Islams endgame is Armageddon

The catholic church is the Whore of Babylon, and the beast of the earth is Islam. The blasphemous name of the beast is Allah and the antichrist will rise out of a Muslim empire.

And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.”

The whore will ride the beast and give to him power, the Pope promotes Islam and has claimed they worship the same God as Christians.

The Bible warns of beheading, and the quran calls for beheading of Christians.

Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. Revelation 20:4

[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip." Quran 8:12

The beast will be a Muslim empire that will tear the flesh of the Catholic Church who promotes the Beast.

Here is a video from the official Vatican II YT page where the pope justifies Islam

Other urls found in this thread:

There is no other spiritual power that fits the descriptions of world domination and murder than Islam, the quran even has a beast of the earth in its end times prophecy that is a good character and should be worshipped. The end times prophecies of the quran and the bible are polar opposites that clearly are a mirror of each other. Muhammad was the false prophet warned about in revelation. Watch for the rebuilding of the Temple and the rise of an Ottoman like empire.

The mark of the beast is the acceptance of Allah and sharia law will be used to enforce worship of him or you cannot buy or sell. Blasphemy of the lord is the only unforgivable sin and can easily be enforced as to praising allah before every purchase. The Bible says Christians take on the Seal of The Lord in their Foreheads (in thought and belief) and their hands (their works and actions) when they worship the Lord. The mark is a spiritual mark, received when worshipping the false God that is Allah or Satan.

Look up the correlations between Islams end times and Christianity's. Christianity prophesied it 100% and Islam shills for antichristianity and being on the wrong side of the fence when the end comes.

The bible warns of a beast that resembles a Lamb but speaks like a dragon(Satan). This refers to a Jesus-like figure that is a false prophet, Muhammad. The beast will cause all to worship the Beast of the earth (Allah) and his image that speaks(Quran). Muhammad himself was unsure if his "divine" visions were from God or Satan. The Beast of the Earth will contain seven nations, an Islamic state of terror

In Islamic eschatology, the Mahdi (Arabic: ????, ISO 233: mahdi "guided one") is the prophesied redeemer of Islam who will rule for five, seven, nine, or nineteen years (according to differing interpretations)[1][2] before the Day of Judgment (yawm al-qiyamah / literally, the Day of Resurrection)[3] and will rid the world of evil.[4]

The bibles prophecies the antichrists reign to be 7 years

Islam is the religion of antichristianity. Perfectly described in the book of revelation.

The kind of people who believe this cringe worthy post should be gassed. Through the gas released by the beast. Inshallah

heretical rare flag. Look at the world right now, Islam is infiltrating and taking over Europe as we speak. End times are upon us.

Indeed brother. Only the holy name of the Lord Yeezy Christ shall save the true believers. With grace through face senpai


Also, fuck you and fuck Islam. I'm a vegetarian because I believe in the sanctity of life, but the time I spent as a meat eater taught me one important thing.... People feel no guilt killing animals because they view them as a lower form of life. I respect animals and feel immense sadness when I see one dead. I oftentimes say a prayer.

I relate to people who feel this way about animals, though. I would feel nothing but honor to take the lives of the parasitic muslims. Islam fucked with America, but no hard feelings. We'll make muslim land the most beautiful land on Earth when we turn it into a sea of glass.


I don't care man. In fact- I welcome it.

Please start the killing so I can return it in kind. This soft immigration death is pathetic. No one likes you, and we all know it's ending in war.

speaking to muslims, of course.

I'm not very good at LARPing

Leftism is a direct consequence of the protestant reformation, it's rejection of the authority of tradition & normatic cohesiveness, of the legitimacy of socio-economic stratification (i.e. hierarchy), of the superiority of the organic community over the individual, of the symbolic sense & ritual performance of a unity of essence & existence, and of spirit & matter, in being (cf. the Eucharist, the principle of Incarnation)... Luther leads directly to Marx, and beyond into straight sado-masochistic nihilism.

I was thinking about this just the other day. I think you're on to something man.

The polar opposite parallels between end times in Christianity and Islam are more than a coincidence. They will begin worshipping the beast and murder everyone who opposes them.

