How do we stop the plaque of white males getting with asian females and making hapa kids that then proceed to hate white people because they don't look white?
Asians should be for sex only.
Featured: Nick cage and his half-asian "half-white" son
How do we stop the plaque of white males getting with asian females and making hapa kids that then proceed to hate white people because they don't look white?
Asians should be for sex only.
Featured: Nick cage and his half-asian "half-white" son
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Too late nigger, my hapa girl is being born in 4 months. I tried dating white girls, really I did but they always ended up being insane.
This. I wouldn't trade my qt Honorary Aryan Jap gf for the world
cucks of the white race. Enjoy your asian children. Diversity is strength!
It's an epidemic where I live. I don't even know where they find them.
this desu. white women are shit. Our only responsibiliy as white women is to worship superior asian feet.
Lmao okay. Yeah, I don't know what I'm missing! Enjoy your 'pure Nordic gf' if you even have one, autismo.
There is nothing wrong with that family.
But I will user, I will. I make these posts not for myself but because I am disgusted by all these frauds claiming to care about white race and white culture but mixing with asians.
I have very attractive genetics I will not waste them on an asian woman. I can see how low value whites would need to breed with asians though because they can't attract decent white women. Luckily I don't have that problem
>Japanese legally white in nazi Germany
>Japanese legally white in Apartheid South Africa
>that's not good enough for modern day stormfaggots who think it's cool and edgy to be to the right of Hitler
>triggers their autism so hard they save dozens of pictures of WMAF couples and spam Sup Forums with threads
Whoah, we've got the next David Duke here! Why don't you focus on a real problen like coal burners? My Jap gf is paler than I am, and I'm a blue eyed full blooded Saxon.
Weeb culture is the problem. These people can't separate their enjoyment of Jap video games and Jap people. Attack the culture and spread pictures like this around.
I'm half nip. People always think I'm a whitey and are surprised when they learn I'm a halfbreed
White women have dipped too low in quality in my experience. Don't know many asians, but the ones I do are ALL wifey material. Cut the princess shit, maybe we'll come back around, but I have no intention of roughing it through this diluted culture we've built. Asia is the future. Strong disciplined Asia.
Your kid will be monolidded with black eyes and black asian pattern hair.
Coalburners are a problem. So are pathetic white males with asians.
All of it equals less white families and denigration of white culture
troll thread filled with stock responses meant to waste time ;)
I'm the opposite.
I respect Asian people and find Asian history interesting but hate modern Asian culture. The only halfway based Asian country today is Singapore.
There's really no saving white people the spics and sandniggers breed too quickly and we already lost a generation of white breeding.
You're best bet is to let your legacy be a drop in the Asian blood pool. At least then, when the Asians have enslaved/killed off the rest of the world your great-great-great grand children can look back at their family tree and see you.
Thats because you are too low value to get white women.
News flash asians are just as much whores as whites. All western women are whores.
You negatively generalize your other half to feed your pathetic fantasy of being worshshiped by some chink when in reality you are just a beta.
>Your kid will be monolidded with black eyes and black asian pattern hair
Yeah, because all japanese are monolidded. You didn't even address the main point of my post, either. You really need to pick better battles to fight, OP. I don't know why this triggers you so hard
You lookin?
Melbourne is greatly beset by this plague.
IT hipster + gook/chink wife.
The city is supreemly pozzed though so it naturally produces these pairings.
Not really. I find white women a lot more attractive on average. I'd probably put Asian women with black women 2bh. You get hot ones but the average is low.
You're going to have to talk to white women about this.
The shit they dish out is so obscene that at some point a man will give up and go for the Asian pussy. If John Lennon couldn't resist the call of asian poon, what chance do us mere mortals have?
>he wanders the streets worrying about the personal lives of others
Ironically enough Elliot Rodgers was right. Your kids will be Elliot Rodgers
Anyone else think Elliot should be the leader of the alt right (aka Sup Forums)
They have only about 5 different Y chromosomes circulating around. Y not diversify them?
There's nothing wrong with dating an honorary aryan, faggot. Just as long as she's Japanese/Korean/Northern Chinese. Japanese is obviously the best, though
>OP as cuck confirmed.
