>Thousands of Australians have called for the Aboriginal flag to be flown from the Sydney Harbour Bridge permanently.
>"As Australians, we are proud of our Aboriginal heritage and we want to recognise and celebrate this heritage every day"
>The flags flying from the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge are wonderful symbols of our heritage and identity. 'However, the Aboriginal flag does not fly permanently atop of the Sydney Harbour Bridge,'

Other urls found in this thread:

If they put it up, I'll go there myself and burn it down.

>be aboriginal
>never need to work due to welfare
>get paid to go to school
>free university
>affirmative action
>all given to you by the Australian government
>burn the flag that is associated with their free gibbs

Why doesn't the government take away their welfare or send them to a remote community and see how they like living like an actual aboriginal.

Don't let these apes take over your country Aussies.

>Abo flag
>made in 1971, 70 years after the original commonwealth blue
>made by one artschool grad who sues Google over a 12 year old's drawing of it being used as a Google doodle
>thinking the flag means anything
They'd be better off sleeping on the road to show solidarity than flying that

abos didn't do shit to create this country

I know I'm going to get shit for this but who cares about their dumb flag. Just put it up there too

You're right
Bending over backwards for them isn't helping them

just dump them all in arnhem land and let them govern themselves

so they're basically the niggers of australia. if its their land, why didn't they make all of the infrastructure then?

>the same thousands of petrol sniffing coons and mentally il greens voters that always complain

Yeah nah who gives a fuck

Abos have a flag? lol


>take over a continent
>don't kill off ALL of it's native inhabitants
Big mistake.

awwww look at those niggers wearing white people clothes, and they just discovered fire too

maybe in 200 more years, they'll understand the wheel

Abos can fly their flag over any bridge that they built themselves.

they have an average iq of 65.


This desu senpai

They're actually worse than niggers. The absolute scum of the earth. I've known dogs with more humanity.



they aren't even human, they are the missing link

>brit prisoners show up
>still manage to leave behind universities, roads, infrastructure, architecture, jobs, technology, and turn it into a first-world country
>abos want to do some revisionist history and act like they did anything or had any part in building the bridge which they will fly their """flag""" from

Unacceptable, but could be worse I suppose. Put up their dumb flag and either 1. create precedent and make yourself an easier target for future strongarming or 2. get them to shut the fuck up and get back to their petrol-sniffing

Flip a coin.

abbos never worked anyway.

Have you considered smallpox blankets? It worked wonders for the old man, years ago.

>uppity non-whites

Give them an inch they take a mile

If it was just the sub 8p iq niggers this wouldn't be a problem

But apparently someone, somewhere is actually fucking these monkeys and now they're all half white and half smart too so they don't just fucking go away


the difference between abos and american niggers is that most of the time aboriginals are harmless and wont actually do anything, and when they do try to commit crimes they are usually really fucking dumb

>be my sister
>living in Darwin Jan 2011
>large aboriginal community and population, causing all kinds of problems
>aboriginals are known for breaking into houses
>sister is in bed one night and hears a noise
>sees a dark figure in the hallway
>thinks the figure probably has a knife and is just going to steal stuff so best to not draw attention
>abo steals some stuff and then leaves
>only a few things are missing now
>ciggarette butts are missing but the ash tray is still there
>spare change that was ontop of the fridge is missing
>one flip flop (not the pair of flip flops, literally just one solitary flip flop) is now missing

abos are fucking dumb

my sister lives in Canberra now


Fucking phone posters

apparently we did that, and poisoned their water holes according the (((them)))

ah yes, the famous syney harbor bridge. I understand that paul hogan actually worked on it during construction.

but the hilarious part is that australians thought it looked unsafe, so they put up those FAKE STONE TOWERS that do nothing at all, and then the australians were happy again.


I cant fathom how Aussies are moral yet the literal spawn of the most psychotic scum from Bongistan.

When I was stationed in Darwin for 2 months whilst in the Navy, I gave $20 to an Abo guy to find me someone who sold weed.

Sure enough the he came through for me and took me right to the weed mans door.

After I gave him the "twenny dolla" he walked off into the night and proceeded to beat on his missus because she was being stubborn. She could of died for all I knew...