You can already see it shaping up with Muslims taking over Europe, Canada, etc. There will be no one left able to oppose them in 50 years.

Arabs descend from Ishmael.

Genesis 16:12
>And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.

Catholicism and Islam will merge into one entity. The end times NEW AGE religion that will usher in the antichrist and the day of judgement.



It's a little bit more complicated. Catholicism (and mainstream Christianity overall) will be largely "debunked" by the new false prophet (muslim, of course) and many will follow him. He will also point at and approve of the said "Mahdi" (the endtime muslim ruler/conqueror).

Then there will be a war between the forces of neo-islam and integral traditionalism (led by buddhists), which is prophesied both in Quran and in Kalachakra-tantra.

Intelligerence gathered by /x/ and other boards leaves no doubt that the 99chan admin "fubar" is the person responsible for the continuing DDoS attacks on Sup Forums. Sup Forums did nothing to deserve or invite this attack. But we will do everything to defeat it.

Today, no one can possibly claim that fubar is not responsible. And the attacks will not stop so long as 99chan is running.

If any 99chan users are reading this, I have a message for you. Our campaign is directed against your faggot admin and not against you. Come to Sup Forums and we will deliver the lulz and win you need. The day of liberation is near.

Anonymous has a duty to defend our people by uniting against traitors and lulzkillers. And tonight, as we have done before, Sup Forums and our allies accept that responsibility. Good night, and may God continue to bless Sup Forums.

Dude there are very vague similarities between a vision a guy had 1800 years ago and world events if we imagine that the Catholic church is somehow from Babylon.

Gnosticism and the New Age Religion is definitely going to play a much larger part. Muslims already point to the idea of "People of the Book"(Jews, Christians) as counterparts, and now we're seeing Catholics(The biggest and most influential christian denominational int he world) lighten their stances on Islam and even polytheistic religions and idol worship religions like Buddhism and Hinduism.

The end results will more likely be a merger of all religions into a universalist religion, all praying to the same God and believing in New World Order Gnosticism, using cultural marxism & hegelian dialectics as the stepping stone to justify the synthesis of these religions.
The most likely series of events will follow:
>After ISIS & radical Islamic terrorism is defeated, Islam will reform into a more "moderate" version of itself, more closely inline to Western religions. (This ofcourse is a farce)
>The Catholic Church will declare that all people of the book are righteous, and like dogs and aliens, they too can go to heaven without faith in Jesus
>jews ofcourse will be behind all of this
>After a couple years, Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity will merge into said New Age Religion
We're already seeing the pieces come together now with moderate, it's only a matter of time.

This and OP's post are based. Too bad its not a hilarious meme or about fagopoulous. I honestly and 100 percent believe that before we die as old men Jesus will return. I I am taken by old age instead of fighting for Christ during the battle of Armageddon I will die full of regret. I love you Christian brothers!






The Romans (catholicism) are babylonian in origin.

This is correct, all of the non-christian religions and most "christians" will be lost and will unite surrounding their Babylonian origins. This is why mystery babylon the great is described in Revelation. All pagan gods originate at the tower of babel under Nimrod, the first shall be the last, this is true for kingdoms (Nimrod's first babylonian empire and the end times mystery babylon) and antichrists (The assyrian is a name given to the antichrist in prophecy, "mystery" nimrod will be a form of Nimrod (the origin of assyria, babylon, and false gods) the final antichrist.

My details may be wrong, but this is the important part, follow Jesus Christ only.

Ishmael was born due to a lack of faith in the One True God. His seed is a curse.

Pope is a very likely candidate for the False Prophet. He looks like a lamb...

Look the Mahadi is the Antichrist.
The whore of Babylon is Saudi Arabia,
"The whole world is drunk with her wine"(oil). She is a whore to her own people selling to non Muslims and being a Wahabist.

For that day shall not come except there come a falling away first.



Considered to be in different clans(Hashim**, Qatadah+ and Umayya, etc.) of the same tribe, the Quraish;

A powerful tribe that controlled Mecca and its Ka'aba["The Cube", (a building at the center of Al-Masjid al-Haram mosque)] from 10th century until

its conquest by the House of Saud in 1924.

