Milo stands for free speech and therefor is my countryman. His national origin does not matter. His sexual orientation does not matter. If you don't stand with him at a time like this you are either a paid Shareblue shill or just an asshole.
Milo stands for free speech and therefor is my countryman. His national origin does not matter...
He stands for making himself rich and he kneels for black cock. He's not one of us.
so literally anyone who stands for free speech is your countryman? i am a leftist that stands for free speech, am i your countryman? or do you just love to jerk off milo?
>Faggot creates career off of harassing and triggering people
>gets his comeuppance via pedophile accusations after he shoves his feet too far in his mouth
you get what you give, user.
Lol your little bitch boy finally said the wrong shit, sorry for your loss, Kek has willed it, digits confirm
Sup Forums should organize a mob to kill Milo he is a detriment to the conservative movement and needs to die.
you can stand for free speech in a way Jordan Peterson does it, or you could be a flamboyant edgelord who cant stop talking about black cock like milo and call it free speech
I bet Alex Jones is a pedo too.
The entire Pizzagate conspiracy was designed to draw attention from the pedophilia culture of the alt-right.
>I'm a pedophile sympathiser just like him.
It's as if there were no warnings and nobody was saying ditch the kike homo.
He goes to the oven on a priority order
This pretty much has just as much footing as any of Alex's own claims.
>therefor is my countryman.
white/shite """people""" in a nutshell
You can see them on tv everday begging to let muslims and the whole planet into the US
I side with Milo, but the issue is basically settled at this point. He resigned from Breitbart, he's gonna publish his book elsewhere, and he's gonna continue giving speeches.
He's just gonna follow a different course from here.
I agree user. Free speech over everything.
We disown that pedo interracial homosexual jew, we must fight for purity, pursue Godliness according to Christianity (Traditional Roman Catholic Church) upholding outmost morality, traditionalism and nationalism.
He was useful during the campaign, but as time goes by he reveals himself as every jew do. The intense desire for wealth, fame and sexual immorality.
>Nigger loving faggot
Fuck that faggot in the arse.
good on him
>1post by this id
mark my works
How perfect is it that the media was sitting on footage of him defending pedos, then it gets brought up to discredit the right not long after the video of Podesta abusing a kid in the shower surfaces? It's not just great for the left who continue to accuse the right of things that they themselves do, but also because they have successfully subverted a portion of the right to such a degree where people (shills?) are now defending Milo who says that man-boy relationships are perfectly fine, even when the boy is as young as 13.
asshole purist reporting.
how the fuck can you tolerate such a degenerate faggot? his persona is basically anti-family and yay everyone can do anything as long as it doesnt hurt anyone....basically a liberal in disguise.
>His sexual orientation does not matter.
Hey this is Sup Forums If you suck black cock on your knees and like black cock in your ass, and you've got your own room-sized "Blacked" poster, no one here will judge.
why would I bother replying when 90% of the replies are shareblue faggots working overtime? They outnumber regular posters and just post the same tired bulshit.
He's an attention whore faggot of the worst kind.
I don't know why any retards here think he deserves more than the rope.
>you've got your own room-sized "Blacked" poster
I know this is a CTR thread but Im curious.
What did Milo actually do or say? All Ive heard is that hes a terrible guy but nothing of substance.
No, he is gay and Jewish. Our movement is special. Conservatism is sacred. You have to be white.
If you:
have autism
don't pump iron at least for 2 hours a day
aren't at least 6'3"
aren't married to at least a 9/10
don't have at least 3 white children
Never watched his videos. Never cared about him. I dunno where this alt-right bs even poured, is it just another fake news?
Preach it baby.
You're none of those things.
Because you're on pol
A year ago, he was on a livestream with The Amazing Atheist and friends where he said that he does not consider a 13 year old boy to be a child since he has undergone puberty. He further says that having an intimate relationship with a boy of this age, where the man loves the child and helps them find out who they are, is a good thing.
I despise pedophilia though which he seems to endorse.
I... I love you Milo.
>caring about this faggot
>“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.
The trick is they WANT you to die on this hill. Literally, the only reason they went after Milo, is because them going after Spencer did not have the desired effect they were looking for. They are trying DESPERATELY to find some way to drive a wedge between the new GoP and the old GoP.