Asian females are the most submissive.
What are you so fucking scared of? Seriously? You should breed with intelligent, good-looking, and successful people, regardless of their race. You wanna know how Arkansas ended up with a bunch of fat meth-smoking hicks? Inbreeding.
I'd rather the hapas are female.
Male hapas are guranteed liability
Lol your own white bitches are trying to kill you off with the 'white male privilege' guilt tripping game while turning into chewbacca land whale hybrids. I don't blame the guys who go after asian women considering we can actually cook and take care of our own image to prevent embarrassment to you.
at least arkansas is white
Who gives a shit? All I care about is if somebody is culturally assimilated.
A society that values somebody's skin color over their intelligence, attractiveness, and personal drive is regressive. I don't want anything to do with you backwards losers and would risk my life to prevent your vision of a "perfect" society.
Who gives a shit? All I care about is if somebody is culturally assimilated.
A society that values somebody's skin color over their intelligence, attractiveness, and personal drive is regressive. Nobody wants anything to do with you pathetic losers.
So asian societies are regressive?
No one wants what to do with who?
Fuck off you retard. I will be raising my white children around white people, because race matters.
His pure Nordic "girlfriend" already has a boyfriend, and his name is Alejandro Vazquez from Spain. A sultry dark haired/eyed Spaniard who swept her off her feet during his trip to the Scandinavian countries last summer. She told him she was sick of weak light featured men and wanted a strong masculin dark featured European man to bare children for her.
white women suck, seriously
only asian women for me
White women are lazy entitled cunts who are born with there cherries already popped.
So go make some black babies then if you hate whites so much. cucks.
Blacks have dat ass doh. White women need black genes from the south or have to get fat for any signs of curves.
the coal burners of white men
Enjoy your cancer with a side of melanoma inbred genes.
>having your own kids
You do realize it is the exact opposite.
While you sit around jerking off to porn, these guys are having their own children.
You are the cuck.
this thread is proof Sup Forums is just larping and 4cucks don't give a shit about the white race
fucking underrated post senpai
is cuck just a codeword for pro-interracial?
>You're best bet is to let your legacy be a drop in the Asian blood pool. At least then, when the Asians have enslaved/killed off the rest of the world your great-great-great grand children can look back at their family tree and see you.
your best bet is making more white people
rice cooker...
>I will be raising my white children
half Asian children aren't white derbyshire
all you will teach them by trying to repress their asian side is to hate it, resulting in more fucked up identity problems that lead to inner hate that will extent to you, their mother, and all white people
Nah azns are basically white, that is, if white people were incapable of original thought
>in b4 gunpowder
I traveled to Korea and Japan last winter and it wasn't hard getting women there. But any self-respecting white man knows that they're only for sex. They are a novelty, user. Asian women are only interested in white men became they hate themselves, they hate their Asian genetics. The Elliot meme is not just a meme - those children are raised in an environment of hatred and they will always feel a shortcoming.
European genetics are top tier and if you've failed at getting at those kinds of women, that's your own fault.
Btw, Koreans are way fucking hotter than Japs.
Elliot was half jew and half jungle asian. If you actually speak Japanese, you'll get past the gaijin hunters and meet quality women. Japanese genetics are top tier, as they have one of the highest IQs and life expectancy. Besides, I'm not about to leave my gf who I love and quit my great job because someone on a Mongolian fingerpainting forum tells me what's good and bad.
Agree with you on the Korean part, though. Korean women are the hottest, but Japanese women are top quality.
>Nah azns are basically white,
>that is, if white people were incapable of original thought
then they aren't white at all, thought is what makes whites white
Indians, Arabs, and Ethiopians are all Caucasian like whites, but are incapable of those characteristics, thus not white
nick cage can do anything the fucking wants
except make a good movie
I wonder, if you get a half-non-white child, will most other white children have more of your genes than your own children?
I though Asians and whites are supposed to be the two master races of the planet. Wouldn't combining them results in the true master race?
