
Fucking racist. We are the fucking same. There is no differential IQ.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fake and racist news. The only reason Africans score low on IQ tests are because they don't have schools. IQ tests are also racist and made by and for white people.

>The smart will interbreed with the dumb gradually tainting their superior genes with each generation.
WRONG! If you look at history it's full of incestuous marriages to keep the bloodline pure. After the effects of interbreeding came to be well known, they simply switched to marring other rich, wealthy and influential families.

how about no.

What the fuck is wrong with Sup Forums


Yet there is a solution to this. By restricting the spread of bad genes and encouraging the smart to breed this process can be stopped and humans will raise to a higher form. To some of you this might seem disturbing as fellow Sup Forums members might become "victims" to this. This isn't neccessarily the case as eugenics can be done humane ways. Instead of sterilizing people they might simply be paid fines for breeding while regaining the same rights as those with better genes.

Lets just build and fuck snow women to keep our bloodlines pure and white people

fuck off faggots we're full

Transracial Adoption Study.
Kenyan Children Mirror test.

Real science (and reality that it reflects) is racist as a motherfucker.
Pardon me for appropriating some rude nigger talk.

It should also be noted that an eugenics program is an altruistic struggle. By volunterarily not spreading bad genes you are gifting the future generations with a better future.

once we've been niggerfied planet of the apes will be a docudrama

This is a very possible theory.

However that will reduces humanity back into nigger state so the natural selection will kick in again and perhaps evolve again into something better

It will take 70,000 years to reach nigger level intelligence.

I am 100% for eugenics, selective breeding
There should be stringent restrictions on who may breed
Farmers don't breed from crap stock
In the natural world, they don't breed from inferior herd members
They used to sterilize the physically and mentally unfit in our countries until the 70s I think
It's lunacy, allowing everyone to reproduce
The world's an out of control zoo
We should be breeding from less than 5% of the world's population

i like these jew shills on Sup Forums.

We are all born human, we have to breed with people from other countries to stop interbreeding.

We need to break World to get this niggers die in winters. So the only way would be making witer jackets to have 600% tax and make house heating over 16 Oc illegal.


Another shill nice. So the next tactic will be using dumb emotional argument about how much you hate us racists and try to deny it 3 posts later.

Don't worry, Israel will be totally fine. So will Japan. Both nations won't breed outside of their own kind

Please I'm practically getting a boner from all these (You)s.


I am the Finn now

You think this is going to stop us from replying, user?

S-Stop you fucking faggot. I can only get so hard.

How did we humans break nature so hard that we are favoring the survival of the unfittest?