The Quraysh tribe according to tradition, descended from Ishmael*[Tanakh and Qur'an, Abraham's first son].

The Patriarch of the Bible, Abraham, his son Isaac(Ishmael*), and Isaac's son Jacob, also named Israel*, ancestor of the Israelites.

The Hashemites**, share a unique maternal bloodline of Israelite* ancestry through Salma bint ‘Amr, great-grandmother of Muhammad(descendants of

Ishmael*) making them both an Ishmaelite* and Israelite* clan.

I don't think living die to in the Armageddon is exactly the best way to live as a Christian.

What exactly is your point? That Arabs are decedent from Ishmael?

Islam will never mix with another religion..who believes that is just stupid and didn't get that their whole message is being the absolute number 1

>Google Translate



Aren't the saudis that rich because of A the oil but B because they take money from the other muslims to visit the toilet thing there where they worship saturn

What is the light?

Second maybe an alliance but mixing the 2 won't happen.

Repent or be destroyed

ATUM, the of the Egyptian PANTHEON

shares similar nymology with ADAM, the "first man"

as well as ATOM, the BASE of all CREATION + MATTER

Yes they are the Whore.
Saudi Arabia will be destroyed. The Mahafi (antichrist) will do some magic shot and people are gonna flow to him like no tomorrow

mohamed was a faggot that loved to suck on the little dicks of little boys

The idea that the Arabs are descendants of Ishmael is an invention of 7th century semi-christianized jewry. A group of Jews that believed Jesus was a prophet and messiah but not God went to recruit Christian Arabs to obtain support in conquering Jerusalem, believing that it'd usher in the End Times. The success of this alliance, in the wake of the mutual devastation of the Byzantines & Sassanids, but lack of said advent of End Times, is what lead to the establishment of the Arabic empire, and the elaboration of its legitimizing ideology, Islam.

Like this..for an example..

>In apparent agreement with the Israelis, Saudi Arabia’sforeign minister accused Iran of being the primary supporter of global terrorism.
“Iran remains the single main sponsor of terrorism in the world,” Adel al-Jubeir declared in an address to the Munich Security Conference on Sunday. “It’s determined to upend the order in Middle East, and until and unless Iran changes its behavior it would be very difficult to deal with a country like this.”
>Al-Jubeir addedthat he was “very optimistic about the Trump administration,” which had recently put “Iran on notice.”
“We look forward to working with the Trump administration on all issues,” al-Jubeirsaid.“I believe progress can be made in the Arab Israel conflict, if there is a will to do so,. We know what the settlement looks like, if there is just the political will to do so. And my country stands ready with other Arab countries to work to see how we can promote that.”
>“The biggest and most brutal and sophisticated terror organization in the world is the Iranian Revolutionary Guard,” Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Libermanstated, notingthe common ground between Israel and its Sunni Arab neighbors regarding Iran’s aggression.
“For the first time since 1948, to the moderate Arab world, the Sunni world, the biggest threat for them is not Israel, not Zionists and not Jews, but Iran and Iranian proxies,” Liberman declared
Iran is based as fuck triggering the kikes and Sandniggers so much they're working together out in the open now

>What did he mean by this?

The Sasanian Empire, was the last Iranian empire before the rise of Islam, ruled by and named after the Sasanian dynasty from 224 to 651.

Uthman ibn Affan (Osman I.; 576 – 17 June 656) was a companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, and the third of the Sunni Rashidun or "Rightly

Guided Caliphs".
(see Saudi Arabia↓)

The Safavid dynasty(1501–1736) was one of the ruling dynasties of Persia (modern Iran) after the fall of the Sasanian Empire.
The Safavid shahs ruled over one of the so-called gunpowder empires.
Established the Twelver school of Shi'a Islam as the official religion of their empire.
(Twelver refers to its adherents' belief in twelve divinely ordained leaders, known as the Twelve Imams, and their belief that the last Imam,

Muhammad al-Mahdi, lives in occultation and will reappear as the promised Mahdi.[infallible male descendant of Muhammad, disappeared, and will one

day return "fill the world with justice and peace".])

