Thanks, USA

Dear gringos: I am a part of the Mexican upper class. I trace my lineage to the conquistadores and am whiter than Artengtinians.

I think I can speak for the entire upper class here by showing my thanks for taking in all the low IQ indios into your country.

Because, you see, if they didn't go to USA, they would have no other choice than to overthrow the Elite, of which my family is a part. So we continue running this country for us and offload our poor into you. And even better: the indios in ISA send back billions of pesos back to this country.

In short, thanks for taking our poor brown people and giving them jobs so they can send your money into our economy.

Feel free to build the wall, it too late anyway. Jajajajaha, pinche gringos!

P.S. Thanks for sending your women student down here for spring break. I have ejaculated on many drunk American faces. Remember that next time your sister kisses you.

t. brayan.

>too late

We'll see, Paco. The wall will stop all the Central Americans from getting into our country, so prepare to be ENRICHED.

Also, we're going to tax your remittances to pay for the wall.

expell miguel

Ok, Pedro

>Thanks for sending your women down here for spring break

College was a terrible mistake.

I still don't get why parents are paying through the nose to turn their daughters into degenerates.

Hope your drug operation gets cut

Gringo shitposter, go back to your country

You have to take them back.

Soon Pablo

>am whiter than Artengtinians

Now that's a light shade of shit Paco


What the fuck are those?

>am whiter than Argentinians

that's literally not saying anything

>Mexican intellectuals

Why cant we holocaust your country already? Mexico will be a white man country by 2030. Beaners not welcome. Racemixed mulatto manlet rats.

Where do you live OP? I worked finance in Mx City for years. Prove you're not larping and you're not another prieto de mierda.

>not being a biochem and work on a lab.


Youre a shit skin OP. Good luck with your plebs coming back

Fuck you in your greasy maricon culo
-fuck mexico
-fuck mexicans
....natamer pol

Even the "good" Mexicans suck, I guess. Good work, Juan.

Don't you have some rival drug dealers to brutally torture to death and then hang up in a neighborhood where all the children can see

K thanks keep me posted

Oh look, an insecure Person of Bean lashing out

Ever wonder why America's other neighbor isn't a third world shit hole?

Look in the mirror.

>bragging about being in the upper class of a shithole


Tell me more about the American sluts

>Mexican upper class

literally this

if your cheeto overlord manage to put your CIA fuckers on a tight leash things might improve for you and us, believe me, your corrupt government has helped them for a long time because they were making a fortune arming them. I neither like nor hate trump, but he kicks the butt of your government agents he'd be a real hero, but then again he is a kike lover it remains to be seen whether or not he starts pulling jewish tricks on other people, only time will tell, lokking forward to it and cheer up or see who burger will blame for their outh doing drugs

*if he kicks

>I trace my lineage to the conquistadores and am whiter than Artengtinians.
no mames, tiraflechas

>dear Latin American failed state
Enjoy your complete social and economic collapse, and lynching of your entire ruling class.

You realise the jew is doing this on purpose in Europe and USA, right?

WW3 will be the final war between Christendom and Islam. But in order for that to happen, the Jew has to stir up resentments and racism to the point of white people going full 14/88.

Then all mudshits and shitskins will be rode over by tanks, and after the smoke clears the kike will make the surviving Christians the scapegoats.

I wonder what will happen to you, when the jew makes the Whiteman chimp out for the 3rd time in 100 years? :^)

Oye cabrĂ³n,
Chinga tu madre, hijo de puta.