Picture says it all

I'm confused.

>picture says it all
>its words

thats not how that works sweetie

>I believe in...
>lists a whole bunch of subjective attributes

Lol, it didn't even fucking snow this Winter. And it's basically over.

Why is it on a crumpled up piece of paper?

lel calling those cucks snowflakes really made them upset, didn't it? must be why they are trying to use it against us. just makes them seem super butthurt

that's an avalanche... duh

winter is coming

wtf i'm a cruzmissile now

and with winter comes lots of salt

Is that a Game of Thrones reference?

that doesn't even... wtf are you even talking about

Sorry to tell you sweetheart, but there is a massive conservative movement sweeping over the west. When a snowflake cucked country like Sweden has a anti-immigration/nationalist party neck and neck for second place with a year until election; you know things are changing.

Your "unconditional love" is nothing more than naïve optimism conceptualized by ignorance... you love Muslims go preach for feminism, homosexuality, tolerance of all religions in a predominantly Islamic country.

This will help everyone, quite simply because you will definitely have an eye-opener, or be killed that's just the archaic unfortunate reality.

Depending on the country Pretty much 70% of the Islamic world the second outcome is almost guaranteed.

we just do it at gunpoint... it is the american way

They put salt everywhere in winter to melt the ice
>american education

That font hurts my eyes. What autistic fuck made this?

we don't salt the streets here because it is bad for the environment.... typical leaf destroying the environment...

my feelings aren't fragile... why is everyone on this board so rude?


Yeah, US military going in trying to deal with a organization that is 50,000 to 200,000+ strong with an annual income of $2 billion and kills over 20,000 people every year for the last three years ( just happens to be one of multiple militarized Islamic terrorist organization) is comparable to literally hundreds of millions of Muslims who fully support killing apostates, stoning adulterers, honour killings ( which could take place from something as minor as refusing to wear a Burka: you do know that 95% of all honour killings in the west, and over 90% in the world are committed by Muslim fathers, brothers or their proxies right?) killing homosexuals, cutting off the hands of a thief, flogging people that do any number of horrific things such as: drink alcohol, women that show "too much" of themselves, go out in public by themselves etc and repeated "offences" result in death sentences.

They are still in the dark ages literally. Do you know the history of Islam? The religion is predicated on war, genocide, slavery and most importantly forced conversion. If it wasn't for these things the religion would've died off like many before it.

OK guys, I get! It is literally retarded you can say a lot of things about Canadians, but for an American to talk shit about environmental impact...well come on now. You guys account for roughly 15% of the global CO2 emissions second ro only China

>Still thinking empathy is a good quality.

Trump is Azor Ahai

>I am badass

thats because you live in an igloo and have no infrastructure and justin trudeau literally owns your mother

Empathy in certain situations can be a good quality. But not empathy that is completely illogical and preposterous to the point of ideological.

Hippies... OP go fuck a tree of love or something.

Sounds like the biggest fucking faggot of all time.

my god, the far left really has gone off the deep end, then again so has the far right. I fear i have dived deep into an ocean of chaos and failed to find my golden orb. I have succumbed to chaos and all I can do is laugh at the insanity.

She is correct, I have to assume it is a women no man would write that bullshit, winter is coming but you will die because you are wolf without a pack. All that is left is chaos and destruction as your keep pushing the far right into hell.

Haha "Unconditional love" shouldn't you worship Trudeau??

First your an environmentalist, then you're an industrial revolutionist. This cognitive dissidents, is absolutely disgusting. Everyone take note, this is the kind of cretin perpetuating "PC culture"

Libertarian detected.

I'm confused, the attributes of being for human rights, gay acceptance, all the other liberal nonsense isn't what makes them snowflakes. It's when they want individuality and self serving to rule over conformity in basic settings.
If you are at work, you are there to work not stand out.
If you are at school, you are at school to learn, not stand out.

>I'm not a snowflake
>proceeds to write a poem about how special they are

The fuck is this

I am everything and nothing I am the alpha and the omega... I love justin trudeau because he literally owns your mother and globalism always wins because nationalism is identity politics

we are not snowflakes... we are an avalanche!! Winter is coming you degenerate cuck

The far right, may be precarious but they are not this delusional and sycophantic. Conservatism or the "right" has a lot more data and fact on its side that is indisputable. Unless you're debating tactic is too platitudinize terms like racism, bigoted, Xenophobic etc. to the point of ad nauseam.

a fat woman wrote that

>Randomly capitalized words
>GOT reference

>Winter is coming

well that makes sense, they act as brain-dead as the zombie horde in the Night-King's army

just wait and see... I am going to get on the HWNDU stream tomorrow at noon and read my poem to the camera

Facts are racists user. You shouldn't talk about facts because it might hurt feelings.

