bowl...Thanks op :)
I've been to jail before for drinking, its sucks. All these kids likely have never experienced any law. Glad I learned through alcohol and not retardation.
Wow you elected hitler 2.0
-The cuck says to a bunch of literal nazi's
hilarious how they use the same footage twice to make it seem bigger than it really is
>0:22 and 1:12
>0:10 and 1:23
>0:22 and 1:41
>:49 and 1:00
>:57 and 1:26
to name a few
I can't wait until we annex western poland!
that was beautiful.
any more?
beautiful. I elected him to hurt you. Already paying dividends.
Hope this keeps happening.
Portland would be such a nice city if it weren't for the fucking liberals there.
Centrally planned, nicely walkable, nice nature in the surrounding areas, mostly white. Why do liberals have to ruin everything?
>Arresting people breaking the same laws that existed before Trump
Are there not laws against face coverings in public? Anyone with a covered face at a protest like this should be arrested immediately.
this needs to happen more often
>everyone I don't like is hitler
when riot happened under Obama
>it's the police
when riots happen under Trump
>it's Trump
I clicked on the video hoping that I'd see the rise of the new SS with cops cracking faggot antifa skulls. Instead I saw police moving people out of the streets since they were blocking traffic and showing restraint in the face of liberal douchebaggery. Sigh. Maybe next week.
People messing with police and not obeying laws? Oh no they got arrested? Also wtf is that thing at :23 and again later in the video?
Fuck off, lad. All you cucks do is get my hopes up that he's actually starting the genocide campaign. Fuck off until he starts putting people in camps. Then you can come back and REEEE about how unfair it is.
Portland is a strange place. It's full of white drug users. That video OP posted is the result.
>Donald Trump ISN'T a Zionist
I've heard Trump being connected to slavery, Hitler and even the Rwandan Genocide.
Can you fuckers stop this retardation?
fascism means anything that hurts the left's feelings
Thank god the police are actually doing their job unlike in cucked Berkeley
Fuck Antifa, they are literally terrorists
>not my president
>LEO Resistance
Jesus fucking Christ you people are spoiled, and ridiculous.
The complacency that comes with not having to live with niggers and shitskins.
I'm getting so sick of 50 years of pathetic Hitler memeing I'd be happy if he was Hitler 2.0
You faggot. It's in a state with a libtard governor...But no... Blame Trump.
The police are getting fed up. Wouldn't you?
Why not use rubber bullets and be done with it?
>Portland Police are now Trumps army
you are confused child.
>Joe Meteor is actually based
Remember when she got shot with rubber bullets?
I wish they were real.
>state police
remember when the obama administration lat some peacefll occupy protesters that were just sitting there get peppersprayed? remember how the guy even recieved extramoney from the psychological trauma he recieved from the onlineattacks against him?
also remember that trump isnt a month in office and all these guys were chosen based on criteria he had no influence whatsoever and most certainly didnt gave any direct order to detain or pepperspray people and that its just their normal course of action?
also remember that hitler was a good guy and hitler 2.0 would be awesome?
Test my digits
1 post by this id.. hmm