How Do We Stop Censorship?

It's getting bad. What do we do?

>Use Mozilla Firefox?
>Ditch social media?
>Buy guns?

Other urls found in this thread:

Bump. We need to do something about this. They cut Info Wars' funding and it's only going to get worse.

Stop replying to shill threads, guys.



Well I'll go ahead and mention we have approximately half the country on our side.

How is this a shill thread?

Summon Kek to bring lawfair against google on grounds that they're a monopoly, break them up and put Thiel in charge of one of the baby googles.

Search engine just as powerful as google but doesn't track your results. Support them fuck google.

Slow as fuck

Oh I've tried to switch but it's not as powerful. Breaking up the company on the other hand would force them to be more honest and give shitlords a chance to control at least one of them.


I have not noticed it's slow. Also even if it is slightly slower how is a slight incontinence comparable to the freedom of information?
I'd rather be slightly inconvenienced and true to life than have a convenient false reality.

Just as bad as google, they store your searches and are based in the us. Use ixquick or startpage instead.

>Use ixquick or startpage instead


Just so you know, /qa/ was the ones who got image posting deactivated.

>invent a language exclusively for fascists.


fucking niggers

which one's that

you're thinking about memepage.
uses 7 proxies to search google for you.
yahoo is chinese intel central
bing is microsoft
there's ixpage and other compiled shit
seems contenko is the only true alternate out there atm.

Fuck, it's impossible to start new threads on pol, we're stuck with the lump we have....

I've deleted all my social media accounts and created shit post accounts to troll and shill the left

>Mozilla Firefox
kek, Mozilla has been beyond saving for the last 5 years at least. Use PaleMoon instead, memes aside.

Just use / / russian search engine


Also I think we can host Sup Forums if they don't bring back images.

It's really not that hard;
>GalliumOS (for computers)
>Chromium (browser)
>CopperheadOS (mobile)
>Signal (mobile communications)
Yes I know Signal isn't federated, not anonymous, blah blah blah. Buy a burner to verify, now uses WebRTC instead of google services, so fuck off.
>Fuck off with Tor

Also, or ixquick for anonymous google searches.

Chromium is better than Firefox. It's much more lightweight

All is lost.

cant post images? what?

There is no escape--the internet has become bottle-necked.

All education has been bottle-necked by wikipedia.

All video hosting has been bottle-necked by youtube

All social media has been bottle-necked by facebook/twitter

Public torrents are almost dead.

Also, Sup Forums won't let me upload images anymore for some reason.

best thing would be to force breakups of Google and Facebook (and Amazon while they're at it) via antitrust legislation.

Not an argument

I did the first two years ago, but the last one..
>I'm a leaf

I want to stop using Chrome. What's a worthwhile alternative?

Same issue. Can't create threads. Could just be the site though

Firefox is infinity better, has been for years.

best hope is for an alternative type of internet

If infowars is controlled opposition, why do they smear google?

Opera has been working great for me since I ditched Chrome

I noticed I cannot post pictures anymore..

using mozilla does anything good? Dunno, used it all the way.
I do, in addition use as my home as they don't use any cookies for direct calls on pages. They ae some kind of proxy by default.

startpage just uses google results.


hol up hol up hol up

might thread creation be disabled for temporary shill removal?

New threads aren't posting either, Sup Forums shut down for nearly an hour now.

This could be the end.

Turns out this was a timely thread. Is this the nail in the coffin for free speech???

it doesn't

Brave is the superior browser.



I keep my facebook just to watch popular culture turn. I have noticed a gradual increase in red pilled people commenting on the liberal pages posts of brainwashing narratives. It's lovely. Forums-the-skeleton-key-to-the-rise-of-trump-624e7cb798cb#.ls8l7veb2

More likely shut down by the establishment

Or put on hold so nobody sees the new shill attack searchyoursoul is Jewish trick

you don't belong here

ALWAYS USE FIREFOX. WTF is wrong with you?

yes it does

>On July 7, 2009 Ixquick launched to offer its service at a URL that is both easier to remember and spell, and in contrast to, fetches results from the Google search engine.

The problem is that there is no competition in the search engine market, and Google already grew up too big to fall, that is the only issue...



How the fuck

Maybe we will just ha e to take our convictions into meatspace

They THInK they want that, but I've had my ears open and my mouth shut and I've been listening to the "jokes" people are making.

I do not think the avalanche will go the direction they are expecting

Good fucking point, this topic is nearly 2 hours old. It must have come back from the dead.

Are we being shut down?

What did they do this time?

Well finish taking your red pills boys.
This is the end of free speech.
it's going to go fast.
Deus Vult

Guys instead of the usual red pill, just take a chill one. You guys need.