Instead talk about how the white man is so horrible, because there's no evidence of that so that makes it fine.

Congratulations, you just wrote the stupidest thing ever read by a human being.

picture confirms OP is a faggot

I cannot be a faggot because I don't believe in gender identity... I am gender fluid

What gender were you yesterday at 6pm?

Some ((liberal)) bitching again, so new


Hey, Asshat! winter is almost over - SPRING IS COMING (snowflakes all melt)

That makes you more of one.

> I am a badass believer in Human Rights.
Well there's your problem right there. No such thing exists.

We're hitting cringe levels that shouldn't even be possible.


I am gay now, after reading that

>I am gender fluid

faggot by your own admission


>my heart isn't bleeding
>proceeds to a bleeding heart


push all the threads past the bump limit

push all threads past bump limit
......( '_')
..../""""""""""""\======░ ▒▓▓█D

bring back the image posting

>I am going to get on the HWNDU stream tomorrow at noon and read my poem to the camera


You must live in California or some pansy warm state that never gets snow.

I thought we were supposed to be worried about global warming


why are leftists so autistic and have to throw in references to children's entertainment in everything?

> what nu-males tell themselves

They just can't leave out LE EPIC POP CULTURE REFRENCES can they? This is ironic right? or are people actually this fucking lame

Why is everything liberals do always wrapped up in pop-culture horse shit?

Winter is coming? Fucking children.

Of course they'd add GoT into it. They don't know how to make a point as is, nevermind without adding some nerd credzzzzz to it.

What no Harry Potter reference?

So you're saying winter is coming because you're all snowflakes. Just remember snowflakes disappear when you put the heat on them. We will always throw the heat on you called truth. The problem you "snowflakes" have is that you could never deal with truth in any way except to shut it down with strawman arguments like "if you think differently you're a racist/fascist/sexist/etc". We don't have to call you anything to handle your arguments we just have to expose your arguments for the lies they are. So if winter is coming we're bringing the flame throwers.

GoT isn't for children. It's a soap opera for adult women.

can't even hold Mosul but you think they can take the west? lulz

this is cringier than all the day of the rope LARPing

Wiiiith great power comes great responsibility!

Because they assume we want closed borders out of hate, instead of trying to protect the people we love, from groups that have been proven to be dangerous.

By doing this, we also protect them, and they can't even thank us for it.

Are they not capable of logical thought?
They sound more like masochists instead of compassionate.

>we are not snowflakes... we are an avalanche!! Winter is coming you degenerate cuck
so you are a 30 second threat? Death is forever so think before you act.

point is they always have to force pop culture references. and it's always a reference to harry potter or glee or hunger games or some stupid kids shit and they use it for a political message they want to be taken seriously

>Slavery to my black bull is freedom
Nice try cuck

snowflakes are not fluid. My piss is fluid.

>unconditional love
>basically a violent threat letter

>this should never happen to anyone and that's why i care
unless "this" is sand dindu gang "vaginal cultural enrichment",
or anything else that cannot be warped to serve a leftist agenda

>nothing a couple of nukes can't fix...sips grange.

the left doesn't have arguments anymore. the ideas they espouse are in conflict.


those two ideas are in conflict. if you want have open borders then you can't have a welfare state. it's simple economics you can't have both.

so either you have to be "racist" and so no to immigrants or totally dismantle the welfare state . pretty sure the nogs will love that and love you once they figure out the jig is up.

Delusion is the worse sickness, for you believe yourself healthy. We will eliminate it eventually, but we first need to fight. We will win, however.

>winter is coming

It is currently winter and it's actually almost over. Learn your seasons you fucking hippie.

If you feel the need to tell everyone how tough and badass you are, you probably aren't.

So it is true.
Liberals really do not understand conservative motives.

The true conservative position in this case would be: "This probably should never happen to anyone, but preventing it globally would cause much greater tragedy in the long run and that's why I care."

Reminds me of that stupid cringy pic of that kid, who says how he emulates different elements with his mind.