There's an increasing trend on Reddit where most of the popular political threads on r/all are pretty much implicitly calling out Sup Forums whilst attempting to meme anti-Pol and anti r/The Donald. And there's been an explosion of anti Donald trump supporters subreddits that are increasingly being featured on the front page. These attacks are becoming pretty juvenile too.
What's with plebbits recent obsession with Sup Forums?
T_D is the only thing worth a shit on reddit and it's still pretty shitty.
>Wew lad
reddit is controlled to influence younger audiences
That's what happens when you dump 40 million dollars of Share Blue/ Crew/ MediaMatters damage control on the situation. You get shitty memes.
Like all leftist groups, reddit needs to constantly have an enemy to fight. They've expelled most conservatives from their site so now in order to virtue signal to each other they need an external enemy. That's Sup Forums.
There are some decent subs like Futurology, F1, Polandball and Science. All the political subs like World news, Politics and Til are cancer.
liberals have pretty much never made the memes in the relationship.
When was the last a lib made a successful meme?
You need to go back
The Kikebook polandball page is better and nearer to Krautchan/ Sup Forums Sup Forums culture
They literally added the "popular" front page to replace the "all" front page just as an excuse to get pro-Donald posts off the front page
Reddit is 100% a left wing organization posing as a neutral party and it's fucking working. The majority of retarded Redditors see no pro-Trump on the front page and a ton of anti-Trump and that means in their world there is no pro-Trump.
>implying most 4channers don't lurk on reddit
it's pretty insane. until recently the front page would only have like one anti-trump post a day. now it's basically full of anti-trump shit.
the memes popping up there are very strange too. like tiny donald memes were a massive hit on reddit and reported on by the MSM and are now pretty much gone. im guessing they're trying to force memes via reddit now but none of them are really sticking yet.
forgot pic
Speak for yourself faggot
Your precious frumpfer making shit up shouldn't be on the front page?
fuck off
Shills taking out frustration because they can't pull their bullshit off here without getting triggered.
only time I was there was when I was trolling for downvotes
then after the election mining for salt
otherwise the place is a faggoty shitshow
not even once
Honestly, I feel the same about Sup Forums. We used to have constructive disputation before this weird consensus was established.
the notion that trump made up a terrorist attack in sweeden is pure fake news
the donald is cringe as fuck, but as long as they redpill normies im fine with it
>Never read Sun Tzu
Reddit is a good place if you want to understand the liberal/Cultural Marxist mindset. You have to know and understand the enemy if you wish to defeat them.
Also some subs are great for recruitment.
>le reddit army is here
this one
Only for porn. /r/pawg good shit.
I don't get it. Can someone explain this meme to me. I want to be more based
Envious as always for having being one of the shittiest online communities. Now that their admins turned the website into pure anti-Trump propaganda, they're even madder that Reddit managed to have even less content than before, and want to blame someone.
No that disappeared because the site is too big now. Even if 10% of people who visit shitpost it is still enough to slide any decent conversation.
Euphoric redditurd here. Sounds like you guys need a safe space :^). T_D is the containment board equivalent of Sup Forums.
i literally don't ever
Stomp out nazis everywhere, don't give them an inch.
R/catholicism is pretty good when its not being raided by faggots.
The left are almost entirely composed of r-strategists. Their entire survival strategy is to be part of the in-group. When they see a post from t_D on the front page which they disagree with, it causes them actual mental anguish. Their amygdala goes into overdrive, as they start to feel like they might be at threat of being isolated and out-grouped.
That's why you see posts from t_D hit the front page and get instantly swamped with downvotes that take them to 0. It's also why they've created so many anti-Trump subs, why they incessantly vote up anything anti-Trump, and why they're obsessed with the idea that he lost the popular vote and that he's got low approval ratings. They have to believe that they are in the majority, because being in the majority is their whole survival strategy.
All t_D can do is to keep pushing stuff to the front page and refuse to back down, and slowly but surely- when they can no longer pretend they're in the majority, and can no longer import other r-strategists from other countries to shore up their numbers- their amygdalae will force them to admit defeat to stop the pain.
Difference is there is no down vote button here. Brigades don't work here to hide unpopular ideas. Slide threads are about the only way to bury things and they don't work very well or for very long. On reddit all you need is a couple of initial down votes to bury a comment. Same for posts. Sup Forums can be somewhat circle jerky at times but ideas here must stand on their own merit rather than on how well a rating system can be manipulated.
r/sjwhate is pretty good.
bb-but it's reddit :(
Yes, so fucking what?
