Hey Sup Forums im really bored so im making a game. What should I include to make it better?

Hey Sup Forums im really bored so im making a game. What should I include to make it better?

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Throwing coins on the road to run over Hebes.

Change matter to splatter for a start

Good idea. Thanks


Randomly generated open world MMO action packed rpg experience

car game? Add initial d memetics -


ITT op shills his game, I give mine away for free (steam keys)

Game 1

Game 2

Add Jeb and make it so if you run him over pepe turns into Trump

i wanna check it out but i dont have steam. link?

Turn pepe into an SJW hero so we can start another psyop to make libshits have to abandon another one of their heroes. Some examples:

>harry twatter
>JK Rowling
>patton oswalt
>katniss everdeen
>joe biden
>george takei
>anderson cooper
>the "sweetie" twitter Jew
>DUDE WEED character (Seth Rogen, et cetera)

Just some food for thought

dude that's fucking genius

OP you better do this

It's gonna be browser based and free

is your faggy steam shit as good as OPs though? Literally never played a steam turd. im to smart.

>What should I include to make it better?

Make it a truck of peace running down europeans.

Still use Pepe.

Have a nasheed playing as the background music.

Everytime you hit someone an ALLAHU AKBAAAAAR plays.

Main protagonist is called Abu Hajaar.

This is bound to utterly fucking confuse any critics.

Man, your games suck but thanks for the keys anyways.

Thanks for "Fireflies" whatever that is.

yeah im planning on making something really similar soon

Thanks, I got both games now, will check them out. It's the least I can do.

Trannies try to kill themselves by jumping in front of the car


Yeh. I buy shitty games and add trading cards for the community revenue.

The first game will be getting cards within a 2-3 weeks.