If you wouldn't let them personalize our movement with Richard Spencer, why the fuck would you allow them to personalize our movement with a faggot like Milo. Because he's good at trolling SJW's? Milo can still do that. As a matter of fact, Milo has even MORE time to do that now.
Mark my words, a month from now when their hatchet job on Milo has no effect on the Trump movement, they're gonna do the same exact shit all over again. And Sup Forumss gonna freak, like they always do.
I'll add that George Takei has said this exact same thing. He said his earliest sexual experiences were as an underage boy with an older man and that they were positive experiences
He's a fucking faggot who jumps on the bandwagon of whatever's "counter-culture", for notoriety and shillbucks from "edgy" teenagers.
He's a counter-culture vulture.
He's a baby rapist. I can't stand up for that.
Even if he isnt, that kind of branding is PR kryotonite.
No he doesn't
Trump only deserves support from alphas. We are doing him a disservice. We should switch to the Democratic Party
That doesnt seem so terrible. Its not like he said he wanted to fuck a 6 year old. Still, he shouldnt have said that. The reaction to it is a bit much but it is liberals after all.
Nigger your fucking purity spiraling is dumb as shit. Without the autists you would still be a normie faggot cuckservative cowering to the left when they call you a waycist.
Doesn't the left pride themselves on their supposed intellectual superiority? Why are they suddenly ignoring all the context and subtleties for this?
So long as you understand that supporting free speech from a liberal standpoint DOESN'T require silencing those that oppose you. If it does then your argument is probably pretty weak, and that's a rather common issue with leftist opinions.
Milo stands for pederasty.
Fuck off.
According to liberals and all those cuckservatives on sociopath media websites the "leader" of the Alt-right has been I guess everyone else will magically go away or evaporate or something
Couldn't agree more.
Are you serious? Everyone owns one. It's a symbol of our ideology. Get with the times newfag
So I could advocate for pedophilia and incest and mass immigration as long as I support free speech then I'm /yourguy/
Kek wills a mill comeback
>Milo stands for pederasty.
That's pretty clear to most people. I really thought sex with animals would be pushed next through the (cuckservative) right. They seem to take turns pressing evil and degenerate shit. I don't think that (((they))) were expecting this.
It s a 13 year old. Fuck that pedo faggot.
Are they under 18? then its pedophilia. Any adult who has sex with anyone under 18 should be in a prison cell being raped.
Your not /myguy/ and neither is Milo. My point is if you want to push for policies like that feel free. Of course there won't be enough support for it to happen, but nothing stopping you from trying.
Milo is bullshit national spin trying desperately to cover pedogate breaking news, forget it guys, pedogate has broken, the entire nation is talking about it, we're all just waiting for the hangman, they need to do a Nuremberg trial thing with these people so we can all get on with our lives
He pisses libshits off and that's good enough for me
>Are they under 18? then its pedophilia.
You're a dumb hick if you honestly think that someone magically becomes mature enough for sex on the day of their 18th birthday
>Are they under 18? then its pedophilia
Cool, but youre wrong. If the person is post-puberty then it isnt pedophilia. Try again later.
What is this Shareblue?
>Of course there won't be enough support for it to happen, but nothing stopping you from trying
Take a look at the western world and you will realize how stupid your statement is.
20 Years ago people would have not ever considered gay marriage a possibility and it was considered a mental illness at one point.
Found the child rape apologists.
Oh, mad I'm insulting your cock sucking pedo leader? 17 is a kid. Milo is going to burn for this; he is fucking done and as a conservative and a christian I am gld that queer is gone for good. He doesnt represent me, there is no room for gays in the conservative movement and he is a kid toucher and enabler.
>the free speech to be a pedophilic nigger-loving kike faggot
>If you don't stand with him at a time like this you are either a paid Shareblue shill or just an asshole.
Or maybe I'm just not a pedo.
>All this shill on Sup Forums to make Milo a pedo
We knew it was a attack guys? Why do you keep falling on obvious shill?
Nah, you're a cowardly leaf pussy.
"Free speech" is like babby's first polisci course tier.
Oh look semantics to cover up for the fact this guy is enabling pedophilia. Go slit your wrists pervert.