Reddit is pretty cool when you need serious answers about an autistic hobby. I use it to learn music theory
sheeet, I didn't know there was a King Leopold II emoji
a...anonymous conservative? I remember this amygdala argument
He literally said there was an attack last night, when nothing at all happened
Not to mention the fact his administration insists we've had terror attacks in Kentucky and Georgia even though those never happened either.
I can understand his bending the truth a bit, but it's reached the point of flat out lying and it's annoying as fuck. There's plenty of real shit to complain about, stop making yourself look like a fool.
Go fuck urself
Reddit promotes itself as a neutral public forum that respects free speech and differing views. This used to be the case a few years ago, even if they were liberal leaning, those with opposing views were still respected. But now they've become a far left liberal Eco chamber and any dissenting views are flushed out and demonised. Reddit and their minions of Mods are false advertising. This is a problem because they're one of the biggest media platforms on the internet, and they've convinced millions of people that they're neutral sources of news and debates when they're far from it. Pol has more integrity than plebbit.
>What's with plebbits recent obsession with Sup Forums?
We got together and change society as a whole through shitposting and it infuriates them to no end because they tried the same with Bernie and got nowhere
Not a bit of it here.
The only thing I like about Reddit, is that it helps keep Reddistani's from making Sup Forums echo chamber threads. A bot could Reddit post.
his quote. he never said "there was an attack last night in sweeden". FAKE NEWS.
The large number of sub-reddits shows how unorganised they are. Each is ran by an ego that will not allow itself to be dictated to by other subreddit mods. If they centralised the power then i might have some respect for them, but as it is they are just idiots screaming at clouds.
>What's with plebbits recent obsession with Sup Forums?
long-running battle
reddit proclaimed itself "the front page of the internet," but that's not true
the only place where one can be super-exposure to the internet is, for the most part, unrestrictive anonymous imageboards that cycle interests freely about (Sup Forums)
reddit is super ass-blasted that these places are the actual microcosm of the internet and not their gulags, and they know it
praise be to moot
Did you even watch any videos of what he said? He clearly stated the event he was talking about happened last night.
See what I mean? Why do you have to bend the truth so fucking much and make it easy for the MSM to attack. Fuck this fake news meme, it's just an excuse to deny reality.
I like Trump, I hate the MSM, but Trump and his administration are just acting foolish and if he wants any hope of winning in 2020, he better change his fucking tune.
what happens when this site is controlled? All places controlled. Shills just flood everything forever. We have to talk over the top of 100 shill posts.
If you like the futurology sub, you are 100% a liberal faggot. All they talk about is the future living in cities of concrete and high-rises, and not working thanks to "basic income".
An anonymous conservative, but not the Anonymous Conservative- if that makes sense.
It's a PR technique, which originated when he used to have to go out and get coverage. He knows the press are desperate to print stuff that makes him look like an idiot. So he says something slightly incorrect, and they leap on it- and end up running the story he wanted them to in the first place.
Remember how he said he'd won the most electoral college votes since Reagan? That got a journalist to waste a question which could have been used to embarass him, and was instead spent reiterating that Trump had won the electoral college.
Tucker's show on Sweden had been in the night prior.
They view Sup Forums as a scary pedophile gore website, it's funny. If they try to raid us like tumblr did just post some gore.
r/conspiracy is unironically based.
> check /r/The_Donald
> mostly articles and Trump circlejerking
> move on to /r/MarchAgainstTrump
> it's all degrading, /r/The_Donald, Trump or Trump supporter bashing with shitty comics, no articles other than tumblr shit
Uh... Okaaaaaay.
>containment board
"Opposing views are facist so we contain them like a facist and openly riot and beat people like facists." Reddit is lost.
I do not.
True story
I hate this kind of (((argument)))
that place is political as fuck now. it will be filled with trump conspiracies by the end of the year.
It's like literally 90% retards screeching about universal basic income.
R3ddit is easily influenced by shariablue. Shariablue knows this, and weaponized their particular situation against us.
People have been posting screen shots all week of retards posting how much fun it is to post 5457883 threads about Milo on 4chins, from r3ddit.
Like I can't filter that spam...
The quality of the posts has dipped in futurology, but one every few days,there's a good thread on that sub. I no longer go on futurology tho.