Sup Forums will defend this
Sup Forums will defend this
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Phew those 39 lugs are safe now
Why the fuck should I care. Go play in traffic.
Glad they stopped those 40 suicide bombers. FUCK THESE MUDSHIT SANDNIGGERS!
Why was he denied entry?
The EO has no effect on People outside of the 7 specific countries.
This is fake news.
>Sensible chuckle
Stay somewhere between our two countries thanks.
inb4 it turns out he is an actual terrorist and the media has to backpedal
Why are they crying about a man without any worries in his first world country not being able to go on a holiday. Wasn't it the poor oppressed muslims they cared about?
I hope he enters the US, ICE captures him then deports to Afghanistan.
A naturalized sandnigger, no doubt. But naturally, gotta clibait their fake news and shit.
>has a bunch of children with him
Just denied? He should be send back to Iraq and his house bombed shortly after.
they let it around children?
get fucked
There's a kike somewhere fapping to just the thought of this.
No they'll just memory hole it, they won't say anything.
>Sup Forums will defend America choosing who it wants to enter?
Damn right we will.
I kek'd
all brits should be banned from the US
This is fucking disgraceful America.
Do you know how hard it is to get rid of Muslims, and when we finally do you send him fucking back.
You should all be ashamed.
hi, i'm a lesbian, social justice warrior, asian, feminist; and let me tell you that only asians and whites should be allowed to live.
FUCK NIGGERS AND SAND MONKEYS, they evolved from apes. it's evolution. you can't deny science.
i dont want any filthy brit in france either
good job Donald
London is
Apparently you can.
His parents were from Bangladesh but he was born there and not a duel citizen, even if he were from here, Bangladesh is not on any travel ban atm, why was he pulled out of plane at Iceland after boarding pass?
> School trip
Stop lying Muhammad.We all know you were going on a honeymoon with your wives
If he was born there then he is british you know
>inb4 no one denied him entry, he just BTFO himself somehow in order to get in the news
Because there are laws against transporting pets and livestock as a human passenger.
You bet I will.
>quoting fake news
wew lad
Loos bringing the lels
I literally couldn't care less.
No, he's not. Just like you're not Danish, Chaim.
Hell yes, gas the muzzies religion war NOW
Pardon my ignorance but I thought British was a nationality and English, Welsh, Scot etc were the ethnicities? I always just figured British and colonial subjects had some claim to that title.
>duel citizen
Is this newspeak for soldier?
>"Romanian" beggars
Yes he is British
bangladesh shares a border with india, which also shares a border with pakistan, both areas known to harbor taliban insurgents and muslim terrorists of any kind.
most important of all, the UNITED STATES has the right to refuse anyone from visiting the country if they decide for any reason. It is a privilege, not a right to legally cross international borders.
He was definetely muslim ? Then..where is the problem ?
that's cool... islamists and fabians don't need entry
Well yanks don't call themselves British do they?
>British Muslim denied entry to US
what seems to be the problem sir?
Problem come out! You are surrounded!
No really where is it?
How does british schools even have the funding to send 39 students on a trip to America?
fuck off we're closed
He is British, get over it faggots.
of course it has that right and it is exercised by denying Visa to anyone it deems a issue proper Visa and boarding pass, and after everyone boards a plane if you do pull someone from the plane and detain him for couple hours, you do have to provide some sort of valid reason to that person or his country of origin....
Iceland to USA airfare isn't exactly cheap you know ?
Considering your largest ethnic group is German I wouldn't expect you to.
he should have consulted with the embassy before the trip to ensure there would be no problems, nmfp if he's an idiot and not taking into account the current political climate.
Serves him right for teaching sharia law in british schools
I was born in Belgium and til this day, NO-ONE has called me Belgian, rather Finnish like i am.
Why is it all of a sudden when it comes to muslims and shitskins when it's somehow correct to call them Europeans rather then Trashcanistani and Somali, fucking hell
Yeah, but Britain's largest ethnic group is shitskins of various shades...
And probably areas of Birmingham, Manchester etc. Its too cold for them here in Scotland, still fairly homogenous up north
Kids and their chaperones school trips are never organised on personal level, it is almost always handled by the school gov body stuff...all the necessary paperworks were probably completed weeks between UK and USA isn't exactly known for being troublesome experience.
fuck off.
The UK is included in the Muslim ban.
you need to go back to belgium, you filthy belgian
Sure will
Looks like our immigration policy is finally working
>Can't go the States
>born in Swansea
The Eternal Boyo is foiled again!
things change, the trip was probably organised prior to January 21st. It was up to the school to confirm that everything was still ok once the new travel restrictions were enacted.
Lasth mont a colombian girl was denied entry to miami
I went into every comment section and not a single colombian was defending her, even going as far as calling her a stupid cunt for saying that shes going to college there to the inmigration agents while being on a tourist visa, they also called out the fake news media that want to make this a race thing and not clarify that the girl fucked up due to being nervous.
Why cant white people do the same?
Did the man in the story fuck up his visa?
Why the hell would they be bothered by travel ban ? even if the EO was valid atm (which isn't till the revised EO comes along), it clearly specified pause of travel from Libya/Sudan/Somalia/Yemen/Syria/Iraq/Iran, I don't see UK's name on it (or Bangladesh for that matter)
yes feels great
Pedophile worshipers shouldn't be around kids.
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""British""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Muslim
bangladeshis should be banned along with Pakistanis, smelly bastards
Awww some inbred muslim upset after thinking he has the right to enter another country and subsequently finding out he doesn't.
Daily reminder that Bengladeshis are just Eastern Pakis
I call bullshit
is right, it had to have something to do with him. They can't just say "well you are muslim so yeah you can't get in" as its not a muslim ban, it was ban imposed on muslims from 7 countries only.
And I suppose you'v already invented the 'Self Operating Robotic Curryhouse' ?
>Daily reminder that Frenchies are just Northern Senegalese
This is bait. My friend was denied entry even though he has claim to American citizenship.
If a mouse is born in a horse barn, it's a horse!
>be a brutal mohammedan with over 39 executions under your belt
>try to travel to the land of the free
his own fault
This seems to be total bullshit
I'm Arab and got no problem with going to the US and coming back
They cant ban you if you are not from the 7 countries banned or a terrorist
> inb4 he is a terrorist and CNN delet the article
So these students where going a trip to another country?
What the fuck?
Poogle is hard ??
Muslims can immigrate to only other muslim countries,
Muslims want to be treated as special snowflakes they can stay in their own countries.
Not gonna bother searching for fake news
Just surprised that after 2 hours there's still no source
Also nice digits green japan
the students all went OK, their chaperone math teacher was pulled from the plane just before it left and held for 2 hrs
>foreigners have a right to be here
Go away's source from 'trump supporter Bible'
fake news
So he had a criminal record, lied and then got denied access to the plane
And somehow this is because he is Muslim
> tfw fake news are fake news