Nāder Šāh Afšār (1688 or 1698 – June 19, 1747) ruled as Shah of Persia (1736–47)

The Afsharids were members of a native Iranian dynasty of Turkic origin, specifically the Afshar tribe, from Khorasan, who ruled Persia in the

18th century.
The dynasty was founded in 1736 by military commander Nader Shah, who deposed the last member of the Safavid dynasty and proclaimed himself Shah

of Iran.

After the death of Nader Shah Afshar in 1747, Ahmad Shah Durrani was chosen as King of Afghanistan

Ahmad Shāh Durrānī (c. 1722 – 16 October 1772), was the founder of the Durrani Empire and is regarded as the founder of the modern state of

Enlisting as a young soldier in the military of the Afsharid kingdom, quickly rose to become a commander of the Abdali Regiment, a cavalry of four

thousand Abdali Pashtun soldiers.
Durrani's Pashtun soldiers also instigated the Sikh holocaust of 1762 when they killed thousands of Sikhs in the Punjab.

You're right, Islam as it is will never mix, as it's goal is to be #1.
Islam will reform after ISIS is destroyed and radical Islamic terrorism is defeated. That Islam will be a component in the synthesis of the New Age religion.



>The idea that the Arabs are descendants of Ishmael is an invention of 7th century semi-christianized jewry.

Can confirm, have watched a "lecture" in which a "speaker" spoke the words, "Islam is a global phenomenon"

You can never defeat islamic terrorism since it is used and commanded directly by mohammed.

If you change his word or what he meant etc you have to die.

Muslims will always lie to non muslims to the last day they exist no matter how good it looks in the first day they will tell us everything so that we trust them and then stab us in the back.

Comic about Islam being created by the Vatican

please learn to read

Their parent Judaism will not be spared either, make no mistake about that



fuck off retard


are you french?



Dr. Sayed Ammar Nakshawani is a professor and the Imam Ali Chair of Shia studies at Hartford Seminary, as well as a Islamic subject matter expert, scholar, and author.[1][2][3] He is listed as one of The 500 Most Influential Muslims,.[4] Nakshawani is additionally known for his inter- and intra- faith unity efforts, and has met with a plethora of faith leaders to further these objectives. Dr. Nakshawani is a Visiting Scholar at Columbia University's Middle East Institute. Dr. Nakshawani is also a philanthropist, committing financial resources to a plethora of social and humanitarian causes.


know they enemy

Are you a muslim, suffi, or baha'i or something?

Implying Judeans can be Muslic.

are you a kabbalist gnostic jew?

Implying the God of All Things can be Judean

They can't reform mohammed words.
I don't see how that should work when on of the pillsrs of islam is that mohammed is perfect and his word is the law

Had a lot of fun today guys!

Don't forget!

oh i get it dude, we're all GOD, it's in the brain BRO.....
>*takes hit from fat blunt*

Just seeing this guy and how he speaks and all that shit..i am absolutely sure that islam is not made by the GOD and they will never rule the earth.

So Muslims are like an even shittier Jehovahs Witness?

the same way that they make the argument for islam existing

>find problem in Islam
>attribute this problem to corruption of original message
3 simple steps
>Coincidentally, Islam's justification for existing is that that Christianity was corrupted, and their original messages lost.

do you think Islam hasn't changed before?

>the quran even has a beast of the earth in its end times prophecy that is a good character and should be worshipped


>That pic

That's a man, isn't it?

Implying the upbringing in Religion does not Warp the True Path...

> power that fits the descriptions of world domination and murder than ...
Of cause it is USA and it's talmudic zionistic cabal...

The whore of Rev.17 has got written on her forehead:
> Talmud of Babylon the book, mother of harlots and abominations of the Earth.
(Just little incorrectly translated from original hebrew into greek text...)

(About Islam writes the fourth green horse in Rev 6:8 ... Just translators did not believe it could be "green" and so they incorrectly translated as "pale" into english...)

fuck off you've already ruined this thread

I still love you though.