Colonization? That's how you get cancer!

because anglos are superior

take the worst of us and we are still the best

my thoughts exactly, mate.

Yes but you should be a third world Serbia tier dump like any place full of natural born white criminals.

>Be Aboriginal
>Burn down the whole continent before the Anglos get there because you have no idea how to farm

Really rogans the bogan.

Niggers are completely feral while Abos are more docile like actual non chimp apes. They are astonishly so stupid tgat pure Abos are shit at any form of organized crime.

anglos are far superior to slavs, any average serbian or slav is worse than a scummy anglo

um... mainly. they have their moments

Then block it. Don't fall to virtue-signalers who get their rocks off by pretending to care about other people.

lol, an island of mentally weak criminals

how the fuck are you superior you stupid fuck

Whilst initially it was a penal colony you gotta remember that crimes like stealing a loaf of bread as a child could get you shipped there and there's been countless waves on non-criminal British settlement ever since, even today the biggest immigrant group to Australia is Britons.

>abbo flag

is it two sticks, a welfare check, and a kangaroo dick?

>how the fuck are you superior

we have the greatest culture ever known to exist
>pic related

nope, the black represents the abos, the yellow circle is the sun, and the red is the land

fucking imagine if this shit tier flag was our official one, there are people out there who would want that

> petition to change the government

Have fun with that. Fucking abbos.

>I made this

They're more like your American Indians. Most just sit on their reserves blowing their welfare payments on alcohol and letting white liberals get mad on their behalf for having their country colonised. They aren't in large enough numbers in cities for you to have ghettos of them or anything like that.

The main difference between our natives and yours is that we only started recognizing ours as human fairly recently.

>calling others mentally weak criminals
>that flag

Thanks slav, i lost my sides

As if abos could invent something as complex as a flag

The three skin colors of Australia's future

They can fly the Aboriginal flag from every post in the country. They can double welfare rates for aboriginals, it won't stop the central problem. Growing up with animals for parents. ABC news can celebrate every aboriginal who does a dot painting, or sings a song, or dances in a loincloth. It will make no difference. You are dealing with people who do not even understand right from wrong the way we do. Its exactly the same with the worst black majority ghettos in America. These people simply do not have the mentality to make a choice for the better because they were not raised with the knowledge to make one. Government policy makers blindly assuming these people have the means to better themselves when they were raised since birth surrounded with crime, and with shit for parents/authority figures. "Survivors" of the stolen generation of Australian aboriginals, people in their late 60s, telling us how barbaric their separation from their parents was. You wouldn't even be ALIVE to complain about it if we hadn't intervened. It is the elephant in the room in every western culture, and our leaders think the solution is to treat these people with kid gloves. We build them houses, they burn them for firewood. Radical intervention is the only way forward. I'll give our American friends a comparison, not that you need it. Raised in Compton, violence everywhere. Every authority figure you have hates white people since birth. Reporting crime is seen as snitching, uncle tom shit. Half your family is in prison, the other half is working their way towards it. You've been taught since birth to distrust white people, they're all demons. All your local role models are criminals. Now we're going to give you a taxpayer funded youth group. What the fuck is that going to solve? Shits retarded

Take it down and shit it it then hoist it up

>crimes like stealing a loaf of bread as a child

you imply that that is not a serious indication of a life of ever increasing criminality.

if we overlook the crimes of a child, we bear much responsibility for the crimes of the adult.

this is what is ruining the world. Hopefully Trump will issue and Executive Order concerning children stealing loaves of bread.


you better watch it, bud

top fucking gek m80os

this'll be invaded by some niggers or islander gangs I fucking guarantee

>They're more like your American Indians.

is every other pile of rocks a "sacred burial ground"? that seems to be the rallying point for native americans.

Fucking hell, they're as black as milk. Fucking idiots using claims of 1/32 abo to claim gibmedats and cry oppression. It's just white guilt taken to another lvl.

When I was in Sydney I had this Jewish Canadian woman as a roommate (among others), she lived here for few years. One night we had a discussion about this flag, and how she thought it should replace the Australian one because of the "genocide" etc... I was slightly drunk and called her an "Abo dick sucker". She told me how rude French people was and moved a week later. No regrets.

no its more like "this land is our land, Australia belongs to us and white people stole it"

>Aboriginal flag
I hope they'll be putting it on an aboriginal flagpole.