>Elliot was half jew and half jungle asian
where are the soruces of his father being a jew? Even stormfront backtracked on that
>If you actually speak Japanese, you'll get past the gaijin hunters and meet quality women
quality women don't race mix user
>Japanese genetics are top tier, as they have one of the highest IQs and life expectancy
and you're watering them down, if you cared about Japan you'd stay out, all you're doing is setting the stage for Japs to be more open to outsiders. The first thing outsiders who come to Japan complain about is usually "IT'S SO RACIST", English teachers especially, they blue pill their students
>Besides, I'm not about to leave my gf who I love and quit my great job because someone on a Mongolian fingerpainting forum tells me what's good and bad
explain Richard Von Coudenhove-Kalergi
possibly the evilest man of the 20th century, setting goals for genocide far greater than Stalin or Hitler
He was half Austrian and Japanese, what gives? why did he hate Europe so much?
White men of 2017 are so fucking pathetic that's its cringe worthy.So pussified at the toight of having to out thier women back in line that they rather date disgusting gook women.
Seriously its so bad tgat stacies are starting to give attention to ME a busted mongrelmotherfucker.When the fuck will the white man man up?
a fucked up identity does no one any favors
> The only halfway based Asian country today is Singapore.
A country of former rapefugees who outbred the locals, like Sweden in 50 years time
Land where everyone has a cash register for a soul
A sweltering concrete jungle where the only culture is keep-up-with-the-Joneses materialism?
Basically America, but shorter and yellower?
However, unlike the Japs it didn't take 2 nukes and a 7-year occupation to turn us into good little (((homo economicus)))es. We did it to ourselves.
For the love of God send help
>the plaque
Try brushing homo.
if you could call a mongrel your son
>White women are lazy entitled cunts who are born with there cherries already popped.
AMWF actually make decent children. no idea why WMAF become monsters.
Another one?Canada might as well be a chink colony at this point
>no idea why WMAF become monsters
beta fathers who's only claim to ego is their whiteness
degenerate self hating mothers
this is some heavy larping shit
Considering how science and shit is going, I wouldn't be surprised if, before we die, people are genetically designing their kids. Jungle nigger females are going to give birth to children whiter than anyone reading this.
Culture, sovereignty and accumulation of wisdom and wealth are what really matters. Find a good woman and redpill your kids.
Asian men with white wives are alpha asians who make for good fathers. Other way around it's neurotic weirdos raising the kids, which is how you get a generation of Elliot Roger's.
>where are the soruces of his father being a jew? Even stormfront backtracked on that
Just look at the fucking guy. He was a liberal Hollywood producer. He didn't raise his son right and he turned out fucked up.
>quality women don't race mix user
Quality women don't coalburn because of 'muh dick'. Race mixing for the sake of race mixing is the issue. Can you really blame them, either? Have you seen Japanese men lately?
>and you're watering them down, if you cared about Japan you'd stay out, all you're doing is setting the stage for Japs to be more open to outsiders. The first thing outsiders who come to Japan complain about is usually "IT'S SO RACIST", English teachers especially, they blue pill their students
I'm not watering them down because I've got good genetics myself. I don't experience racism here because I actually speak the language and am genuinely passionate about this country.
>explain Richard Von Coudenhove-Kalergi
>possibly the evilest man of the 20th century, setting goals for genocide far greater than Stalin or Hitler
>He was half Austrian and Japanese, what gives? why did he hate Europe so much?
Wow huh a cherrypicked philosopher from a century ago, really makes me think. I'm turning my resignation later in tomorrow and I'm flying back to the UK next Tuesday. Thanks, you've really opened my eyes.
you put a lot of hope in technology that doesn't even exist
the damage will be done before we get there
Im a 6 foot 3 quarter asian with red hair, but i got brown eyes hah
but people think im white
i also have a son with pale blonde hair and green eyes, his mom has blue eyes and is brunette
but my mom was actually darker than her mom who was 100% asian, its pretty interesting to me
Asian women are better in almost every aspect than white women. Unfortunately, I can't pass my white genes on through them, so I'll have to settle with an obnoxious whore like yourself.
Please go die OP, you fucking wombat
Reminder: The most pathetic thing on earth is a white beta male with a mongoloid gook whore
t. high test fat ass latina lover who would never have kids with one
White women are over. Literally. Keep convincing yourself otherwise, you cuck.