It definetely changed before...through a big process where thhey figured out that this islam now is the totally true real word of mohammed.
I don't see how they will now say oh wait we made a mistake and then more or less change mohammed words again..
Don't you see the big problem with that

Pretty freaky, I just had a 2hr conversations with my fiancé who is Catholic. I believe the Catholic Church is being led by an evil bunch of people.

I said to myself literally before I got on Sup Forums "wouldn't it be weird if there is a thread at the top of Sup Forums to do with Catholics and Jesus etc.

Freaked me the fuck out.

IT IS RIGHT to say that the islamic state (IS) is trying to summon Al Mahdi for Armageddon to happen.


Remember that it was instigated by GWBush in Iraq. Al Bagdhaddi is replicating Bush's plan.

If you want to know the drill, watch this:

> Islam is the religion of antichristianity.

Judas is the Antichrist...

But then consider, there is no Judas, but there is "judas" and it simply means "jew".
Full name "judas iscariotes" - "jew, man the adversary" (or "jew ")...

But regarding Islam,
> Islam is religion of Hate.
Hate to infidels, hate to women, hate and neglect of nature, false ethno-supremacism...

Globalis(la)m has Wrought Death on the Land of Mennon


Claims and accusations against Vatican and Jesuites are perpetrated by the true Antichrist - the Jews and the Evangelicals destructors of Tradition...

No, Pope is not Antichrist...
> Anti-christian movements are Antichristian !

You mean this Man?

are you a muslim or ex-muslim?

I am, my imams, parents and others regularly conrtradicted or straight up lied about what things in the Quran meant, when I had questions about their integrity.

If you're curious, look up "Abrogation", it basically proves that the Quran isn't infallible, ergo, neither is Mohammed.

pope said nothing wrong and you OP is fucked in the head.

Ishmael was a Jewish name (including of high priests) before Islam, and the notion that Arabs are descendants of the Biblical character of Ishmael is only explicated in the Islamic tradition, post-foundation of the Arabic empire. The Nazarene 'Judeo-Christian' sect of messianic Jews went to see Arabs (including the Quraish, who were actually likely in Syria, Mecca being an Islamic creation) and told them 'you are beneficiaries of the promise of God of the Tanakh too, as you are substantive descendants of Abraham through Ishmael, so you should help us to take back Jerusalem from the Gentiles, and we will enjoy together the station of the elect in the divine kingdom on Earth.'

>The Pope did nothing Wrong

Where have I heard that Before?

Otherwise, what would have propelled the imperialistic zeal of the Arabs? Arabs who were more or less all Christian despite the laughable Muslim claim that merchant Arabs were still polytheists after 1000 years of exposition to Judaism (including a Jewish kingdom in Yemen) and Mazdeism, as well as 600 years of expositon to Christianity. Just look up Ghassanids, Lahkmids, Kindites, Hymiarites... on all that. How could Muhammed, of whom there is no historical attestation as such at all (it was likely a title and not a name, the translation of the Biblical "ish-hamuddot" : "the man of predilections", and was probably that of the leader of either the Nazarene or of the Arabo-Nazarene coalition - either way, my opinion is that the most decisive Muhammad was Omar, whom is attested, and conquered Jerusalem, and immediately had a structure built on the supposed site of the old Temple, in clear messianic mode. And the 'biography of Muhammad' we know, the Sira of Ibn Ishaq amended by Ibn Hisham, was produced a century and a half after 'Muhammad' is claimed to have lived, likely to fulfill a political design, and Hisham himself states that he took stuff out because it was just too preposterous to be believed... Anyway, there is a mountain of data that contradicts the Islamic legend of its own origins, and zilch that suports it.

Well both Obama and Osama are out AFAIK

What other Muslims can fulfill the based antichrist role

I assume false leftist Muslims don't count since they don't truly arise out of islam

You think the Mahdi will be someone of Overt Prominence?

It is clearly stated the Mahdi is in Occultation!

Obfuscated from the sight of Man.

Well, since most Christians are Catholic, and most English-speakers are Christian or post-Christian, the probability of that here is pretty high.

I love you too

It's not even supposed to be Muhammad's word, but the uncreated and eternal word of God, only communicated through Muhammad.