The mainstream media is silent because they don't want people to panic if they knew the real truth about what this means. They know people are losing their minds as it is smashing stuff, rioting, etc. over absolutely nothing. So imagine what people would do if they knew they were all going to die. Meanwhile, the rich and powerful are building amazing underground bunkers and some are already living in them now.
nice link
Is it Fukushima radiation? Mind as well be from the Arctic, Urals or even Poland.
Not milo related
Great, now I'll have to avoid produce from more prefectures than I already do. It's a shame that every domestic apple comes from Aomori.
>still caring about jewshima
a-user please help me
(((Nuclear power)))
part of the plans of big wind and big oil
According to the first threads and articles I read we should be dead already. If it's as bad as they say how is Japan still on the map?
They said this would happen in the 2011 incident but were still here.
But there are persuasive arguments which claim it's all just another hoax
Japs built a new gym or something only a few miles from fukashima, in the same way wealthy climate change activists and politicians buy million dollar properties right on the beach
we are all kill
Friendly reminder to take your meds m8
This is the number 1 Global issue that need to be resolved. This is an ELE and the silence from the world leaders is frightening. 200 years of radioactive leeching and that's not considering the time needed for the earth to clean itself up a bit. No matter whats going on anywhere in the world it pales in comparison to Fukushima. Truly scary stuff and the world sits silent as all those kids are dying of Cancers (up 5000%) since the incident. The Pacific is dead of animals and the West Coast of North America is now seeing a huge spike in Radiation. We need to end Nuclear period there is no room for mistakes and we currently have thousands of reactors on the planet and Fukushima was but 1.
>The Pacific is dead of animals and the West Coast of North America is now seeing a huge spike in Radiation
Do you mean to imply that a single reactor core going into meltdown and breaching containment... would end the world?
Do you seriously not know what radiation is?
The world will be fine however humans and animals will have a different taste.
Radiation leeching into the ocean and air in the next 50 years will have a big impact to life forms. This is not normal. NOT only reactor unite 2 is leeching radiation but unite 3 also and nobody knows anything about reactor 3 which is 5 times bigger than unite 2
reactor unite 1 cores are still missing