>help help I'm being censored by Google!
>here's a video I made about it, hosted by YouTube, a division of Google


Firefox is morphing into Chrome this year.

Wait, why the f are you using Firefox? This isn't 2005.

Use Pale Moon or... what was it called...


We could all just hang out at hwndu for ever and ever and ever

Could be man--I've been trying to tell people for years--I have OC of me getting banned for posting Prism/NSA red-pills on Sup Forums

Losing internet freedoms is really fucken serious--the internet golden age is over. The silver age is ending. What's next?

We face a dilemma, Sup Forums. The privacy and security of the people is being undermined. So, here are some suggestions on how to take back your privacy, security, and freedom.

1. Use a custom Android ROM
>Android by default is an outlet for Google to collect information on you. Either use an ungoogled version (vanilla), or use a hardened ROM like Copperhead. Use alt stores like F-Droid to install applications (make sure to check MD5 sums).

2. Use Chromium
>Chromium is much better than Firefox, not only in terms of privacy and security, but also in speed. This will,be important for the next part.

3. Use Gallium OS
>Gallium is an ungoogled version of chrome OS, which is a customized Linux distro. It's lightweight, so it'll work well on a cheap computer you could buy anonymously like off of Craigslist or something.

4. Use Signal
>Yes, I know it's not federated. Yes, I know it's not anonymous. Yes, I know the software hotsted on AWS for their servers can not be confirmed as secure. A major complaint was that it used to rely on google serviced for notifications. Now, it uses WebRTC instead. Federation can be a concern, but most people (at least for the purposes of this guide) will be using android and chrome, and Signal is available on both.

5. iOS
>Although iOS is closed source, a number of its most important aspects are open source. If you sign open source apps from GitHub or the like with your own cert, it should be fore provided you use encryption and enable privacy features. The bootloaders, RAM disk, kernal, and main file system were left unencrypted in iOS 10. All but SEP, which is definitely a good thing.

0. Be smart
>Just as a general idea, be smart. Don't click on unknown links, use an adblocker/virus detector, vpn/proxy, and ALWAYS ENCRYPT.

If you guys have anything else to add, or you want to dispute, feel free.

I think this might be why trump wants to do away with net neutrality. He'd probably reduce (((fake news))) to 2400 bps dial-up speeds while prioritizing Info Wars lmfao

I like this plan. Let's do it. Break the monopolies!

Why haven't the youtube heads like Jones, Shapiro, Crowder, Dice, Gavin, etc started their own tv show?

How much could it possibly cost to start a channel when shitbox tv stations playing reruns of Andy Griffith exist?
24 Hour broadcast of each guy doing their thing like Fox or CNN.
Consolidate, fuckwits.

Where are the backup rally locations?

Assuming we lose 4C and TD, where the hell else do we go to meet and crowd-source our data?

Opera's free VPN
Mozilla values a free internet
WE MUST KILL INTERNET.ORG - Kikebook's fake internet
protests maybe?

it still doesn't provide any trackers or cookies to google if you go direcly from the startpage to the url.
It is maybe irrelevant as I don't use a chrome based browser but still I can see it by ghost and uBlock.

>>Chromium is much better than Firefox, not only in terms of privacy and security, but also in speed. This will,be important for the next part.






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Switch to Bing.

Saved. Do you think IP addys for /pol users in US are tracked, requested and/or shared?

>(((Free VPN)))
Not like it's logging all traffic or anything…

Yeah, I'm using DuckDuckGo and Firefox.

But I have to get rid of GMAIL still.

How is that a lie?

Pale Moon is slow af.

What's a non-tracking, won't sell your info to advertisers email?

Facebook buying favoritism for 2024 elections?


If we're going down, we're going down to our song.

And it will play from every kikebook server from sea to shining sea. Fuck censorship. Fuck them all!

Pepe Protects!

Mozilla that fired Brandon Eich for making a $1000 political donation?

Probably, yes.

Might have something to do with the #SoulSearching2017 that the WH insider wants us to get trending by 9am PST tomorrow.
Shills infiltrated the mods years ago.

stop them from destroying net neutrality or else you'll literally be paying to UNCENSOR content online


it's still getting jewgles censored results

Freedom and political liberty, like intelligence, are not gauranteed by nature or evolution. Temporary, happy accidents - we wont make that mistake again!

No, zero net or other decentralized networks/meshnets. Tor is aging. HORNET is better in theory. Can't wait for it to be applied.

iridium > firefox

Oh yes that one is good, if you speak Russian.
And Russian censorship is a thing

Oh joy, the joyless people will ensure we can enjoy ourselves.

Chromium is the best.

Install gentu and use multiple vpns on the TOR ducuck go