Tfw when you're actually 1/32nd aboriginal but don't use it as a crutch

that's an accurate description of america's history, but it's strange that they don't seem to demand we give it back. maybe ours have sense enough to see that we actually provide some value.

on the other hand, your abos and our mexicans seem to think that if they could just get their hands on more land then they would do wonderful things with it.

the thing i hate the most about people wanting it to be our flag is that it literally exists to be the flag that represents the aboriginal people, thats why it was created, it was meant to be a flag that represented the aboriginal people that would be just for them, if it becomes Australia's flag then it loses its original purpose, not to mention that black, red, and yellow together dont look good for a flag

i remember hearing about a survey or poll and the majority of aboriginals themselves didn't want the aboriginal flag to be the australian flag

I don't see any harm in quietly genociding them

hahaha I fucking know this kid, AMA

Whats up with Americans and Aussies not being able to finish what they've started? If you are going to genocide a group of people you have to go through with it, now you have to pay taxes to keep that human waste alive.

What does that look like? Does your face look like a rubber mask

its because of the huge victim complex in Australia, we basically get taught early on in high school how peaceful the aboriginals were and that we killed them all, even know the killing didnt start for a while and aboriginals were made up of different tribes that would sometimes kill eachother, but they dont teach that in school

but the biggest reason is that aboriginals were literally not considered human until 1967 which is pretty recent

>Abos weren't cobsidered human until 1967

That's hilarious

At first it looked like he was using a jackhammer to do some work.

But Australians don't have abo heritage. They have European heritage.
Only the lowest filth would even have mixed with those animals tbqh.

Fucking cucked inner city leftist retards.

When the day of the madmax comes i will be the first cunt running them the fuck over

aboriginal genes are so recessive that people with aboriginal ancestry wont physically resemble aboriginals in any way after a few generations

the 'Stolen Generation' happened early last century where we basically took abo kids and married them off to whites so the abo genes would eventually disappear

we literally genocided 99% of aboriginals living in Tasmania, we literally walked across the whole island in a line and shot any that we saw

funniest part is that its 100% true, look up the "Aboriginal Flora and Fauna act"

They had a white Australia policy up until fairly recently too, Australia was literally a utopia.

I've known the guy burning the flag for ages, AMA

Fucking lazy niggers are such entitled fucks

Lmao they're not even abos they're at least half white. It's the only reason they can form a coherent thought. Let them go live in the desert with their great grandparents.

so what, approximately .0001% of the population?

when has anything been done in a democracy because .0001% of the population demanded it?


what a roll of toilet paper? do Abos even use that stuff?

Every time I see this picture I can't believe that the one on the right is actually a woman.

are our suspicions correct in that he's a huge wanker?

this will never happen

>Casa de Abo


my thoughts exactly.

Biggest mistake in Australia's history is letting those useless cunts live and then pandering to them. So pathetic.

Still has grandma's big ass forehead though

Was the stolen generation all girl?

based American economist Thomas Sowell said the aboriginal were underdeveloped, economically, and that's why they were colonised. same with other colonised nations. and that colonisation actually improves things immensely, because you have a huge infusion of capital.

>burn the Aussie flag
>still living on welfare thanks to "oppressors" taxes

This is disgusting.

Women got the right to vote decades before them. It was a legally held claim that Australia had no owner prior to British colonization until that claim was finally overturned as recently as 1992.

not sure but i assume so, i think the males were usually sold off to farmers as workers, sad thing that happened was that abo males used to work for years in shit conditions and the government gave money to the farmer to give to the abo workers when they were done but a lot of farmers kept the money for themselves and the abos would have no money when they finished working for years


It's not their country anymore than it is the Koala or Kangaroos.

Define "Thousands" please, is it 1001 or 9999? Last time I checked we have 24 million+ inhabitants, so those "Thousands" can pretty much be sent into gas chamber.

When Abos meet nigger.

shirtless Aboriginal man throwing an African teenager onto the floor after he 'disrespected Indigenous Australians'