Not to mention he generally stands for the right thing.
Yeah, I agree. Being neutral about shit means theres no opposition so these minority interests will eventually be more and more represented. I'm just saying that at the moment aside from the immigration meme there isn't any support for pedos or incest in this country that won't be shot down by the majority.
>$0.15 has been deposited into your account
What's the limit of being a pedo, then? Is a 13-year-old not a kid?
just went to that site for the first time. holy fuck, its amazingly awful. it might just top salon.
Yeah, wouldn't you consider free speech to be a pretty fundamental part of being a liberal?
Even if you advocated for pedophilia, as long as you weren't actually molesting kids I don't see the harm of your speech. Society will never be pro pedophilia.
Disgusting homosexual pedrast advocate, pedophilia propagandist.
Fuck you.
Becuase Milo is excusing pedophilia. He said 13 is ok to fuck; it isn't. He said it trying to be "edgy" or maybe he is actually a pedo.
Either way he can go fuck himself
>fucking a 13 year old isn't terrible when you're in your 20s and 30s
Kill yourself.
Milo's only mistake was slipping out the ultimate red pill that all homos want to fuck little kids
>Video was edited by McCullin
You don't learn in Wikileaks, don't you, Soros shill?
>Taco Bell spokesman George Takei defends losing his ‘virginity’ to a man at 13, because the man was ‘attractive’
Milo said literally the same exact thing, except instead of attractive he said the man offered him a sense of safety and security that he could find nowhere else at the time. Takei should burn at the same stake. The fact that he's silent on this shows what a two faced faggot he is.
that's pretty much Sup Forums undercover.
>He said it trying to be "edgy"
Definitely not the case. He tried to make a joke about it after some fat guy in a mask called him out, saying that what Milo was describing sounded like Catholic priest rape
LOL Opposition too pedophilia is shilling? Great movement you built here. Milo said 13 year olds are fair game. Not me, he did.
Personally I am happy it shows,once again, homosexuality is a mental illness passed through sexual abuse that is visited on the innocent.
Have fun standing by that sick fuck.
Fuck off shill, you get exposed already
Home of the fags
Anyone having trouble loading images?
I havent paid attention to any of this nonsense. I just have One question. Did Milo do anything wrong or are people just getting upset over words??
His direct quote about 13 year olds was an edit? How exactly do I take that out of context?
This is the video itself, for further context:
The controversial bit starts at 52 minutes or somewhere around that.
They also addressed the controvery somewhat in their most recent episode:
>I would like to restate my disgust at adults who sexually abuse minors. I am horrified by pedophilia and I have devoted large portions of my career as a journalist to exposing child abusers. I've outed three of them, in fact -- three more than most of my critics.
>And I've repeatedly expressed disgust at pedophilia in my feature and opinion writing. I was also the first journalist in the UK to ask after Jimmy Savile’s death whether the real story of his rampant child abuse would ever be told. My professional record is very clear.
>But I do understand that the videos you have seen, even though some of them were deceptively edited, paint a different picture. I am partly to blame.
>I do not advocate for illegal behavior. I explicitly say on the tapes, in a section that was cut from the footage you have seen, that I think the current age of consent is "about right." I do not believe any change in the the legal age of consent is justifiable or desirable.
>I do not believe sex with 13-year-olds is okay. When I mentioned the number 13, I was talking about myself, and the age I lost my own virginity.
Yes, nobody can post them right now
>My First Post: The Post
Do? I don't know but probably not. He did advocate for some very disgusting and deranged things though.
In the last 24 hours Milo has:
1) Lost access to elite conservative circles
2) Was dis-invited from speaking at CPAC
3) Lost his book deal
4) Resigned from his job.
Tough week for Milo, great week for all of us. If we keep this up by next month the alt-right will have completely vanished off the face of the earth!
I am laughing my ass off here. You are defending a pedophile. You are defending a sexual degenerate and abuse enabler.
What shilling needs to be done when his support does it for the other side? The fact everyone around him made as much distance as possible between him and themselves says it all. The guy is a pedo Typhoid Mary
>I have no attention span. Spoonfeed me please
I don't like pedos. It's really that simple.
Please provide that quote.
I thought my internet was just being shitty.