What do actual Chileans think of Pinochet?
What do actual Chileans think of Pinochet?
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Meh, taboo-ish conversation topic where everybody shouts and yaps about either how good or bad the dictatorship was. Nothing of importance is ever mentioned though, leftists point out the murder caravans and the helicopter rides whilst also constantly ass shattering reminding and shouting about the missing people and the corpses that have been found in the dessert, constantly forgetting Allende had pretty much them on mass starvation, chilean population had to literally line up for HOURS to buy a single loaf of bread and whatever food remained. The right on the other hand, they go around claiming Pinochet was a saviour and whatnot usually reminding fucking everyone what little good deeds Pinochet did, that along with constantly referring to him as '' My general''. We have managed to stagnate ourselves into this long past dictatorship scar for way too long, if you ever watch the news here you'll only see stupid fucking kids being brainwashed by the lefties whilst the right does the same feeding a never ending conflict.
>Tl;dr a fucking headache
Thank you. All I ever hear about him on Sup Forums is Americans roleplaying about helicopter rides.
Well considering my mom almost starved to death and the eventual collapse of Allende's regime more or less is what saved her. I can thank him for that.
He was a badass and was the savior of my country. None of these other commies knew what went on in those days. And to be fair neither did I. But I am grateful that he existed and put their bullshit to a halt.
He was the best thing they ever had.
helicopter rides are fun, try them.
He wss an asshole. Unfortunately chileans only respect assholes like him in positions of power, otherwise they are impossible to lead.
yeah whatever you say retard
Is it genetic?
Ive got a Chilean buddy that likes him
So the best plan is something between extreme right and extreme left. Check.
Meanwhile, I often enjoy your country's wines. Thanks for that, user. Godspeed to you and your country.
At least he wasn't Allende.
chilean left hates him, but half of Chile knows he was necessary considering the moment the nation was living
My friends dad is Chilean and loves Trump, idk if he can vote but he's here legally and I know he hates Mexicans.
I keep meaning to ask him about Pinochet...
Pretty much this, also he fucked up with some of the privatization, others were alright.
In the end we may like him, we may hate him, but Chile is going to the shitter with all the liberals, nigger inmigrants, poor uneducated and violent people (think of a nigger, but with brown skin) so who cares
He was extremely cruel, but efficient. He fucked that nation in many ways. However, Chile is in a pretty good state right now (for South American standards) because of him.
However, since his regime was so brutal, the bad thing is that now many Chileans have an irrational fear of anything "right leaning" because they're afraid of it being another Pinochet regime.
Leftist have had control for pretty much the entirety of time since the regime ended, and now the decline is starting to show.
t. a foreigner who lived in the rich part of Santiago for years
A lot of people will tell you he save the country and improve chilean economy, and its probably true, but at the end he is a tipical banana republic dictator (drug traffic, favors to friends, never sentenced to anything).
Also many of the laws he make cant be modified and are the roots for the problems leftiest are protesting now.
Most Chileans became cucked thanks to Bachelet, I assume they now think he was worse than Hitler.
La dehesa?
Have you heard about that law which goes "every discussion in the internet will eventually lead to hitler"?
It's pretty much the same here but IRL and with Pinochet instead.
can you own guns legally?
i like him
most of my friends like him
You can, but if you use it you are fucked.
There was this guy who defended himself from robbery with a gun. He's in jail now, IIRC.
Brutal dictator, like most authoritarian governments military men used to rape women brutally (even with rats)
anybody who openly supports Pinochet is politically dead (almost no one does though).
He is seen as a CIA puppet too,
i hate SJW and all that leftist bullshit but Pinoshit is a disgrace like any dictator.
Also support this chilean band who triggers feminists and SJW
legally you can use it only fot legitimice defense. There are many cases where it cant be probed and the gun owner its found guilty
even people who was accused of being a commie were tortured or raped
Was it really that bad though? Could it be propaganda by any chance?
Pros: he killed commies
Cons: ancap, loved the jew overlords
i know people who suffered what i'm describing. Commies had it very ver rough, but even some innocents fell for false accusations. But women commies were brutally raped and men tortured with U.S. techniques (electroshocks to genitals and other stuff). That's not propaganda.
I bet communist dictatorship are as brutal as Pinochet, the moral is never go authoritarian, there is no good dictator
>Was it really that bad though?
El Mercurio miente
Same thing happened here. Some people who had leftist friends were kidnapped and thrown (to?) the ocean just to make people afraid to even talk to someone who might be a leftist. They almost destroyed social relationships. I know there were some attacks from leftist groups as well but their policies were just brutal nonsense. Fuck everyone who makes helicopter jokes btw. Even if it's """ironic"""
I am going to write a paper on him. Do y'all have any good sources on him? Red pilled sources are preferred
That what it means to be redpill. Brutal Nonsense in the Hopes of Edgy teenagers/Adults from different countries to look at you reverence.
"Chilean" Prussian German and Volga German here. He wasn't really good on free market economy and pretty much sold out the country to the US which wasn't explicitly anti-White back in the day, so it's not that bad. He cracked down on leftie commie menace and was brutal as fuck with them, did a lot of good to form a functioning military, wine industry grew better under him. Good enough for me
Partially it is a part of propaganda. But they were leftists anyway. You don't befriend a dildo waving feminist, if you are a decent person
He saved us from communism, but as with all dictators he became corrupt and sadistic, i's one thing to kill armed commies trying to fuck shit up and a literal witch hunt (you could get a free helicopter ride if someone said you were a commie)
You could consider him like a necessary evil.
He let out country get fucked by the americans.
Still, I appreciate the effort in purging the commies.
He's probably the third most based ruler of our country.
Get raped by dogs, and put rats in vaginas seems pretty bad to me
yeah, people tend to forget he was a corrupt piece of shit.
Right wingers should leave him behind, they have all the tools to win against the feminist/SJW Bachelet (they need more guys like Axel Kaiser, one of the few right wingers who debate on college campuses, right wingers here are really weak on debates, supporting Pinochet won't help to win arguments)
Still better than Allende. Although he was a neo-liberal dictator, and as such a jewish puppet.
But as bad as Pinochet might've been, Allende would've been worse.
My girlfriend is in a neat situation because her father is Chilean and her mother is Spanish.
From what they've both said, both Pinochet and Franco were kind of assholes in a myriad of ways. They both fucked quite a few things up. But they both also admit that that's just the result of the corruption present in Hispanic countries more than their ideology. And they both give Pinochet and Franco credit for purging the communists.
At the end of the day who gives a shit. It's not like any system is inherently better than another. All governments favor the people in power and nobody else. If any benefits are passed down to the Proles it's an unintentional benefit and not sincere. The United States just has a bunch of dictators that are only allowed to be around for 8 years. Germany currently has a great big dictatorship run by a bunch of people who tell entire countries what to do. It's all the same shit, really.
You have nigger immigrants?
Colour me surprised
This, people still fear the Pinochet boogeyman because >muh human rights
I don't think this country can stand more leftist governments before collapse.
Supporting Pinochet is fun because Pinochet is iconic.
>Axel Kaiser
Atlas group are shills for mass migration and erosion of national in favor of capital.
So like Cuban in Miami but with Castro?
>...never go authoritarian, there is no good dictator
this. i don't understand how so many right anarchists can spout this pinochet bullshit. it's no different than the filthy ancoms spreading their bullshit and being totally ok with gulag jokes and denying the holodomor.
Franco was legit as fuck. Pinochet was a faggot puppet who killed a bunch of students and claimed they were communist in order to cover his tracks.
>They tell the Pinochet's US economic advisor's "full employment" story all the time in Econ classes.
So Chilebros is it true that to get to full employment (one of the ideas of his cabal of US economists) they went over to the ghettos and just told them that everybody who did not have a job would be shot.
Ive heard that yarn about 3 times already.
Pinochet did nothing wrong.
he is thier Trump!!
Except betray the free market and steal over $20 million dollars from his country.
>Get raped by dogs, and put rats in vaginas seems pretty bad to me
Well how accurate were they? Did they actually target leftists specifically or was everyone at risk?
I agree Pinochet did nothing wrong.
A necessary evil to combat the red menace
t. American with no ties whatsoever to anything south of the border
Sounds hot as fuck.
>1/2 Chilean 1/2 Spanish gf
Damn, she must be hot as fuck. How'd you meet her?
look up pic of chilean miracle
economy tripled undr freedom even tho enforced by semi violent pinchet, you sometime shave to kill off a few thousdand commies
I wish we would kill off few 1000 commies in usa and deregulate
He didn't deregulate though. He actually nationalised a lot of shit in order to save the economy. He was basically a right wing natsoc.
I lived in Santiago back in 1988-90. Is Oscar the Water Cannon (I think that is what it was called) still around breaking up protests?
fuk u he did
de regualtion makes endless boom capitalism economy
pinochet did de regulate
and he killed 1000s of commies
who arent people
KEK wtf I really love Pinochet now. If what you're saying is true and he really did that to commie women I admire him even more now.
>Some of them were probably just accused of being Communists
Welcome to war and conflict
If you want to make an omlette, you gotta break a few eggs.
-Fight Club
Also, same shit over here with Dutdut, some people get killed by corrupt policemen trying to cover their involvement too but it's never been more effective. Sometimes taking the drastic steps really does help.
and he also killed non-commies, like every dictator.
>chile hast the best economy of Latin America
Enough said.
Latin America needs right wing dictators.
Pretty much this, we cannot even make fun of ourselves, we used to have a program on the same vein as world peace, called Plan Z, it majorly triggered both sides cucks equally. It was great.
Yes, but lefties have it to the point any point of exessive force gets you in jail, and by SJW terms of that it means, if you didn't drop the assailant and sucked him real good, then you are fuck.
The one I met despised him. He was a fairly old guy with a master's in electrical engineering that lost his father and some family in the purges. The shit he told me was fucking harrowing, even cried. It was pretty sad desu.
You're talking about Brazil? Cuz it's pretty much the fuckin same.
>constantly referring to him as '' My general''.
Like being called mein Fuhrer what a success of a man
>everybody shouts and yaps about either how good or bad the dictatorship was. Nothing of importance is ever mentioned though
Typical spic conversation desu.
Chile doesnt produce wine
He literally saved the country. Only a brainwashed teenager would say otherwise.
>1 post by this ID
he is a commie most likely.
he thought a bunch of boring shill shit.
he is a queer commie faggot.
fug leavz funny huh?
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pinochet is hero
de regulate
regulation causes all depressions
We need to change course, this fucking country is going down the shitter.
"proven," with short v, not long b.
Right. In terms of purges and cleaning he did nothing wrong